Aventureiromax - Power Rangers,Naruto,Sasuke,Rambo,Jill,Cammy, 12 Gold Saints

Started by Aventureiromax, February 26, 2010, 04:39PM

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Se inscreva no canal para acompanhar os lançamentos dos videos ;)

Aqui está um TUTORIAL para ensinar novos jogadores de MUA a aprender a converter seus próprios modelos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17TArtTERME&t=175s

BIPEDS masculino e feminino para exemplo - OBS:Funcionam apenas com versões 3dsmax 5.0 e 5.1, eu acho.


Texturizando com GIMP 2.8:

Alterando o tamanho da skin:

Excluindo segmentos ou partes de uma skin:

Convertendo skins para DXT1 para encontrar offsets com o Texture Finder:

Conectando Vertices:

Mesclar e configurar ossos bípedes:

Convertendo a Hela com capa:

Configurando Texturas:

Os videos não tem audio pois eu sou Brasileiro, não sei falar inglês e também não tenho microfone para gravar audios em PT-BR.

Tenho certeza que se você conseguiu instalar todos os programas necessários descritos neste link do meu amigo Andersonbrazil, e com a ajuda deste TUTORIAL você conseguirá converter seus próprios modelo e ser mais um a contribuir no forum:

PROGRAMAS NA DESCRIÇÃO DO VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wLykvrC5os&t=2263s


Se você seguir os passos do vídeo eu tenho certeza que você conseguirá.

Espero que gostem.



Subscribe to the channel to follow the videos launch ;)

Here's a TUTORIAL to teach new MUA players how to learn to convert their own models: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17TArtTERME&t=175s

BIPEDS male and female for example - OBS: They only work with 3dsmax versions 5.0 and 5.1, I think.


Texturing with GIMP 2.8:

Changing Skin Size:

Deleting segments or parts of a skin:

Converting skins to DXT1 to find offsets with Texture Finder:

Connecting Vertices:

Merge and Configuring Bipedal Bones:

Converting Hela with cape:

Setting up textures with GIMP 2.8:

The videos do not have audio because I am Brazilian, I don't speak English and I also do not have a microphone to record audios in PT-BR.

I'm sure if you have managed to install all the necessary programs described in this link from my friend Andersonbrazil, and with the help of this TUTORIAL you will be able to convert your own template and be one more to contribute in the forum:

PROGRAMS IN VIDEO DESCRIPTION: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wLykvrC5os&t=2263s


If you follow the steps of the video I'm sure you will.

Hope you like it.

Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Hello guys, here is my first MOD, so do not be too picky with me: D. I hope you like it  :thumbsup2: because I liked it  :P


Thanks to all modders for posting TUTORIALS in the forum and for answering via PM or any other form of help, because all this is very important.


Aventureiromax - MOD, All skins, Mannequins, Huds, Icons, Sounds, Loading Screens.

Thanks to LucasFernandesB (for tutorials and tips).

Thanks to Maegawa, Outsider, Lean and Erik Lensherr for their great mods where I could look at various encodings for understanding and learning.

Thanks to MUA by coding.


1-Sometimes some icons of powers may change places, but I have not figured out why this happens.

2-When you use Lasso, it may flicker and I also do not know how to solve this.

PREVIEW by Andersonbrazil:

If someone does a booster or any revision for it, please share it with us:thumbsup2:

DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bo77ak1je2aa584/Wonder-Woman-MOD-V1.2-By-Aventureiromax.rar/file

Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Max, estou sem palavras!
WW é um grande mod. Parabéns meu amigo! Estou me divertido muito com seu primeiro mod!

As amateurs always forget something  :banghead: :chuckle:, I forgot to put the powerstyles, talents and audio files but I'm already fixing ;)

Quote from: andersonbrazil on November 12, 2018, 07:03PM
Max, estou sem palavras!
WW é um grande mod. Parabéns meu amigo! Estou me divertido muito com seu primeiro mod!
Valeu meu amigo, obrigado. Baixe o arquivo novamente por que eu esqueci de colocar alguns arquivos com a pressa ;)
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Is Done. Please download again because the files have been fixed. Enjoy ;)
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Not bad for your first mod, A-Max. As you've now witnessed, character modding is not as easy as some make it look. The first mod is always the hardest, but like I've told others, modding is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it. For now though, well done.

Pleasant surprise to see a new heroes maker :), I'm using it, so far no power issue, nice to see Wonder Woman with a shield and sword like Injustice 2.

Quote from: Outsider on November 13, 2018, 01:27PM
Not bad for your first mod, A-Max. As you've now witnessed, character modding is not as easy as some make it look. The first mod is always the hardest, but like I've told others, modding is one of those things that gets easier the more you do it. For now though, well done.
Thanks ;) . Yes, it took me 7 days to do it but I liked the result. Currently in the list of difficulties customizing skins is even more complex from what I could see, but in the end everything compensates.

I don't know if I will continue with any release of Skins / Mods from 2019 but God knows about these things.  :rockon:

Quote from: UltraMegaMagnus on November 14, 2018, 03:24PM
Pleasant surprise to see a new heroes maker :), I'm using it, so far no power issue, nice to see Wonder Woman with a shield and sword like Injustice 2.

Thanks, that was the intention. Glad you like  :thumbsup2:
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

Wonder-Woman is... Wonderful!
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community

Ms. Marvel specular skins CREDITS to Andesonbrazil for converting skins of Carol Danvers MVCI and Ms. Marvel Modern MVCI and UltraMegaMagnus's for the Carol Danvers MVCI 3d model

FULL SCREEN IMAGE: http://www.mediafire.com/view/kw42j7t99fiaq7o/SPEC-MSMARVEL-17-11-18.jpg#

DOWNLOAD: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4avw8cq1umcccnb/SPEC-MSMARVEL-17-11-18.rar/file
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

What the difference between new pack and some old Ms. Marvel's packs?
"There was an idea. To bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to to fight the battles we never could."

Wow!!! Amazing job!
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community