Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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Ok so I figured out I forgot to put someone in the pictures I made, Tron Bonne, and she is like a fav so I dont know How I forgot her, but here is an updated one with her in it :)

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Cool, btw does anybody know how many of those super attacks a character has (the superpowerful ones that take up levels). Is it 3 or 5?

Isnt it like every lvl you get a new one so like 5 or maybe its every other one so like 1,3,5 idk :/

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I've heard that characters have 2 level ones in one of the gameplay videos where the developers are talking. He didn't mention a level 2, but he did mention level 3.

I Would think they would have a 5 for a super strong one, because I dont think jean comeing back to life would count as one would it?

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 08, 2011, 01:48PM
I Would think they would have a 5 for a super strong one, because I dont think jean comeing back to life would count as one would it?
Well when Jean comes back she is Dark Phoenix and all her attacks are stronger and she is the most powerful (but apperantly she is still powerful as Phoenix). Only thing is because she cheated death and is so strong her lifebar begins to deplete until she dies again. The goal is to use her epic power to defeat the others before she dies. I wonder what would happen if she used her healing shield though.

January 08, 2011, 02:04PM #336 Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 03:01PM by midnightphoenix123
It might heal her a little then take some then so on and so fourth or maybe you cant even use it during DP mode lol

Edit: alright I made this pic for what if jean had her 90's look it took awhile to make and it didnt turn out that good but oh well

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Its really good though/ :)

Found some videos which may interest others.

Here is one that gives a preview of Jean and Haggar's gameplay. It appears as though Jean recieves more damage than most characters.

Then I think I posted this before but I edited the post to add the link so for those who didn't see it here it is again. Basically a different preview on Jean and Haggar but with commentary.

January 08, 2011, 03:49PM #338 Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 09:34AM by midnightphoenix123
glad you like the picture, and thanks for the links!!!

Here is another pic I made Marvel girl:

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January 10, 2011, 03:50PM #339 Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 03:56PM by midnightphoenix123
Here's a new video, with Phoenix, Hagger and some others, Phoenix kicks butt, but dies fast :(  << this is vol. 1 of phoenix and hagger gameplay, now here is vol. 2 I also herd that when fighting Wolverine they say, Jean: "How I wish this wasn't you Logan..." Wolverine: "It doesn't have to be like this!" Also when she wins, as Phoenix, not Dark Phoenix, she says "You think that's bad, it could have been much worse, much!"

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January 10, 2011, 03:55PM #340 Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 04:04PM by MarvelFan12345
Really love the Marvel Girl costume. You proved it can look good in the game. And thanks for posting the video. Another Jean easter egg (besides her and Logan) is that when she dies she calls out "Scott!" I also noticed that she breathes fire, teleports, and her block has a tk/fire shield look. She seems to be a damage dealer but takes more damage than others, but then they had to do that as she does have a healing shield and resurrection. Her shield is weird though because in the 2nd video she uses it multiple times but she never heals. Maybe it only heals the red part of the bar and maybe it also has some qualities that block damage (like Magneto's and Storm's from the last game.)

Doh! I was just want to post that video link. Oh, well. D: THX for the vid link man.
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Lol sorry Lars, and your welcome! Also Marvelfan thanks! I was wonderin what people thought about my Marvel girl costume, Im glad you like it! I did notice that Scott thing to, maybe he will be DLC or somethin, and I also thought about the healing shield, I was like why isnt it doing anything! But then I thought that if she loses health and its not red any more then it doesnt heal but idk, I thought Jill or Chris could have a healing power, like Say "I need a first aid spray or I need a Herb!" and then they spray it and heal, but what ever! I saw that when she uses her heal bubble that around her its like tk pink stuff, anyone else see that?

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on January 10, 2011, 05:28PM
Lol sorry Lars, and your welcome! Also Marvelfan thanks! I was wonderin what people thought about my Marvel girl costume, Im glad you like it! I did notice that Scott thing to, maybe he will be DLC or somethin, and I also thought about the healing shield, I was like why isnt it doing anything! But then I thought that if she loses health and its not red any more then it doesnt heal but idk, I thought Jill or Chris could have a healing power, like Say "I need a first aid spray or I need a Herb!" and then they spray it and heal, but what ever! I saw that when she uses her heal bubble that around her its like tk pink stuff, anyone else see that?
Maybe Scott will be DLC. I'd love to put him, Jean, and Logan on a team. Only thing is that Scott can only fire optic blasts which limits him and might keep him from DLC. As for the healing shield if you notice in her release video she only healed when the enemy was in her shield. I'm also hoping that her shield blocks out all damage to feel more like the comics (and like Magneto and Storm from MvC2) but I doubt it. As long as Magneto doesn't get it then lol. I haven't noticed the pink yet but I'll watch it again. I think Jean will be the type of character who will be a total powerhouse as long as you use her right and have a strategy. Just keep her from getting hit, keep landing punches, and use her shield to keep her bursting with health.

Yes very true, I wish it would block attacks to but I doubt it :/ althought it would be nice. Im not much of a scott fan, but having more X-Men is always good! She is really good, but she has to be controlled well, you cant just get up in peoples faces with her, you have to stay back, and I was reading somehere, people said that Wesker was way over powerd, I didnt think so, but they thought that he need needed to be less powerful, so maybe Jean and Wesker will make a good team! I alwys thought, if Jean wasn't a hero on the game that she was the one to work with Wesker, because she is powerful!

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