Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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Quote from: nshinnosuke on February 16, 2011, 09:37PM
man, I hate Elektra but I don't want Doc Ock either... I'd rather have Elektra than him, we're having too many characters with green costumes on Marvel's side

Im actually with you, I dont like either of them but would rather get Elektra then Dr. Ock and she might bring something new and cool to the table!

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If we get a Spidey villain (I think the game needs at least 1 or 2) I say Venom. He is the most popular although Green Goblin would likely be more fun. BTW another tip for Jean is to back her up with Morrigan or Amaterusu (spelled his name wrong I bet) and use one of their assists that increases the hyper combo meter. It really helps Jean who needs the hyper combo meter a lot for healing shield and Dark Phoenix.

February 17, 2011, 06:48PM #617 Last Edit: February 17, 2011, 08:49PM by midnightphoenix123
Sweet thanks for the Phoenix info! And for me I would like a female villian, Mystique, Enchantress, as no one magic is really in it yet, Medusa, although she isnt a villian she would be AWESOME! And for a spidey villian maybe a not well known female villian like White Rabbit, Shathra, or maybe Madelyne although she is like Jean they could go a different way with her

Edit: Here is a link to Marvel vs Capcom 3 minimates

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February 18, 2011, 04:38PM #618 Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 04:41PM by midnightphoenix123
Ok I saw someone posted this list of a leaked list of DLC for MVC3, idk if its true but would be nice as it is a long one!

lupinko's DLC list leaked [40 dlc characters)

IT'S TRUE?!?!?!

First DLC's

Jill Valentine
Shuma gorath
M. Bison

DLC's - March

1 Week - Phoenix Wright (Ace Attourney)
2 Week - Gambit (X-men)
3 Week - Megamen (Megamen x)
4 Week - Green Goblin (Spiderman)

DLC's - April

1 Week - Ken (S. Fighter)
2 Week - Cyclops (X-men)
3 Week - C. Commando (Cap. Commando)
4 Week - Black Heart (Ghost Rider)

DLC's - May

1 Week - Blanka (S. Fighter)
2 Week - Punisher (The Punisher)
3 Week - Saturn Dyer (Star Gladiator)
4 Week - Mr. Fantastic (Fantastic Four)

DLC's - June

1 Week - Batsu Ichimonji (Rival Schools)
2 Week - Daredevil (Daredevil)
3 Week - Cammy (S. Fighter)
4 Week - Squirrel Girl (Great L. Avengers)

DLC's - July

1 Week - Nina (Breathe of Fire)
2 Week - Pyro (X-Men)
3 Week - Jin Saotome (Full Metal Madness)
4 Week - Howard, the duck (Defenders)

DLC's - August

1 Week - Ninja Commando/ Ginzu (Cap. Commando)
2 Week - Rogue (X-men)
3 Week - Michelle Hearts (Legendary Wings)
4 Week - Ghost (Thunderbolts)

DLC's - September

1 Week - Boman Delgado (Rival Schools)
2 Week - Beast (X-men)
3 Week - J. Talbain (Darkstalkers)
4 Week - Hawkeye (Avengers)

DLC's - October

1 Week - Zelkin Fiskekrogen (Star Gladiator)
2 Week - Namor (Fantastic Four)
3 Week - Red Arremer (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
4 Week - Songbird (Thunderbolts)

DLC's - November

1 Week - Vega (S. Fighter)
2 Week - Ms. Marvel (Avengers)
3 Week - Teisel Bonne (Megamen)
4 Week - Dr. Octopus (Spiderman)

DLC's - December

1 Week - Dimitri (Darkstalkers)
2 Week - Venon (Spiderman)
3 Week - Captain Blue Jr.(V. Joe)
4 Week - Juggernaut (X-Men)



*Gambit (X-men)
*Green Goblin (Spiderman)
*Cyclops (X-men)
*Black Heart (Ghost Rider)
*Punisher (The Punisher)
*Mr. Fantastic (Fantastic Four)
*Daredevil (Daredevil)
*Squirrel Girl (Great L. Avengers)
*Pyro (X-Men)
*Howard, the duck (Defenders)
*Rogue (X-men)
*Ghost (Thunderbolts)
*Beast (X-men)
*Hawkeye (Avengers)
*Namor (Fantastic Four)
*Songbird (Thunderbolts)
*Ms. Marvel (Avengers)
*Dr. Octopus (Spiderman)
*Venon (Spiderman)
*Juggernaut (X-Men)


*Phoenix Wright (Ace Attourney)
*Megamen (Megamen x)
*Ken (S. Fighter)
*C. Commando (Cap. Commando)
*Blanka (S. Fighter)
*Saturn Dyer (Star Gladiator)
*Batsu Ichimonji (Rival Schools)
*Cammy (S. Fighter)
*Nina (Breathe of Fire)
*Jin Saotome (Full Metal Madness)
*Ninja Commando/ Ginzu (Cap. Commando)
*Michelle Hearts (Legendary Wings)
*Boman Delgado (Rival Schools)
*J. Talbain (Darkstalkers)
*Zelkin Fiskekrogen (Star Gladiator)
*Red Arremer (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
*Vega (S. Fighter)
*Teisel Bonne (Megamen)
*Dimitri (Darkstalkers)
*Captain Blue Jr.(V. Joe)

Who knows if its real, but I would be happy mainly for Nina, Cyclops, Songbird, Squirrel girl because she would be funny, Rogue, Teisel Bonne, and Ms. Marvel but I am surprised of some people not being in this list like Frank West and Psylocke as they are both popular characters, and really wanted, I would also like Ryu from Breath of fire to go along Nina, but having 2 Ryus in the gae might cause tech problems or something

Edit: Someone else has also said that Capcom hasnt planned hardly any DLC at all, they say they only have at least 1 pack of DLC characters after Jill and Shuma so who knows, and I kept seeing people really wanted Phoenix Wright in but now when people see him in this list the excpect it to be fake so idk

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I know, I bet its a fake :/

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February 18, 2011, 09:45PM #621 Last Edit: February 18, 2011, 09:49PM by LarsAlexandersson
Who will be Venom, Gargan or Brock again, or if Eddie's confirm again but as Anti-Venom.

in case you guys haven't seen this yet
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

The DLC list is ok but a few names like Psylocke are missing. And some characters like Howard the Duck, Pyro, Squirrel Girl, Beast, even Namor suprise me.

Plus, it is most likely fake. I mean, I never saw any developer make so many DLCs, that they could publish it as a stand-alone game. Um...but yeah, I saw stuff like that, but the published it stand-alone. But I can't picture this happening.

I know it is probably fake, but oh well lol, and Psylocke and Frank not being in the list surprised me! Although Howard and Squirrel girl maybe be strange choices I think they would be fun to play :P and I like the pictures of Jill I cant wait till she is out!!!

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February 19, 2011, 03:59AM #625 Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 04:01AM by MarvelLover
Songbird?!?!? I can't wait that long! I want her now, if this was true, This is List is a Dream come true with most of the characters I wanted! :D

Wait, wasn't Lupinko the one Who leaked the rest of the Roster and stages to us?

where did that list come from?
I see nothing on Lupinko's twitter page,
most likely its fake but I would like it to be true...
It has Cyclops,Hawkeye and Ms Marvel !!
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

It's most likely fake. I mean, just look at it, that is way too many DLC!

That is way too many. Could the game even load up that many characters? Although I would definetly be on that if Rogue ended up in a DLC pack. Too bad this wasn't on PC lol.

February 19, 2011, 08:12AM #629 Last Edit: February 19, 2011, 08:37AM by midnightphoenix123
Quote from: nshinnosuke on February 19, 2011, 04:29AM
where did that list come from?
I see nothing on Lupinko's twitter page,
most likely its fake but I would like it to be true...
It has Cyclops,Hawkeye and Ms Marvel !!

Ill try to find the link again!

Ok here is the link:

Edit: The people who hacked in to find Jill and Shuma continued to hack and found the DLC costumes that we saw coming out on march 1st already on the disc, and Frank West plus Doc Ock data on the disc showing that they were going to be in the game!

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