Marvel Vs Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Started by ragincajun, April 20, 2010, 07:45PM

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 15, 2011, 06:47PM
I know I want Frank West bad lol, and I want 90's, Marvel Girl, Mew X-Men for Jean and BSAA for Jill! Maybe you can get live in the future and we can play!
If I do I'll make sure to play with you. I really want 90s, Marvel Girl, AOA (with long hair of course), The End, Revolution, Here Comes Tommorrow, or AOA Dark Phoenix. I love most of her costumes.

I know its hard to pic which costumes I would want more, and I was thinking about long hair for AOA to lol!

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I've heard from somebody on CBR that he works for gamestop and discovered that there are 94 more character slots in the game. That could potentially be 47 characters for each side (more for each side than the actual roster all put together.)

OMFG! I hope so XD I know lot off people either dont want her or dont know who some off these people are but I want them: Emma, Ryu from breath of Fire, Nine from same game, Psylocke, Ms. Marvel, Cyclops, Frank West, Leon, Claire, Excella, Sehva, Regina, Mega Man, Shadowcat, Elektra, all the Fantastic Four, Dazzler, Mystique, Sinister, Selene, Firestar, Dust, Im trying to think of more Capcome people but cant right now :/ what do you guys think?

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For Marvel I really want: Cyclops, Gambit, Psylocke, Elektra, the FF, Silver Surfer, Ms. Marvel, Venom, Thanos, Green Goblin, Scarlet Witch, Doctor Strange, Mystique, Juggernaut, Bullseye, Spider-Woman, Iron Fist, Punisher, Rogue, and either Sandman or Dust.

I totally agree ^^ And you know what I am thinking, if they give Jean her 90's look for a DLC they could make it look like the WATX Season 2 look of how it would have been, since it is that voice actor!

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is that 94 character slots for real?
any link ?
have you guys voted at capcom unity?
I have an xbox but no xbox live, I wish I could play it online in near future
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on February 15, 2011, 06:43PM
I have an XBOX but sadly I don't have XBOX live. I'd love to have played with you though. And thanks Lars for the info. I hope the other 2 packs are more characters  (like the rumored Elektra and Frank West) and maybe more costumes.

It's says it's Doc Ock, not Elektra:
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

I played the game on arcade today and it was fun, but I have to say that I have mixed feelings about Jean Grey.
She's basically strong only if you know how to play or played the game before, because if you are a newbie, she sucks really, because while her attacks are powerfull, her health points are too low and a faster character can take her out easily. Luckily for me, I played the last games, so I'm not that bad with her. I see her like XML1 Emma, where you have to be carefull of how to play in order to get the best from her. She looks great, by the way.
I'm also dissapointed with the inclusion of other characters that are not that iconic (especially on Capcom's side) but outside from that the game is fun and worthy :)
About DLC, the character that I really want is Emma, her powers could be a mixed version of her telepathy (Psy bolts, blast, etc) with diamond form (punch, kick combos, and basically a melee char), so I don't see why it would be hard to add her. Cyclops, Rogue, Venom (Eddie Brock) and Cammy White are other characters that I would love to see on the game.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Quote from: whiteking on February 16, 2011, 02:44PM
I played the game on arcade today and it was fun, but I have to say that I have mixed feelings about Jean Grey.
She's basically strong only if you know how to play or played the game before, because if you are a newbie, she sucks really, because while her attacks are powerfull, her health points are too low and a faster character can take her out easily. Luckily for me, I played the last games, so I'm not that bad with her. I see her like XML1 Emma, where you have to be carefull of how to play in order to get the best from her. She looks great, by the way.
I'm also dissapointed with the inclusion of other characters that are not that iconic (especially on Capcom's side) but outside from that the game is fun and worthy :)
About DLC, the character that I really want is Emma, her powers could be a mixed version of her telepathy (Psy bolts, blast, etc) with diamond form (punch, kick combos, and basically a melee char), so I don't see why it would be hard to add her. Cyclops, Rogue, Venom (Eddie Brock) and Cammy White are other characters that I would love to see on the game.

Thank you someone who actually wants Emma besides me! I think one of her super attacks could be diamond form and it makes her stronger for awhile, and her lvl 5 could be an attack with the help of the cuckoos, and you are right about Jean I sucked with her at first but I have finally gotten pretty good with her!

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 16, 2011, 04:02PM
Thank you someone who actually wants Emma besides me! I think one of her super attacks could be diamond form and it makes her stronger for awhile, and her lvl 5 could be an attack with the help of the cuckoos

Haha she's my favorite, what can I say ;)
Also, I don't think that she needs the Cuckoos, lol, she's strong by her own right ;)
There's a mod for mugen that shows more or less how her powers would work, in both psychic and diamond form, I think that gameplay would fit her but with better fight style and combos.
Psychic powers:
Diamond powers:

Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on February 16, 2011, 04:02PM
and you are right about Jean I sucked with her at first but I have finally gotten pretty good with her!

That's precisely my main complain about her, new players choose her and are killed so fast that lose the interest in discover a way to use her, and she has great attacks. It's a shame really, I would liked a more balanced version (HP/Powers) instead of low health and powerfull powers. I still use her, lol, thanks to my years playing the "VS" series ;)
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

Although my game won't arrive until a few days I got to play it at one of my friend's house. She picked up the game despite the fact that her fav, Rogue, wasn't in because I reminded her about DLC and although she is missing her fav southern belle she still loves the game. Both of us are new to the series but really love it.
The first few times as Jean I wasn't really good especially having been just exposed to the gameplay. Luckily I got better and must say that Jean is really great character. She gets hit like glass but she strikes back just like the real Jean would. Dark Phoenix is a beast but Jean is powerful even in normal mode. I spam teleport and healing shield to keep her health up.

February 16, 2011, 05:30PM #612 Last Edit: February 16, 2011, 07:19PM by midnightphoenix123
I know she doesnt need the cuckoos, because you are right she is strong enough on her own, but I thought it would be different! I love MUGEN lol I just cant ever figure out super attacks :( and that is really cool if you could play like that! Everytime when I turn into dark hpeonix I stay away and shoot out those fire orb things untill I get a lvl then I use that and repeat lol

Edit: Alright I saw this site about people hacking into MVC3 to find jill and shuma, here it also says if you get the special edition you get early acssess to them, is this true can you actually download them early or does it just mean you get the codes early? And here is the site talking about Dr. Ock and Frank, but just because it says Dr. Ock here doesnt mean it wont be Elektra, and who even knows if this is true

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man, I hate Elektra but I don't want Doc Ock either... I'd rather have Elektra than him, we're having too many characters with green costumes on Marvel's side
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

I really want ELektra in so I hope we have her.