Jean Grey VS Emma Frost

Started by White Fan, June 22, 2010, 01:25PM

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X3 doesn't live up to people's expectations who loved X2 and expecting to see Jean with some cool looking Phoenix effects..(but still I loved the scene when Jean unleashes her fury in the end)
they changed her powers from X2, they killed Scott, Xavier and Jean in the end
and where the heck were Rogue and Angel during the final battle?
they totally abandoned the main cast of the first movie (Cyclops,Rogue,Mystique) with the exceptions of Wolverine and Storm because Berry wants bigger roles and Wolverine has always been on the top of movie
I think they should reboot the third movie like Superman Returns did with the old cast or an entirely new cast with Bryan Singer directing,
rebooting the entire franchise means it'll take another 8 or 10 years to see Phoenix in action
Famke was a perfect cast as Jean in X1 but I hate her hair in X2 which makes her look really old, she looks great in X3 but age-wise she's too old
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

True, but if they didn't cast Famke, people would've complained about it anyway. Sometimes we need to see films/movies as films/movies and not as comics.

yeah but maybe they could do something to her, like what they did to Magneto and Xavier by using the de-aging makeups or something else
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

Famke was perfect for the role, and a great example that age doesn't mean anytihing when you do a great job. Also I loved her hair in X2 ^^

Quote from: nshinnosuke on June 28, 2010, 11:59PM
yeah but maybe they could do something to her, like what they did to Magneto and Xavier by using the de-aging makeups or something else

Mmm i don't think so, she was great and in my opinion (even if she was older in fact) looks beautifull and more or less on the same age to the other lead actors like Hugh Jackman or Halle Berry.
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

yes I agree that at her age she's still pretty and she looks great with Wolverine and Storm as if they're at the same age but I just miss the young Famke from X1....
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

with the cast i may not have a problem but sometimes, i think giving the movies to an influential and brilliant director or producer just isn't enough. perhaps someone who knows the whole thing well enough, unless bryan is a huge fan
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heck no i think the actors they got for the x-men movies were perfect.Famke is like 42,43,44 but yet she's a beautiful woman and i really think she does look like Jean Grey.Halle Berry is just beautiful and she needed a bigger role cause heck don't yall wan't bigger scenes for storm?Like her vs Callsito i love that scene she is like 42,43.And even without makeup on she just looks a little pale.And like what Mr Law said even though i didn't like how Jean killed off Scott directorss can't always make movies EXACTLY like the comics.Sometimes they have there own perspective.And about Rouge and Angel i love those characters and didnt really like the fact that she took the cure but hey if you were about 15, and you can never touch sumone without killing them i would take the cure.And i dont think she'll be able to do much in the war anyways unless she takes someones powers when there knocked out.And to tell the truth they really didn't show if Scott was dead(even though im 100% sure he is)Xavier has all his powers and mind into a person who didn't have a mind so now i think he can walk (check the deleted scene after the credits.)

i am in total disagreement with the first few statements. i actually thought that most of the characters lacked the substance, criticality and tone. they're all good actors alright but the question isnt just whether they can act, but how they can merge their acting skills, and the elements of their portrayed character together. however, i am not putting the blame on the entire cast because part of that comes from the script and the screen time they got. not mentioning all the factors that influenced the overall output, i'd say that the first two movies were good, and the third one a fail. but its just my opinion, and im not trying to invalidate all the others' opinions. but yeah, good cast? perhaps. good output? not so
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i didn't entirely love the phoenix from X3.I mean she had no wings,no raptor.But she really didn't need that to kill millions of people.I really liked how she just melted everyone.She could have been better in my opinion if she had more fire and if all the x-men could battle her.I like Hugh Jackman but he got A LOT of screen time.

yeah I won't mind X3 being the last movie ONLY IF Jean had her raptor and some fiery effects like in X2, Scott didn't die, Angel and Rogue participates in the final battle (she could have some secondary mutation which enables her to fly and enchances her strength), Nightcrawler stays in the movie,   and all of the X-Men (Cyclops,Wolverine,Storm,Iceman,Rogue,Nightcrawler,Colossus,Shadowcat,Angel,Beast) fights Phoenix in the final battle with either Scott or Logan delivering the final blow
maybe we could blame Singer for Scott's death because Marsden left with him for Superman Returns
Jean Grey is my number 1 heroine :P

The actor who plays nightcrawler wanted to come bak but all the makeup he had to put was gonna take to long at least that's what i heard.I would have also love rouge to be in the battle but if you think about what exactly would she be able to do?She can't have Ms Marvels power.And they never really showed Cyclops actually dying although im sure he's dead

June 29, 2010, 06:36AM #101 Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 07:06AM by shadowslacks
LOL now that you guys mentioned it, i find it funny how i barely felt the phoenix all through out the movie. its kinda cool how she tore them molecule to molecule.
also, there were several user made alternate effects for the final moments of the phoenix in xmen3. it was around youtube months after the release of the movie, and they were cooler! they gave jean fiery effects. anyway, i can only hope for the first class to be of quality

also, it's what pissed me before because Scott's death was due to Mardsen leaving the set for Superman.

edit. thats right jeanfan. i think it's the same thing for nightcrawler and mystique because i remember in  the interview that mystique had to isolate herself for days so the chemistry of her skin and the paint will be compatible. and when i say isolate, i mean exclude herself from a lot of outdoor activities just so her skin's chemistry won't change or anything for days. thats a very tough job

found the video: thats an edited version of xmen3. the phoenix should have been like that
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ALSO they cut the scenes with the phoenix showing her full power ill try to find the video it's where the phoenix prattically made like a artificial sun and burned the people in magnetos army

Quote from: Jeanfan321 on June 29, 2010, 07:18AM
ALSO they cut the scenes with the phoenix showing her full power ill try to find the video it's where the phoenix prattically made like a artificial sun and burned the people in magnetos army
for real? from the movie? like x3?
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