
X-men origin

Started by White Fan, June 22, 2010, 06:41PM

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yeah Storm and Wolverine are pratically the most popular characters in X-men and she has a checkerd of a past.(like most the marvel characters).She was also in X-men Origins in a deleted scene and even Halle Berry(actress who plays storm in the movie)said she wanted a X-men Storm spinoff.I think she really loves that character.Rumor has it that she said she wasn't gonna return as Storm in X2 and X3 unless Storm gets more Screen and action

Storm probably will be in X-Men First Class as Xavier said she, Jean, Scott, and Beast were his first students. I want to see more screen time with Ororo and defintally more use of her powers. We saw wind and large amounts of flying in X3 only.

Storm is a very complex character. I remember reading from an article (or i think ive seen it on youtube)
when someone was like, "are you sure about this?" (talking about the first making of Storm in the comics)
and i think either stan lee or another dude was like "just trust me".

and look at how far Storm's character has evolved and touched the public! I reckon having a storm movie but then, hollywood wise, i think there will be issues. i think an x-men origins storm can still top the box office but it probably will cast doubts on whether it can equate to the budget but who knows right?
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oh yeah i remember on wikepedia when stan lee wanted to create a new character he wanted a black beautiful,white haired woman.And one of the friends said are you sure she might look like a old grandma.And now look how great she turned out

oh ya i remember reading that

yeah that one! SO IT WAS IN WIKIPEDIA! lol
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yes under storm history or something like that

Yes, but they have to cast her young enough.

Quote from: X-Men 55 on June 24, 2010, 08:28PM
Yes, but they have to cast her young enough.
duhh that's what they did with x-men origins wolverine so im sure thell do it for storm :)