
Multiple Man Mod

Started by nodoubt_jr, November 05, 2007, 11:57PM

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So basically the clones can just attack right? no powers
  From the Ashes she will rise.

yep, if the name doenst match who called them, then it loads powerless defaultman with fightstyle_hero
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August 07, 2008, 02:39PM #17 Last Edit: August 07, 2008, 02:45PM by Norrin Radd
I'm not sure what voice you're using for him, but he has about 15 jokes about multiplying in XMen the official game, they should be extractable (from vridgea.zss and vridgeb.zss, he also has some lines in chatter.zss)

im using Iceman XML1 for his voice. is there any place to get those sounds from xmen the official game.
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there sure is:
Download Here
I included the ones from the files i mentioned

awesome thanks  i'll check them out

edit: just checked them out and they are really good, thanks.  Future updates will feature the new voice. i'll also probably be moving him to only one skeleton.
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Wow this is one of the best mods I've seen lol. Its amazing! I will be downloading him for sure. Thanks I've always wanted to play as Multipleman.

Quick question though, if I download this will he replace any other XML2 charecter?
:gambit: :jubilee: :iceman: :storm: :wolverine: :nightcrawler2: :mystique: :cyclops: :colossus: :dazzler: :polaris: :havok:  :beast: :shadowcat2: :phoenix: :emmafrost: :cable: :blob:
X-Men - best supehero team ever!

Only one slot can be maintained without replacing. Also the mod will not automatically be in once downloaded. Follow the instructions on the main page to installing characters. It can apply to XML2 as well. Remember to start a new game! Oh and welcome to MarvelMods. :)

August 17, 2008, 11:57AM #23 Last Edit: August 17, 2008, 12:01PM by nodoubt_jr
Quote from: Sammo12345 on August 17, 2008, 09:59AM
Quick question though, if I download this will he replace any other XML2 charecter?

thanks :)

no it wont replace anyones file. theres also an extra spot in xml2 so you can add him to your herostats, without removing anyone, and start a new game.  he uses a new fightstyle so you have to start a new game anyways for it to work properly.

Eventually i do plan to update this mod with a new voice and for him to only use one skeleton. But dont worry this version is fully playable.
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ok currently updating this mod.  he will get a new voice, its from X-Men The Official Game thanks to Norrin Raad which upped the file (the voice actor is Eric Dane, the same guy that played Madrox in X-men 3).  He will only be using one skeleton now (Madri).

Im getting rid of his multiple shot and rifle shot power, and replacing them with a grenade attack and another attack were he throws his axe at enemies.  And a second xtreme boost, "Multiple Men" were he creates 5 dupes or more at one time.
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September 11, 2008, 05:45PM #25 Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 10:21PM by nodoubt_jr
Multiple Man Version 3.1

Notes: Updated version.  This version only uses one skeleton, so if you had a previous version you will need to start a new game.  This version is way better than previous versions, its a lot more unique now and bug free.

Differences from previous version:
* fixed up his duplicating power.  Now the dupes he creates wear whatever the main Madrox who made it wears. Dupes also now dissapear after 30 seconds, they also now follow the team and fight along with the team.  You must start a new game, when i tried using the new script with an old saved game the dupes would follow, but not attack, so start a new game.
* uses new voice (including new xtreme yells), thanks to Norrin Radd
* Got rid of multiple shot power and rifle shot power, and instead added Axe Throw, throws his axe at enemies, causing physical damage and stunning them, and a second xtreme, Multi Men, he summons up five duplicates which last longer than his regular dupes (45 seconds)
* rearranged some of the icons around.

*load screen by shafcrawler


look at all that green, lol

new animation and effect when the dupe appears

new Axe Toss power

new Xtreme Multi Men

EDIT: if you are a modder and would like to know how i got the duplicates to dissapear and follow the team, look at this post
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My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

updated the above version.

what i updated:
*redid character packages
*fixed up the values in the talents file
*updated powerstyle, fixes an issue with his second xtreme, now all five dupes created follow the group
*a really cool load screen by shafcrawler (preview here

version 3.1 is the same version of the mod that will be included in the Brotherhood Edition.
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My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

Quote from: nodoubt_jr on February 22, 2009, 07:58PM
Dupes - duplicates himself
Axe Swing - swings axe in an arc

Axe? Multi always striked me as more of a melee (h2h) char. The axe just feels weird.I love what how you did the duplicate skill and I like the SMG. Have you considered a pistol skill ? :madrox:

Yeah he's not really an axe type of character, but i like when in game stuff and mods go together, and since the Madri are just Multiple Man dupes, i thought it would be cool to have him use their skills. The last version i released is the final version, so i have no plans to update or change anything.
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