
Make Your Own X-Men Teams

Started by MarvelFan12345, November 15, 2010, 06:56PM

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November 15, 2010, 06:56PM Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 05:58PM by MarvelFan12345
Make up X-Men teams and post them here. Here's mine below.

Uncanny X-Men

Cyclops, Phoenix, Colossus, Rogue, Gambit, Shadowcat, Beast, Lockheed
This team is lead by Cyclops and Phoenix is his second-in-command. This team lives in the X-Mansion which has reopened as a school for mutants. All the members of the team are teachers as well as superheroes. Although this team is supeheroes like the rest of the X-Men, their primarily known to the public as teachers of Xavier's School more than heroes. The AXM protect the New York side of the US.

Sensational X-Men

Storm, Iceman, Northstar, Dazzler, Nightcrawler, Jubilee, Longshot, Husk
This team is lead by Storm and Nightcrawler is the second-in-command. The UXM live at Graymalkin in San Fransisco and are known to the public as the main X-Men superhero team. In San Fransisco they are accepted and tolerated putting them on levels with other superhero teams like the Avengers and Fantastic Four.

X-Men Legacy

Professor X, Magneto, Havok, Polaris, Omega Sentinel, Namor, Emma Frost, Darwin
This team lives at Utopia which has been moved underseas near Atlantis. Utopia is a sanctuary for all mutants and Atlanteans who need a home. Utopia is governed by Professor X, Magneto, and Namor. A team of X-Men also live at Utopia to help defend it and keep it running. Xavier and Magneto co-lead the X-Men team although often clash with Namor as though he isn't a leader of the X-Men, he is one of the leaders of Utopia. Utopia is the sister-kindgom of Atlantis. Utopia is known to the public but being underwater and not a part of America or any of the 7 continents, the public doesn't know too much about it.


Wolverine, Warpath, Deadpool, Domino, Psylocke, Fantomex, Hepzibah, Archangel
This team is a secret black-ops team run by Wolverine, and the squad's job is to prevent Apocalypse from returning at whatever costs. The X-Men are unaware of this team thanks to Psylocke's telepathy. Although everyone in X-Force has morals (well most of them do) they can't risk Apocalypse endangering the entire world by returning.

New Mutants

Magik, Magma, Karma, Moonstar, Cannonball, Sunspot, Cypher, Warlock
This team is lead by Cannonball who's squad is made up of all the classic new mutants. This squad lives at the X-Mansion and they are all teachers just like the AXM but they don't run under Cyclops's leadership. This squad is known to the public but most of the time they aren't on the front like the AXM or UXM. Most of the time they are involved in problems that involve their teammates or allies. Although called the New Mutants, they are all X-Men and this is another X-Men squad.


Madrox, Siryn, M, Wolfsbane, Strong-Guy, Shatterstar, Layla Miller, Rictor
X-Factor continues to do what its been doing for the past few years. It is a mutant detective service designed for mutant and supernatural related incidents. This team is lead by Madrox. Although many of its members are closely affiliated to the current X-Men, X-Factor does not operate as an X-Men team like all the above, but as its own team. So even though its part of the X-Universe it doesn't really interact with them too much (unlike the above teams)

Cool! how to do it?

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Well it's very easy.  You just type in X-Men teams you'd like to see. I also included the names of the X-book that the team would be in, the function of the team, and microhero images so others could see their costumes.

Oh! Ok, please. make for me ma favorite team from The cartoon film 1992 ! I like it very much! And i so want to see it here.

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

atgod, please use the modify button at the top of you post instead of triple posting. i'm not reprimanding you cause i'm not a moderator, but i can assure you that a moderator will reprimand you for that. so yeah, just a bit of advice to staying in the forums good graces...

Oh I'm sorry I don't think I was clear. You guys post your own X-Men teams. You write the team name and the people in it. That's all you have to do. If you want you can include pics and descriptions, etc. I did for mine, but only for mine. This thread wasn't for me to make other people's teams, that is your job. You don't need pics or anything, I did that for fun.

but still, what site did you use to find all this cool microhero pics?
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

I've found several new sites so I'll post them all here. Here is one based off of current X-Men. It's a blog for microheroes.

Other X-Related mircoheroes from that site/blog are here.
Generation Hope -
Curse of the Mutants -
Age of X -

Here is one of a bunch of marvel characters in poses.

And one more site with a bunch of new marvel characters.

What Daedooo said earlier, if I can say it

Awesome I love Micro Heroes check this link its my site, I just take all the x-men from micro sites and put them on here, It makes it easy for me to because I draw and If I want to see a costume I just go here hope you like it I try to update it alot and with the links you posted I will add!! Thanks

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December 24, 2010, 12:31AM #10 Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 12:54AM by Nowhere Man
These are my X-Men:

Yes, only one big team. The way I see it when there were 8 million mutants in the world it made sense to have several teams of X-Men cause there's a lot to do. In a world with less than 500 mutants, just one big team of X-Men. It works more as a frat house rather than a team.

They all live together in the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning and are all one way or another teachers to the young students (Young X-Men). The Xavier Institute is located in San Francisco (there are already too many heroes in the east coast).

It's not like all the X-Men go to every mission. They can always split into teams with varying roster depending on what needs to be done.

IMO, this roster includes all the major players in X-Men history. The only notable absence is Jean Grey. That is cause there are already too many telepaths and I really like her as the Phoenix. I mean, if she has such high cosmic duties on which all existance depends, she can leave the mutant work to the rest of the X-Men.

There are team leaders for each mission, but the X-Men overall do not have one single leader. There are 4 individuals who make the decisions together: Prof X, Storm, Cyclops and Emma.

Prof X is actually headmaster to the school and, therefore, doesn't get too involved with the action, only contribution with strategic thinking and leaving the role of high-order-telepath-in-action to Emma. Since Emma generally coordinates the missions using Cerebra, the field leaders are generally Cyke or Storm. Wolverine and Nightcrawler would be the occasional team leaders. When all the X-Men work together Storm and Cyke act as co-field-leaders. Kinda like Cannonball and Moonstar used to do with the New Mutants.

I don't really like the idea of a black ops team for either the X-Men or the Avengers, cause they're heroes for chrissake. They set the standards.

Here's how I envision each member:

Prof X: Yes, I like him in a wheelchair. I think it's part of the conception of the characters. Whenever he walks it seems it's not really Xavier (It's the frail body/powerful mind dichotomy). He is indeed the world's greatest telepath in terms of skill and the second most powerful in terms of raw power (The first one being Nate, Rachel non-existant and Jean in the White Hot Room in my Marvel Universe). He passed on the leadership of the X-Men to the senior members, treating them as equals. Now he is continuing the X-Men legacy, dedicating himself mostly as headmaster and teacher.

Cyclops: Is no longer the blind Xavier following pupil and has grown into an opinionated and confident leader with a mind of his own. Is in a serious relashionship with Emma. I like his dark blue astonishing costume. I don't really like cyke with all that hair gel. I like that all the expression you get from him is a dim red light. It's a great metaphor for one who is a leader and, therefore, rational and calculating.

Storm: Still the alpha-female she has always been. Married to Black Panther, but too independent for the shallow life of a queen. So, she alternates between living with her husband and the X-Mansion. If Green Arrow and Black Canary manage to do it, so can they. I like her black & white costume. not the X-Men forever one, the one she used to wear when she was with the Fantastic Four, with pants, but this microhero was the closest one I could find.

Emma Frost: As always the ice-queen who loves to push other peoples buttons. But completely regenerated and embraced as an X-Woman and fully commited to her role as co-leader of the X-Men and teacher. Among the worlds most powerful telepaths, she's really not far behind Xavier AT ALL and is on lvl with people like Sinister, Moondragon and Exodus. I like the costume with the corset and pants, but that little grey X in the breast area.

Psylocke: She's the psychic swiss army knife. She can use her psychic powers to create katanas, daggers, as telepathy, telekinesis, to increase her physical attributes and also sometimes have precog dreams. Her strength is in variety and not high level of power, unlike Emma and Prof X. She's stoic and taciturn with a warriors spirit. I like her House of M costume but couldn't find it.

Gambit: He would be the black-ops team in one man, being great with infiltration, having his hipnotic charm and being so misterious that people don't generally know what he's up to (though he's actually a lot more trustworthy than he seems). Is in a serious relashionship with Rogue. I like that revamped version of his classic costume he's wore for quite some time, with that very dark shade of pink, grey and black.

Rogue: I liked it better when she had the old Ms. Marvel powers. So, she's the good old flying and punching southern belle with a sassy attitude. She did indeed learn how to control her touch power and doesn't have that no touching drama in her life anymore. She and Gambit do have a physical relashionship. I like her legacy costume.

Shadowcat: I'd make it more evident just how smart this girl is. I'd make her hacker skills become more and more important to the team. I see her as someone who, in given time, will become a world class genious. Is really attached to Lockheed, who is more active among the X-Men than he's ever been. I actually like her X-Men: Evolution costume best, but couldn't find it.

Beast: In feline form, but not as drawn during New-X-Men or Astonishing X-Men. The great genetic genious that (though highly sociable and kind) usually prefers to stay in his lab. Loves literature. The X-Men make use of his great connections with the superhero community (being a former Avenger and Defender). I like his modern costume just as the one in the pic.

Wolverine: Not omnipresent. His only active affiliation is with the X-Men. His main role among the X-Men is the one he had among the New Avengers, being the one that's willing to do what no one else is. Sometimes the other X-Men have to intervene in order to keep his savageness in check. Is also the most loner among the X-Men. I like his Astonishing costume.

Nightcrawler: Light hearted and empathic. He's kinda the counselor to other X-Men in their personal and moral issues. Has indeed become a priest and is the most pacifist of the X-Men. Is also the most skilled pilot for the Blackbird. I like the exact costume of the pic.

Angel: Only Angel, doesn't transform into Archangel. The "transforming with rage" thing has been done to death (Hulk, Dark Phoenix and so on). He's very free-spirited, much like a bird. His greatest asset is being the overseer in action, with his great flying skills and bird-like sight he hardly ever misses anything. I'd also make his healing skills grow to the point he can heal others without transfusion (kinda like Elixir or Leo from Charmed). I like his revamped classic look, blue and white with the golden halo logo.

Iceman: Though still the prankster and comedian of the team, he has become a lot more mature than he's been portrayed. His powers are also highly developed, being able to stay in his ice-form indefinetly and being actually immortal while in it. He is an omega lvl mutant after all, and has grown to become one of the most powerful X-Men and a great asset in battle. I actually like his Ultimate look the best, but couldn't find it.

Colossus: The gentle giant. Another great dichotomy: being so physically intimidating, but actually having the heart and sensibility of an artist. He's quiet and shy, not the brute as portrayed in his lines in MUA and xml2. Is in a serious relashionship with Kitty. I like his modern costume, just as in the pic.

That's it. This is how I like to envision the X-Men. Hope ya'll like it ^^.
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

seriously, stop spamming this thread
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  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

December 24, 2010, 10:49AM #12 Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 10:54AM by MarvelFan12345
Quote from: Nowhere Man on December 24, 2010, 12:31AM
Yes, only one big team. The way I see it when there were 8 million mutants in the world it made sense to have several teams of X-Men cause there's a lot to do. In a world with less than 500 mutants, just one big team of X-Men. It works more as a frat house rather than a team.
It's not like all the X-Men go to every mission. They can always split into teams with varying roster depending on what needs to be done.
I really like your ideas. My idea takes place in an alternate world where at the end of Second Coming Hope was revealed to be the final piece of Jean (Jean already reabsorbed Maddie and the Phoenix pieces within Rachel, Korvus, and the Cuckoos). Jean confronts Wanda and the 2 women reverse M-Day (but many other things occur as well such as Kitty's regaining control of their powers, Pixie and Magik getting their soul pieces back, Havok, Polaris, Hepzibah, and the Starjammers returning from space, Cable reverting to his infant form without the techo-organic virus, Rachel's spirit being transferred to Jean's womb to be born in this reality as the same Rachel the X-Men know, etc.) So in this world, all mutants have been repowered and the world returns to balance.

As for the black-ops team thing I've always felt Wolverine doesn't have a problem with it and other heroes realize that some things have to be done, which others won't do. I haven't read SA but I always thought they weren't really killers but just did the stuff that the public shouldn't know. A more toned-down version of X-Force as they are Avengers and really don't have killers on their teams.

I like your ideas of having Hope be a missing piece of the Phoenix and having it reassemble completely. However, I wouldn't like for all the mutants to be repowered. I prefer a world where mutation is a rare phenomenon. Otherwise mutation itself loses its importance. The editors of marvel seem to agree with me, otherwise they would have never published House of M :P
My Releases -

  "Beneath this mask there are ideals and ideals are bulletproof."

Wow that could be like a whole comic series Called like X-Men the Return or something like that lol I love your Ideas Marvelfan!

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