
What power would you like to have now?

Started by Rogue, November 18, 2010, 02:17AM

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I think, now I would like to have telepathy.  :phoenix: I always would know all about all. Still it very much would help with study)))) also I want super speed, always  to be in time everywhere. :quicks:
As our planet is out of danger (I mean that it isn't attacked by Apocalypse and Galactus :)  ), I don't need another powers.
I has absolutely forgotten! I want still memory as at the computer (Sage). It is good to remember always all and to read something once enough what then to remember all completely! :sage:

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Two powers I have always wanted is (1) to be able to fly and (2) to be able to touch someone and then they crumble away into dust!
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Quote from: fox456 on November 18, 2010, 04:26AM
(2) to be able to touch someone and then they crumble away into dust!
for real? you're a scary person. did you know that? :P

I think there are 5 powers that would be great to have cause they're really useful in the real world: teleportation (we waste sooooo much time going from place to place and I'd get to know every country and visit everyone, like everyone here in the forum ^^), telepathy (so I can never be fooled and also great to know how people truly feel about you), telekinesis (so that I can always reach that damn remote control without having to get out of bed), healing (myself and others) and shapeshifting (working out sucks big time).

in a more fantasy like way, I'd love to have the Quasar/Silver Surfer thing going and just fly through space and so on. I'd also love to control the weather like Storm. I have this weird connection to the sky and my head is already in the clouds so... :P Not a superpower per se, I'd love to be like a top martial artist, like Shang-Chi.
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..... And we will be thick and ugly! :)

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

teleportation would be nice imo, but my personal favorite would have to be telekinesis, just cause of all the practical uses for it in everyday life. i wouldn't want telepathy though, because i legitimately don't want to know what people think of me, i'm far to egotistical XD

Agree with Deedooo. Telekinesis is the best. And the second is Teleportation. :deadpool:

I want the power, to copy any power without any limitations. There you have it, I'm the whole frickin' Marvel Universe in one :D

Quote from: Deedooo on November 18, 2010, 08:47AM
i wouldn't want telepathy though, because i legitimately don't want to know what people think of me, i'm far to egotistical XD
So, you can make people love you!!

The powers I wish:
Telekinesis and telepathy - with telekinesis you can fly, move objects + you can stop natural disasters: Let's supose a Tsunami is happenning, with telekinesis you can stop it like jean did in X2. And with telekinesis is molecular level, you wouldn't need to take a shower neither brushing teeth - you could remove the dirt particles from your teeth and your body. With telepathy you can brainwash people make people like you - For example : there is a very beautiful girl in in your school/work, you can make her love you!! You can also kill people that you don't like or create terrible illusions in their minds.Hahahaha!!!!

That sounds great, but if you don't control it, like Jean in X2, you have hell in your head.

I would like to have telepathy, telekinesis and being able to fly would be very useful. :D
I am fire and life incarnate

Tk and telepathy. With these powers I could manipulate everything from the physical and mental worlds.

However invulnerability, healing, teleporting, and freezing time (although some of these could be imitated through the use of tk and tp)

Quote from: Suigetsu on November 18, 2010, 11:42AM
I want the power, to copy any power without any limitations. There you have it, I'm the whole frickin' Marvel Universe in one :D

lol nice.  Why not just say magic that way you can do anything.

For me magic like powers would be cool, I would like also, like most people so far telekinesis that way I can just move things or lift things without having to always get up (it's not lazyness just that I don't want to have to sit down, then get right back up.  I'd also like to be able to manipulate water.  It is a very versitle power involving healing, freezing, and other things.  Also I think it'd be cool to be able to phase, also teleportation would be useful.  Also instead of shapeshifting like nowhere man said I'd rather have a power like quicksilver who I'm sure has an increased metabolism
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Quote from: fox456 on November 18, 2010, 04:26AM
... to be able to touch someone and then they crumble away into dust!

Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 18, 2010, 04:50AM
for real? you're a scary person. did you know that? :P

LOL!  Scary...  You'd better get that teleportation power of yours developed then!  ;)   But, I get a point for originality with that power idea!
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Quote from: Nowhere Man on November 18, 2010, 04:50AM
I think there are 5 powers that would be great to have cause they're really useful in the real world: teleportation (we waste sooooo much time going from place to place and I'd get to know every country and visit everyone, like everyone here in the forum ^^), telepathy (so I can never be fooled and also great to know how people truly feel about you), telekinesis (so that I can always reach that damn remote control without having to get out of bed), healing (myself and others) and shapeshifting (working out sucks big time).

I want those for the same reasons than you :)
But I would also like Piper's powers from Charmed (freeze/explode something) she had the best powers lol ^^
Phoenix Force: No. He loves Emma Frost.  He loves me.
Jean Grey: He wants her. Not you. Not US. And now it's time... to leave this behind.
Phoenix Endsong #5

I would love the power to think of any power and use it but right at the top of my head would be regeneration and weather manipulation.

Don't forget storm kinda has telekinesis but she uses wind like in TAS X-men she lifted a building and slammed it on Juggernaut.