Online play

Started by CosmicScare, January 12, 2011, 08:30PM

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Sorry for the noob question, I just got this game and thought it would be really cool to play online. But is the online still up and running? I can't find any matches, but that might just be because it isn't a very popular game.

Thanks in advance for any help

I'd be willing to try playing a game with you.  Let me know if you want to.
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hey me too me tooo
count me in :D

I've got to set up some new controls and figure out how to mod some characters. I'll message one of you guys if I see you online

yeah I've always wanted to play online, but like you said there is never anyone there. 
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I would love to play online also! Maybe this weekend!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Great to hear that guys!
Maybe we all could set a perfect time & date to online, with those time differences :P

That would be cool!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

January 13, 2011, 04:33PM #9 Last Edit: January 13, 2011, 04:35PM by fox456
Some of us are trying to get this "working" right now....  But we're having problems.  4elementsefww tried to host a game,  but I never saw it show up in the game list.  Then, he used my IP address and hooked up with a game I was hosting.  Once we got into the game, I lost communication with him.  Any ideas?  (Neither of us has played online before).

Toothless tried to join but his firewall prevented it.

Do we all have to have the same herostat?
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I have never played online before either, so this would be new for me! Maybe we do have to have the same herostat, I played MUA2 online before, and you all use the same character select, so that is probably what it is so what ever character one person has the other person must have aswell

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

the thing that I was telling fox in a message, was that some of us may have edited original characters, with boosters.  So that may be a problem even if we do all have the same herostat.  Also something I didn't say that I just thought about was that some of us may even have edited levels, like I have the realism mod, but others may not.  And when me and fox did get it to start working, it said that he left.  but according to his message it said I left, but neither of us left though.  So it was weird.
MY deviantART account:

Well lets just hope we get this workin!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Im getn online today got tha official char pacc with a few mods added. nebody who want to play jus checc online neday Im always looking. The game is called THA ULTIMATE only 3 players hard mode feel free to jump in netime.

I plan on getting on aswell, but has anyone figured anything out yet?

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS