Costume mods

Started by the amazing spiderman, June 10, 2007, 12:01PM

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I was Just wondering what people would like to see in mods for spidey3
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i would like to see wolverne,sabretoot and venom from the film i dont care if wolverine and sabrtooth have same atacks from x-men 3 the game just want to play them they are so cooool!!!!
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how would wolverine and sabertooth get around? Thats the only thing. They would still have spidersence because of their enhanced sences and use claws to climb, but movement would be a problem
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

How about Daredevil? That would make sense as his blindsense would work just like spider-sense and movement could be his stringy-baton things.

I have heard of using DD before but how could he climb? hes not strong enough to dig his chain/baton thingy into a wall
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Quote from: the amazing spiderman on June 10, 2007, 12:23PM
how would wolverine and sabertooth get around? Thats the only thing. They would still have spidersence because of their enhanced sences and use claws to climb, but movement would be a problem
realy the movement its not such a problem for sabretooth but for wolverine i think heed be more atached to the ground :laugh: :laugh: i think they are both fast inuff ;)
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wolverine weighs like 300 lbs or something because of his metal skeleton. that keeps him on the ground

i think that he can jump enought high his inuff fast for the hits and sabretooth is super fast and makes high jumps
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No I don't think he can jump high enough for a super jump. Maybe when in shift(move faster mode or somtin') he would run realy fast for unlimited time. But before wolverine is made be easier to make new skins
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Doesn't matter really.  All we can do is reskin characters.  We can't actually change any behaviors.

doesn't hurt to dream, but your right. But som1 had the idea of doing new goblin since he has playable moves already, would that work?
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

isn'there a way to extract sabretooths/wolverines texture(skins) in sm3
My deviant art page!!!
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YES!!!!!!!!!! go iron spidey!
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

July 07, 2007, 04:44PM #14 Last Edit: July 07, 2007, 04:47PM by DarkVenomAndCarnage
The 18 charactors I'd like to see are CARNAGE!!!!!!!!! :carnage:,Carnage,Carnage,Carnage,Carnage,Carnage,Carnage,Carnage,Ghost rider,Ghost rider,Ghost rider,Ghost rider,Ghost rider,Ghost rider,Ghost rider,Ghost rider,and Ghost rider. :laugh: