Spidey modding

Started by the amazing spiderman, June 10, 2007, 07:12PM

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there is a knowledge base about MUA but how are people modding Spidey 3?
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So far all that you can do for Spiderman 3 is change the textures of an outfit.  There's no tools released to do anything more than that.

alright thats cool. That means it should be possible to make a doc oc skin right?(see other topic)
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Skin: yes.  Full Doc Oc mod with the tentacles: No.  What you would get is a Doc Oc skin that plays exactly like spiderman.

To make it clearer:
I think Teancum means the look of an outfit, not change the actual 3d model that the character has (meaning if you can play as spiderman you can make him look different, but not for example give him huge arms or something).

So that means if you tried to skin Doc Oc you'd have to do it on the Spidey model, and frankly it'd look dumb.  Skins like Iron Spider, Symbiote (cartoon version), Scarlet Spider, etc that would look good on Spiderman would be fine.

I understand. So its impossible or it just hasn't been figured out yet
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It hasn't really been out long enough to be figured out yet.  These things take time.  We can't just waive a magic wand and poof, there's a mod.  MUA has been out for over a half year now and we still have a lot of things to figure out.  I honestly don't know of anybody even considering modding this game yet, mainly because all I hear from others are bad reviews and what a crappy job the developers did on it.  Whether that's true is a moot point.  The point is hardly anyone, if anyone at all, is modding it right now (that I know of).  Just give it some time.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

i hope just because im asking all these questions i dont seem impatiant(thats the impression i got) im just curious because its all so new and interesting
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hey, does the webs spidey is shooting while swinging have skins?
so you could change 'em for doc oc arms...

umm....kinda. I remember a while back when i was trying to make a new spidey skin i found one for the webs. But i dont think(or at least i dont know how)the webs can be made any bigger. So you would have web-sized dock-oc arms.
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