
Skinners' tools: Generic "nude" textures, Thing's skin seamless texture

Started by Quentin Hex, February 13, 2011, 10:09AM

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Thing skin texture:

It pattern's something damn close to seamlessly XD. i put it together with a pattern maker function of photoshop using thing's skin.

Generic "nude" medusa texture:
and by nude i just mean that it just is skin colored, no specific "woman-parts" XD i thought some people might find it useful.
It's just a premade generic texture for the medusa model, but it has a full simple body and a face. here's what it looks like:

i have three versions: <<bmp file, pretty standard <<greyscale bmp version, also standard <<psd version, has five layers: highlights, lowlights, base skin and the face, plus the original medusa skin

Generic "nude" selene (from xml2) texture: << skin version << grey version
and you may want to reference it with the original selene texture XD

feel free to use/edit it as long as you credit me. there will be problems otherwise.
in turn i'd like to give credit to whichever game developer made the original textures.

It's interesting. May I use it as a base for a skin?

Quotefeel free to use/edit it as long as you credit me. there will be problems otherwise.

Could you please make a selene nude like this?


It might come in handy to make a grey/white-ish version and release it. Those can easily be color adjusted within photoshop. Except for the face ofcourse :D

Just an idea idk :P

Quote from: Mr. Law^^ on February 13, 2011, 09:05PM

It might come in handy to make a grey/white-ish version and release it. Those can easily be color adjusted within photoshop. Except for the face ofcourse :D

Just an idea idk :P
i was just thinking about that. i'll get that up tomorrow XD

Hope it's work & useful for the shiny version of the model.  :giggles: What could possibly go wrong if it used on the shiny one.
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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For the first time in a while i've updated the first post with a new Thing's skin texture and a greyscale medusa texture. i've got to finish making these for some other popular generic skins >,<

Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on August 21, 2011, 01:13PM
added selene generic nude texture

:O Thank you much :) Is that her cape with it or is it a model with out the cape?

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Quote from: Dee❖Dooo on August 21, 2011, 02:09PM
yeah it's her xml2 skin with a cape.

K thats what I thought that gray thing was, but I just wasn't sure. Thank you so much for this :)

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you'll probably want to double check and reference it with her original xml2 texture