
Here's a pretty picture... ("Screenshots you're proud of..." thread)

Started by Noelemahc, December 23, 2006, 05:24AM

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I just got it myself, actually.  In Murderworld I've had one or two "blankmen" show up.

Anyone else think that this is how they should be scaled?

Colossus is 1.15 (just like XML2), Juggs is 1.3 (just like in XML2 and Thing) and Cage is 1.1.

Colossus used to be a whopping 1.3 and Cage used to be an over-stuffed 1.15.

Why in god's name did they overscale Cage and Piotr by so much?

How exactly did you adjust the scale?
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Huh...  I never noticed that, mostly because the characters I've been editing don't have it.  Why is it not all characters have it, but someone like wolverine has a scale factor of 1 (I'm assuming 1 is normal, since Wolverine is a shrimp)?

On a lighter note, I finally got Emma's powerset working 100%, and she is done (Well, for XML2, haven't ported her to MUA yet...  I got icons, powerset, HUD head, menu portrait, etc.).  I will post a pic soon.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Ooh, nice. Mind doing the same for Betsy, Jubi, and Magma? It would make MY job (porting em to mua) a whole HELLUA lot easier. (I didn't mention beast because I think ps_beast (not ps_beastboss) MAY be his XML1 ps, so for him one would only need to build a talent)

Absolutely.  Once I finish testing Emma to make sure she has no bugs at all (I came across a few and have fixed most of them), I plan on starting Betsy next.  I am also planning on making a new model for Emma in 3d max so I can make new skins with a less blocky model, and then figure out how in the world I'm going to get it working in the game.  I also want to make a new effects file that will give her diamond skin when you activate her diamond form, instead of that goofy white powerup under her.  As such, it will take time before I'm ready to release complete mods.  Then I will work on making new skeleton files.  For now, the next focus will be on Betsy though once I am 100% done with Emma.

Those effects files you converted have come in very handy since it saved me time from doing it myself.  :D   Once done, I'll upload the files so you can convert them to MUA (I haven't even started modding MUA yet, and it will take me a while before I even move on to it.)
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

More piccurs. In light of my preparation for the big MUA-2-XML2 projekt :D
This is how the X-Box models hold up against the PC models.
Due to the technicalities of them, the Box models obviously are RGBA, not BGRA, so I had to color flip the screensnap itself -- so you can easily see which of the two is CG and which is NG.
Note how the Ms Marvel model is actually different (especially the screwed-up-mapped face of the NG model) and how the Crimson Dynamos are exactly alike. That's what hero-vs-non-hero modeling does to ya. This tells us that only the 'major' players got upsampled to NG status fully, leaving the others in the dust. Need I mention how drab and uninspired Iron Spider looks on CG (though he doesn't look all that chipper on NG either)?
I will keep posting interesting comparisons as I get extra material for them.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Next step: XML2 team-ups you never imagined happening :D (click for larger screens)

Fun fact: the X-Box MUA skins are actually MORE colourful than their PC counterparts (especially visible on merry-coloured guys like Trenchcoat Iceman) -- but the texture mappings are IDENTICAL, so any reskins you do for MUAPC can be easily adapted for XML2 via the Box or PS2 models. Yesss.

My point being? Yeah, look at that Iceman model. I checked, the hands have the exact same proportions as any normal character's hands are. Want a freebie? Allow him to be Frank. :D I'm checking Blade next, because there aren't nearly enough trench-coated characters across the three games...

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Why do the models appear to not be cell shaded?  Is it because of the models themselves, or is there a way to modify XML2 as to turn of the cell shading?
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

The models themselves. XML2's models have additional descriptors inside (which appear sometimes as ghastly white outlines when the models are loaded in MUA) for that; though if you load an XML1 model in MUA and XML2, you'll see that the engne has some sort of procedure it runs on specifically shaped models, because some MUA models get shaded and some don't (mainly as MUA models have at least 50% more polys per model - that is, MUAXBOX :D). *shrugs* It's a black box, no predicting what happens.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

(please, somebody make Sasquatch!)

Acording to Wikipedia, Iron Man's powers coul emulate Guardian's. Cool.

Awkward effect of my modding.

I renamed Classic Iron Man to 1502, his slot, but he still has '1505' contained within his model. So, the Arcade Androids become Original Iron Man (my new 1505).

tommy, is it possible to define a number within your meshes? And do you think doing that would fix the issue of blanks showing up? Hmmm. Perhaps you could do one to test (if it is possible and not too much work); how about Ult Hawk with 20301 defined in him?

As Magneto was wanting to hire Bullseye he spouted something about never missing the Sentinel said mutant dna detected,Apoc said with the power of the machine he could rule the world,Eric said your hardly worth my time thats when the talks broke down and left bullseye wondering about Stick and Elektra...hard to find good help...
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Blizz, re numbering in meshes:
I'm not keen, for the following reasons:
1. the "blanks" only show up in Arcades level, and then randomly (except one of the Ultron bots, which I've never been anywhere near). If they ALWAYS showed up when my meshes were used, there's some point, but I've seen them show up when using NPCs like Valkyrie, who is an "official" built in mesh, and I've seen the arcade androids happily mimic my meshes. So I doubt my changing my meshes to include the number would help. As ever, I could be wrong. If so, someone please let me know.
2. If your arbitrarily renaming a built in Iron Man mesh causes a problem...errr..don't do it. Leave it as it was and it will work the way it's supposed to. Seems a simpler solution to me.
3. Given that there is still no hard and fast "numbering convention", if I start putting numbers INTO my meshes, then I'm just opening the door to endless "can you re-export *character X* but change his number to the one I've arbitrarily chosen for them, rather than the arbitrarily chosen number you exported them with?" requests, which I don't want.