
Started by MarvelFan12345, March 03, 2011, 06:23PM

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I don't think generation matters either. And your description of Aphrodite is exactly what I was thinking and it describes Emma perfectly. I also agree that Psylocke fits better as Artemis (besides the whole no men thing)


so if emma were aphrodite, who would rogue be? and who would be Hera (she's too important to be left out)? If jean were hera than who'd be hestia? and if storm was athena than who'd kitty be and who'd be demeter? LOL
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Well I think Jean could fit as Hera or Hestia. IMO she is a merge of both. Like Hestia Jean is warming and nurturing, which is why she is considered the heart and soul of the team. Yet she has many traits like Hera too. They are both warm and caring but If Hera is crossed she will show her wrath and Jean has shown the same, particularly in New X-Men. If anyone messes with Jean's friends or family, Jean shows them what happens. Hera also has a high role amongst the gods which Jean has amongst her fellow X-Men. Jean also puts a high value on family and marriage.
If Jean was Hera though, then I can't think of anyone to fit Hestia. And if Jean is Hestia then I can't think of anyone to fit Hera.
For Athena I believe either Storm or Kitty could fit that role. Not too familiar with Demeter which is why I'm not sure if Storm would fit that role besides the abilities they both have.