Marvel Super Hero Squad Online

Started by MarvelFan12345, March 22, 2011, 05:43PM

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For those who may have forgotten, Nova-ember will also feature Captain Marvel and a new Ultron mission. You should have recieved this in e-mail!

The only downside is that Captain Marvel is only for agents only :( Although they call him a sneak peek so perhaps he will become regular soon.

I got an email with that. From my long lost unused North America Server Acount.

New character art. Cable and Onslaught will both be coming (former for playable, latter for boss)
No new art for Phoenix, Beast, Professor X, Angel, and Modern Cyclops.

I was just thinking earlier today that it's about time for a "preview" announcement of some kind by our own MarvelFan!  Thanks for the info.

Cable looks so much more mature than the others, especially Nightcrawler.  And Iceman sure looks different.
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When should all these people be getting released?

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on November 15, 2011, 04:11PM
When should all these people be getting released?
No date although they should be here in December.

Quote from: fox456 on November 15, 2011, 04:09PM
I was just thinking earlier today that it's about time for a "preview" announcement of some kind by our own MarvelFan!  Thanks for the info.

Cable looks so much more mature than the others, especially Nightcrawler.  And Iceman sure looks different.
Lol, my pleasure
And I really like Cable's apperance as well. Nightcrawler with slicked hair is new but looks good on him. I'm so glad they went with a Modern Iceman rather than the bald version ;)

Also some more news from the devs about "X-Mas!"

"We can't give all the details now but expect a very exciting X-Mas, there will be elves and lots of ice and snow"

I had a feeling that they'd decorate everything up for Christmas!  They did such a good job for Halloween.
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Ooh such a wonderful gift but IF i had a lot of gold i wold only get Iceman and Shadowcat.
Love Iceman's costume almost lloks like the one for MUA 2 for PS3/360

November 16, 2011, 04:38AM #2048 Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 04:23PM by fox456
In keeping with the Nova-ember theme, guess whose card quest came out this morning ------ Mr. Fantastic!  (LOL, don't know how that's part of theme really, but there are some different cards included.)

EDIT:  Abomination's mission is on sale for only 100 silver.  That could be its new permanent price, but I'm not sure.
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Lots of new stuff! Captain Marvel and Ultron mission is out. Captain Marvel is for Agents ONLY however this will only last a short time before he becomes available for all players. Agents get a sneak peek ;) Because of this his price is 600 gold.

ALso new challenges to unlock any hero you still need. I'm debating between Daredevil and Sentry. The challenges are pretty tricky though.

The first one was easy, but the next two are time consuming.  You're not kidding that the last of the five new challenges is tough.  You have to raise your squad level to 300!  I don't think I'll be able to do it with the squad I currently have, so it will be interesting.  If I do make it, I'm guessing it will be really hard to get the next squad level requirement they make without buying alot of heroes.

@ MarvelFan12345:

Since you have (virtually) all the characters, what is your current squad level and how many of your heroes are NOT maxed out yet?
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My squad level is 740.
My unmaxed heroes....
Captain Marvel - 1
Colossus - 5
Elektra - 8
Pure Elektra - 6
Gladiator Hulk - 2
Stealth Iron Man - 2
Nova - 3
Reptile - 9
Scarlet Spider - 3
Ultimate Spider-Man - 2
Mohawk Storm - 7

I'm usually good with maxing heroes but ever since the challenges I've lost my streak.

I havent raised my squad lvl enough to get Colossus yet XD I dont think I will be doing challenges for awhile till Shadowcat comes out

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Pigeons take a while but I'm 4/5 of the way there. Almost done now lol! BTW make sure to keep your effects level at "Good" otherwise pigeons don't show up. That happened to me and a few others.

hmmmm, it's hard to find people who have Hulk and She-Hulk AND will stick to a mission.
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