Marvel Super Hero Squad Online

Started by MarvelFan12345, March 22, 2011, 05:43PM

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Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 06, 2011, 03:00PM
I'm Warfare Goalie. I'll search for you guys.

currently we are doing a mission

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That was really fun. The more players, the funner it is. Especially if your team characters work well together (like Wasp, Falcon, and Storm :))

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 06, 2011, 03:58PM
That was really fun. The more players, the funner it is. Especially if your team characters work well together (like Wasp, Falcon, and Storm :))

Totally! It was so fun!

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I had alot of fun with you guys too.  We'll have to try it again tomorrow.
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927

Quote from: fox456 on April 06, 2011, 05:58PM
I had alot of fun with you guys too.  We'll have to try it again tomorrow.

Yes we will!

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QuoteThey may not give a code this late. I think Monday was the last day to recieve one as it is a first come first go basis.
NOO! :''-( .... i feel left out.
QuoteAnd the game certainly won't be free. Why make a game that won't make any money.
Well if the game is kid basses, designed specially for kids, then it will be free to play. I mean why would they make a game for kids if it will be for paying. I dont think parents will let the kids pay to play. So its most likely free to play. And they have enough money as it is. They have so many marvel games, so many comics and other million things. So i am sure they wont need money

Quote from: Diamond Girl on April 07, 2011, 12:38AM
NOO! :''-( .... i feel left out. Well if the game is kid basses, designed specially for kids, then it will be free to play. I mean why would they make a game for kids if it will be for paying. I dont think parents will let the kids pay to play. So its most likely free to play. And they have enough money as it is. They have so many marvel games, so many comics and other million things. So i am sure they wont need money

Then the parents pay the game and the kids play it. After all when kids buy a game for a nintendo ds then the parents pay for it. Kinda common sense. Anyway they already confirmed it won't be free, they just haven't established the method of payment. In a survey they are still deciding how we will pay for the game.

April 07, 2011, 11:32PM #52 Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 11:48PM by Diamond Girl
Then why does it say here that its free to play

EDIT: I found something else and it says this:
QuoteFans can play the game entirely for free or subscribe to unlock additional heroes, missions and rooms for the HQ. Spin the Prize Wheel for additional in-game Gold, Silver and items. The free-to-play online game is accessible from any browser without complicated downloads or installs, so it’s fast and easy for families to jump in and start having fun.
This means the game will be free, but not all the heroes and missions and other things. So for normal members ( not subscribed ones ) to unlock them is to spin the prize wheel.
So the game will be free, but not everything, i dont care if i cant play with jean, at least i can play with storm and ms.marvel
But i have one question:
In the E3 gameplay, they said you move around and attack using the mouse. Can you move using the keyboard' up,down, left and right buttons?

April 08, 2011, 12:41PM #53 Last Edit: April 08, 2011, 12:53PM by MarvelFan12345
You misunderstood what I'm saying. I said that the game will surely not be free because if you make a product then you sell it. You make money out of it, its the natural thing of life. And I'm still correct. Even if the game won't be purchased you still have to pay for the extra things. Take it from one of the beta players, without those things (such as gold) there isn't much you can do in the game. You won't unlock the full version without paying.

Anyway, with this arguement hopefully finished, has anyone tried Wolverine and Spider-Man yet? I've seen Wolverine in action and he is really good especially when paired with Cyclops for some reason. They both cover each others strengths and weaknesses.

Nope ive tried neither, I beat Logan, Scott, Jean, and Storm make a really good team!

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Finally bought Wolverine and he is really good. I think all the 1000 gold coin characters are the best. And yeah Scott, Jean, Ororo, and Logan probably make an awesome team. They are the Uncanny X-Men after all. ;)

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 08, 2011, 03:40PM
Finally bought Wolverine and he is really good. I think all the 1000 gold coin characters are the best. And yeah Scott, Jean, Ororo, and Logan probably make an awesome team. They are the Uncanny X-Men after all. ;)

Hopefully we get Jean soon :/

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Quote from: midnightphoenix123 on April 08, 2011, 04:57PM
Hopefully we get Jean soon :/
I know. It seems we have Wolverine to keep us company instead lol.

Quote from: MarvelFan12345 on April 08, 2011, 05:52PM
I know. It seems we have Wolverine to keep us company instead lol.

lol, who is your most used character? Although I only have 2 bought people plus the 4 you start with, I think Storm is my fav so far

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Who is the other one you have besides Storm?

My fav is tough especially with my list of characters. I'll just give my thoughts on each.

I love Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Wasp, Spider-Woman, and Wolverine.