Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

Started by hurricos868, May 27, 2011, 06:31PM

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Raven Software needs to do it. MUA2 was sorta fun on the 360 and the PSP (I've played both major versions), but they were missing something that the Raven Software games have.

I liked MUA2, but MUA1 was way better, I hope Raven returns to make 3 if they make one at all, or an XML3

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If they do a third, they should bring certain things into the game from XML, XML2, MUA and MUA2. MUA2 had awesome graphics on the 360 and PS3. MUA had awesome stages which made the game very interesting. XML2 brought in the variety of powers, boosts and passives, which made it fun to actually try to level characters up. XML had a really good story line. (Just my opinion) I think they should just take more time into making the game instead of worrying about a deadline. Cause, to me, the more time they spend on making a game, the better it is.

Everyone so far has voted Features? Am I the only one who values a decent story in a game? I suppose that's why I enjoyed the Final Fantasy series so much... -G-
Seems so sick to the hypocrite norm, running their boring drill. But we are an elite race of our own, the stoners, junkies and freaks

A decent story is needed, Mua2 I think the whole story line was stupid every last bit of it, I didnt like Fusions in 2 or have only 2 costumes but thats just me, I like have a super power for each character, Mua and Xml2 are my favs, Xml1 had a great story but I didnt like it to much

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I wonder if there's a Capcom's made for the latest MUA game. Such as has a terminology of MUA & XML series, Ghost Rider & Devil May Cry, Beenox's Spider-Man series and Star Wars TFU series. What could be possibly wrong.
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Maybe in MUA3 they should make Galactus the villain,he is big and he said he will have revenge,MUA2 wasnt even a sequel!
Someone told me love would all save us.But, how can that be, look what love gave us.A world full of killing and blood spilling...

Does it have to be one or the either? It is too idealistic to want great features and a great storyline for the XML/MUA series? I think overall, as someone else pointed out, the games from XML going forward have somehow lacked one aspect of the game and yet improved another.

I like having the idea of Decimation as the storyline in MUA3. That way, it can encompass a whole host of villians given Wanda's reality warping powers: from Skrulls to Sentinels? The big bad being Wanda and Mangus of course.

As far as features go, I liked MUA, just improve upon that platform with powersets and costumes. And please developers, can we get a decent female cape? LOL
"Power isn't key for the likes of us. It's skill, training, and will. All of which I possess in abundance."

I don't like the thought of Decimation being the main storyline. Wanda doesn't need to be portrayed as a villain even in games. I especially doubt they would include it considering how recently Wanda has returned and is determined to break the M-Day spell.

But I would like a 30 character roster with a large and consistent story. Keep 4 powers however. I found that in MUA and XML, half the powers were unneeded and worthless. I preferred the MUA2 power system better.

I have to agree with MarvelFan on the Powers and the Decimation. Although the powers worked well in XML2 for me. That might be because it was actually fun to level each power. Then when MUA came, I lost that interest personally. But having just 4 powers and tons of passives really works as well, it's simple.

So far it would seem that X-Men: Destiny will serve as XML3, seeing how it is apparently designed to restore the feel of XML1 with a designated young mutant protagonist (albeit this time a non-linearly developing one).

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Imo Destiny is more like a KOTOR and Dragon Age. "Choose your destiny" "your actions will create your destiny, your fate".

Judging from the screens, it's gonna be halfway from here to there. And that ain't bad.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

X-men destiny certainly isnt bad, its just that juding from the gameplay, you can give your character TONS of superpowers, meaning not really a standard mutant power (it looked like that to me :P)

Plus, KOTOR and Dragon age (played both) were amazing games, so im actually pretty exited :D

But this is going off-topic XD
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