what are your four favorite characters in MUA

Started by Donaldfun8, June 16, 2011, 09:39PM

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 what are your 4 favorite characters in MUA  without mods? mine are  :spiderman: :capamer: :wolverine: :stark:

June 16, 2011, 09:41PM #1 Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 09:46PM by Donaldfun8
I bet you guys will have totally diffrent characters  like human torch, dead pool, wolverine, and thor

Currently, my favorite four (un-modded) characters are Human Torch, Silver Surfer, Iceman and Mr. Fantastic.
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Ms Marvel, Invisible Woman, Scarlet Witch & Emma Frost 

Quote from: SuperNatural-Witch on June 17, 2011, 08:23PM
Ms Marvel, Invisible Woman, Scarlet Witch & Emma Frost 

But if you had to use only the 23 characters from the original game (I think was his question), who would you replace Scarlet Witch and Emma Frost with?
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Dr. Strange :strange:
Silver Surfer :silvers:
Storm :storm:
Human Torch :humant:

Cats are superior to humans and one day they will rule the Earth.

Quote from: fox456 on June 18, 2011, 04:48AM
But if you had to use only the 23 characters from the original game (I think was his question), who would you replace Scarlet Witch and Emma Frost with?

Ghost Rider & Thor

team 1 deadpool :deadpool: humantorch  :humant: iceman :iceman: the thing :thing:  team 2  hawkeye :hawkeye: capitanmarvel  :genis:  the hulk  :hulk_icon: moonknight  :moonk:                                                                   

Well, my favorites would be (in descending order)
6) Spidey (also somewhat like a comedian in the group, quite useful but)
5) The Thing (It's clobberin' time, just love this guy)
4) Daredevil (Just like Elektra, nice moves and pretty good in hand to hand combat)
3) Elektra  (if you know to play well with Elektra then she's pretty useful at several parts of the game, she's awesome when it comes to hand to combat)
2) Captain America (That Disc which he holds comes quite useful when there are a lot of enemies around you)
1) Wolverine (The dude who often uses the term 'Bub', kicks ass and is very fast, agile and powerful and yeah his healing power is also pretty good)

Mine are  :panther:  :deadpool:  :blade: and   :spiderman: if without mods...if with mods..
mine would be  :nightcrawler:  :phoenix:  :cyclops: and dark phoenix

Probably Storm, Iceman, Dr. Strange, and Captain America...although I love the F4 as well :D

I would have to say Storm, Invisible Woman, Spiderwoman and Elektra. Lol yeah no males

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Psylocke, Rogue , Storm

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