
"The Secret Marvel project" (WATX2?)

Started by Midnightphoenix, June 21, 2011, 03:34PM

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I think they actually had everything done but when it come to publishing they had problems with their financer and droped the project

I'm not so sure about that. I mean, if the entire thing would have been ready, then I'm sure they wouldn't have ditched the project. It's a lot of work.

Apperantly there were issues with their partnership so they had to close it down. I'm not sure if they had everything ready but they had probably already started.

I am not sure I just guess but they at least had it half done cuz 1st ep was watched by millions just premier so... I think there were more personal issues between the creators and sponsors and they couldnt find another one for it.. and well MArvel is known for withdrawing thier license from projects like "Champions online" wich was supose to be Marvel online.. so only they know what happen but I cant wait for it to be rellesed : D I mean its a cartoon it shouldnt take too long

Speaking of WATX2, there was a solid concept made of bringing Emma back and how that would provide conflict between Jean and Scott; somewhat similiar to New X-Men under Morrison's pen.

And regarding Jean in TAS, she was very under-utilized. I mean, every other second she was either tripping, or "Ohhh Scott! Help me!" or screaming to the high heavens. It was kind of ridiculous how they portrayed her. I mean, the only justice Jean got was when she was Dark Phoenix and uttered one of my favorite lines of the season:

"Oh the mighty Gladiator, how I've missed the pleasure of thrashing you!"

I mean even though Jean was all evil, it was certainly better than her being blown from the cliff via Cable's gun and what.. she suddenly forgot to use her TK to not die upon the rocks?

And speaking of the Anime, it was weird seeing Storm so... inconsistent. She flash freezes a pirate ship with no effort whatsoever, yet she goes to Japan and forms an ice wall, she's broken a sweat and has labored breath? Really???

I honestly thought the show catered towards Cyclops and Wolverine; Emma and Storm were either useless or cowering behind them.
"Power isn't key for the likes of us. It's skill, training, and will. All of which I possess in abundance."

Quote from: Ace on July 05, 2011, 04:01PM
Speaking of WATX2, there was a solid concept made of bringing Emma back and how that would provide conflict between Jean and Scott; somewhat similiar to New X-Men under Morrison's pen.

And regarding Jean in TAS, she was very under-utilized. I mean, every other second she was either tripping, or "Ohhh Scott! Help me!" or screaming to the high heavens. It was kind of ridiculous how they portrayed her. I mean, the only justice Jean got was when she was Dark Phoenix and uttered one of my favorite lines of the season:

"Oh the mighty Gladiator, how I've missed the pleasure of thrashing you!"

I mean even though Jean was all evil, it was certainly better than her being blown from the cliff via Cable's gun and what.. she suddenly forgot to use her TK to not die upon the rocks?

And speaking of the Anime, it was weird seeing Storm so... inconsistent. She flash freezes a pirate ship with no effort whatsoever, yet she goes to Japan and forms an ice wall, she's broken a sweat and has labored breath? Really???

I honestly thought the show catered towards Cyclops and Wolverine; Emma and Storm were either useless or cowering behind them.

xD "Ohhh Scott Help me" xDDD so true I hate how they potrait Jean anywhere in movie she is cool and in EVO but other versions she is just a dumb as drag who everyone tags along with cuz they have a crush on her, or because she will turn into Phoenix -_- I hate Phoenix go die already -_-

I think Evolution was the only acceptable portrayal of Jean Grey, especially in the latter seasons. Only in certain, certain episodes, and certain moments, Jean Grey in TAS actually was the capable Marvel Girl.

- Phoenix Saga, when she stepped up and zapped Dr. Corbeau without as much as a please and thank you and all other Phoenix feats.
- Dark Phoenix Sage, for obvious reasons
- X-Ternally Yours, when she, Wolverine, and Rogue went to Gambit's neck of the woods. That time she did use her TK to levitate herself when they fell.
- Shadow King episode, when she and Xavier went into the Astral Plane and kicked some astral butt.
- Captured by Morlocks, that brief instant when they lowered her in chains, and Jean went all TK on them; of course she got KO'ed by Anole 2 seconds later.

And that's it. Five seasons, and I can only think of 5 moments when Jean was great lol.
"Power isn't key for the likes of us. It's skill, training, and will. All of which I possess in abundance."

I mean I am hardcore TAS fan and I am Jean fan but they should potrey her much better I dont think she should be over powerfull cuz after all u need to make it a bit realistic and her powers are based on concetration and that doesnt happen in second so she shouldnt be to fast but neither too weak, I love her in TAS idk y xD but I do but how weak she is there its to a point that its hilaroius xD I mean I remmber reading on one forum that some dudes played a game watching TAS and everytime Storm fell out of Sky or Cyclops yeled
"JEAN!" they had to drink.... well he states he doesnt remmber endings of the episodes xD TAS is cheesy as hell and continuative and repetative but I still love it xD but I still state that Jean, Wolverine and Storm and ofc Rogue should be given a break for other great x men to get leads in upcoming shows, cuz these 4 chars are everywhere and Rogue and Wolverine are mains when ever they apper and Storm is always in the cover while Jean creates drama, but I would like to see more of a Pixie for instance Kitty, ummm maybe Polaris Sage Domino Psylocke Hellion Elixir they should make another x men show about younger mutants and well known Elders ( Emma Scott Beast Storm and Wolverine ) as their teachers similar to EVO just diff chars that would be fun to watch ( and no Prof X -_- I mean I love x men but he is an idiot who makes ppl die while he just sits and brags about it he is TAS Jean with bigger Ego ) that would be awesome to see xD

What I did like about Evo was that it wasn't just centrally based on one character. Although I loved WATX, I got tired of it always being centered on Logan. It was nice to have certain episodes center on someone else than him: I enjoyed the Lorna episode when they juxapositioned present and future Lorna - that was cool. I liked the Emma episodes. I thought Kitty and Pitor could've had more interaction.

I think Anime executed that very well: it took in every single character, and not solely base it on one.

It was funny seeing Jean being all weak. I'm not going to lie, when the X-Men battled the Horseman in the Stonehenge-esque location, Jean ran, and then tripped! She literally tripped and was like out of comission the entire battle. LMAO. Another one was during the Bishop/Cable crossover episode, the one where Logan became the cure for the Legacy Virus; anyway, before that, Jean put up a TK shield as Apoc blasted them, and it bounced off her, and HIT Cyke. OMG, I was dying of laughter!!!
"Power isn't key for the likes of us. It's skill, training, and will. All of which I possess in abundance."

I thought this was about the "Secret Marvel project"? Is there any OFFICIAL info?

Quote from: Ace on July 05, 2011, 05:18PM
What I did like about Evo was that it wasn't just centrally based on one character. Although I loved WATX, I got tired of it always being centered on Logan. It was nice to have certain episodes center on someone else than him: I enjoyed the Lorna episode when they juxapositioned present and future Lorna - that was cool. I liked the Emma episodes. I thought Kitty and Pitor could've had more interaction.

I think Anime executed that very well: it took in every single character, and not solely base it on one.

It was funny seeing Jean being all weak. I'm not going to lie, when the X-Men battled the Horseman in the Stonehenge-esque location, Jean ran, and then tripped! She literally tripped and was like out of comission the entire battle. LMAO. Another one was during the Bishop/Cable crossover episode, the one where Logan became the cure for the Legacy Virus; anyway, before that, Jean put up a TK shield as Apoc blasted them, and it bounced off her, and HIT Cyke. OMG, I was dying of laughter!!!

yea xD those were funny xD BUt I love how Rogue was potrayed there and in EVO and WATX but I hate her in movies -_- I am hopping that they wont be doing the same thing over again with the new project if they are doing x men the whole Rogue secretly hates ppl Logan's past is always in the way Jean is Phoenix and Cyclops is heartbroken that is so cliche for x men right now I am extremly sick of it -_- but even if they do that I would still watch it and love it xD