Humour, Jokes & Crack Thread

Started by nuhverah, June 24, 2011, 05:36AM

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xD, AMAZING ''Talk to me Timmy, tell me about your drinking problem'' I Lolled :D
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LOL! I saw that, I wish they put it in the movie, it would have been funny. Plus im sure it wasn't fun for Magneto lol

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Yeah it will the make the movie SO MUCH BETTER esp. to the slash fandom XDDD
We're like bursting with new ideas & fantasies every tuesday..since it's the day this vid came out XDD

August 30, 2011, 02:23PM #19 Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 02:30PM by Polygone
Really?? Ericcharles slash? Oh well, whatever floats your boat I guess ;)

has anyone seen the video's on youtube from floatinghandstudios?

I would totally recommend these ^^, not only the x-men are hillarious, but the M-day (including the Avengers) and Fantastic four episodes are also hillarious xD

My personal favorite was the FF episode
Its basicly another plan by Doom, he summons all of his alternate versions to kidnap Invisble woman
All the other Dooms thell each other how they know invisible woman in their universe
and then movie Doom says ''my Sue is Jessica alba!'' All other dooms stare in disbelieve, xD
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Yeah I watch um on Newgrounds. They were gonna make one called Emma's Bad Day but it never came out I love them tho XD

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Yep, they certainly are great, I also loved how they kinda projected House of M, having a quiz show to decide wanda's fate xD

There are a few other youtube vids of them as well (non related marvel) but its mostly tests and stuff, most of the characters dont have the signature floating hands anymore, talk about going up & down
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Lol whenever there's a fandom except a slash/femmeslash in it XDD
Oo I'm gonna watch the vids..thanks for the recommendations!

LOL okay, so I did a search on google to find some skin ideas for a character that I might make a boost for, and for some reason this picture was one of the results(so this is NOT me just to let you know), but it made me crack up so I thought I'd share it with you.  It had nothing to do with the character I might make a booster for so it was pretty random, but anyways here it is:

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omg hahahahah it's that humanoid-Modok?XDDD
Thank you for sharing!

lol yeah I thought it was hilarious, and somewhat disturbing all at the same time.
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in some parts of the movie, the fucked it up with a lot of things that a dirty mind could make a thousand jokes !!!!!!!! XD

the answer is...wolverine! Batman doesn't need any help

wuoh..but I saw 2 batmans there! Lol, love this tricky pic! :P

I saw Wolverine fist, but I read Wolverine first, so its obvious :P
A shame about the scar on his mouth though, kinda ruins it
Looks awesome though!
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Newest Release : Raven