The "Your Banned" game

Started by Midnightphoenix, July 31, 2011, 09:14AM

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banned for having a moral lesson as your description :)

Banned for the reason, that you are a Naruto fan and you didn't acknowledge my Suigetsu avatar picture :D

Banned for having suigetsu and not another better character

Midnightphoenix : Your banned for starting my game again XD

Banned for not realising how cool and awsome Suigetsu is
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Banned, because I can't ban someone else, as long as you are the last person, who banned

banned for having a quote from Full Metal Alchemist((which I love btw))

I'll be in your window like evil witch laugh

Banned for having pic of Sakura

Banned for posting a gif!
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Banned for having a cute little thing going up and down! And for banning me for starting your awesome game again!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Banned for double banning someone who has Galactus as his avatar! :P
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Banned for not having Phoenix as your avatar!

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Banned for being a Phoenix fan!
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

:O No you didn't XD jk

Banned for being a Galactus fan

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Banned for not mentioning Deadpools awesomeness in all your posts!

Still waiting for Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition Turbo HD awesometacular kick-ass OMGWTFBBQ coolness EX-cellent remix power version...