Anime ^_^

Started by Rogue, September 24, 2011, 11:01AM

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Ah, I haven't watched Kuroshitsuji II, & yep you're right I only watched the first one..
did you watch the II season?
& gosh I LOVE Sebby...with Grell haha xD I hope there's moar of them in season 2?

It is a pity that you haven't watched it! I can assure you that you have lost so much! You Must see this anime!

My God, I cann't describemyself my feelings about Sebby! I think I'm in love with him!

Grell is in the second season, I'm very glad! He continues to harass poor Sebastian! :D

Moreover, in the second part  Alois and Claude will appear (Claude's his butler, also a demon, too cool and sexy, but he bears no resemblance to Sebastian.)

In general, more secrets,more mysteries,more bleakness and more black humor.:)

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

omg omg you get me supah-excited, lol XD I kinda like Alois & Claude as well..wicked additions imho~
I wish I had the time current job is taking most of my time XP plus with my studies, I'm beat XP

I hope you're sure to see it!  Anime really excites brutally! I remember I was overwhelmed with emotions.  What I'm saying?!! I'm  excited now! ^_^

Has anyone watched  Supernatural anime?

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Yep!! I love it, totally recommend to anyone however I prefer the live action one

Great! I'm just pondering whether to watch it. Thanks for the tip!

I love the show and actors! They are cuties! ^_^

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

I know right Jesen is sooo dreamy and Cas too

Best Animes of all time for me are:

- Dragon Ball Z
- Hellsing
- Vampire Hunter D

I started watching anime Trinity Blood. At the same time I'm reading manga. I love it! When I watch this anime, I'm  in flames, excellent characters, and the plot is superb! I love Abel as a Krusnik! He's so pretty!  ^_^

But in my opinion  manga is more interesting and dynamic.

I watched 13 episodes. I am sad that the end comes soon.

† Reach Heaven before the devil learns of your death †

Now i'm watching Beelzebub. The one hell of the baby. I wish i were that Oga. Even they get some of Capcom parodies of Ace Attorney/Gyakuten Saiban & Street Fighter. My point is i watched that related to Shonen manga (Sunday, Jump, Magazine) but the most popular. Even the video game adaptions as well.
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Right now, in i'm watching Persona 4 The Animation, it's AWESOME, I Love it!