
Custom Pre-set teams & logos

Started by venom64, October 09, 2011, 07:46AM

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October 09, 2011, 07:46AM Last Edit: October 18, 2011, 08:30AM by venom64
Ever wanted to make a team without accidentaly choosing someone & losing reputation

well now you can just edit the team_prefabs file and write something like this

   prefab {
   logo = 17001 ;         (17001) is my custom logo)
   name = Busters ;
      hero {
      name = hulk ;

      hero {
      name = shadowking_hero ;

      hero {
      name = daken ;

      hero {
      name = sabretooth ;



17001 is hulks classic hud head & it works perfectly. note just by adding a igb hud head (or any igb) will NOT make them selectable.

here is a pic to show it works for me

This is what the select may look like (i Need a New New X-Men icon)

This is logo selection

This is a cool idea.  I've made the same mistake before.  Your picture isn't showing for me, however.
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