
Midnightphoenix123's Skinning Tutorial!

Started by Midnightphoenix, November 19, 2011, 12:53PM

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Oh! THANKS! :) That`s why it happens! I`m using the wrong program! ....oh, thanks!

No probs.

Glad it worked out for you both :)
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February 18, 2012, 06:33AM #18 Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 08:56AM by Zilar
Guys, I've donwloaded Gimp, got the dds plugin ( to open dds file) but when a I open my skin ( this time a Black Panther Cerimonial Skin, I found my MUPS2skinner has it's offsets in the .cgf file) I get a bizarre rainbow like image instead of a nice skin like the tutorial shows.

What's wrong?

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February 18, 2012, 01:17PM #19 Last Edit: February 18, 2012, 01:20PM by 4elementsefww
try putting the offset at the very top of the cgf file that is what I do.  Also make sure that the actual igb file your using is in the same folder as the program your using to decompile which would be muaps2skinner, and make sure the cgf file is in that same folder as well.  That is how I do it.

Edit: oh yeah also make sure the offset for texturefinderv21 and v13 are in the right spot, and make sure there is a space and then a period at the end.  Also make sure that the skin is a ps2 skin
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Allright! If it is not too much, I would be eternally grateful if you post a image about this "right spot" on texture find. I read a lot of times abouts "finding the offsets" and things like "you'll know when you get the right offset", but I've never seen an image showing this step. Do you have it? I read about the "first pixel on the left (or right, I can't remember)" but without an image it is indeed kinda hard to get it.

I know it is really boring reading posts like mine, but I think theres a good side on this process of teaching. We multiply the chances of new mods to come up. Now I'm trying to learn how to skin, but in matter of fact I hope to release mods in the future. I love Mocking Bird, a really cool playset of cannonball powers, a wolf changing  and werewolf wolfsbane powerset and great things. Even a hole collection of new X-men that I will post images (colored) in the next few days. I know it will take a while until there. But this is the path. I really appreciated all the help you're giving an d I hope I can retribute it releasing more cool stuff. Well, so lets try to learn how to skin first! lol

Is there any chances its not working 'cause I'm running MUAPS2skinner in Windows 7?

Quote from: 4elementsefww on February 18, 2012, 01:17PM
Edit: oh yeah also make sure the offset for texturefinderv21 and v13 are in the right spot, and make sure there is a space and then a period at the end.  Also make sure that the skin is a ps2 skin

I can`t get it. Please, would you post a pic of what`s this "V13 are in the right spot" ? Thanks! :)

What i mean is that there are two offsets in the cgf file.  1 is from the texturefinder v21 and the other is from texturefinder v13.  So if you try to find, for instance the offsets for storm's 0401 skin, the texturefinder v13 offset goes first, and the second offset is from texturefinder v21.  So her offset would look like: 0401.igb ps2 256 256 9419 79067 .    (which is what the cgf file says)

I would recommend that you first try finding offsets that are already in the muaps2.cgf file.  That way you get the hang of it by being able to check your work, and then you can try finding your own.  Also I will try to post the process of finding offsets as soon as possible, but I'm really busy with school stuff right now.  I tried when you first asked, and I was almost done, and I left my computer for about 30 mins, and found out that it updated itself, thus restarting my computer, making me lose the work.
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YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU !!!!! :laola:

Quote from: naruto13 on April 10, 2012, 02:23PM
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU !!!!! :laola:

:) Your welcome!

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Oh wait i put it in my game but it crashed? why is that?

Quote from: naruto13 on April 10, 2012, 02:40PM
Oh wait i put it in my game but it crashed? why is that?

The skin? I am not sure, I need to know more of what you did to see if I can help.

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i used deedoos nude generic medusa
put into photoshop edited
saved forgot to index (caused it to go all weird)

on my second attempt i indexed it , then saved it, then changed to dds,then changed to igb
then put it into the game and it crashed when i picked the character

Quote from: naruto13 on April 10, 2012, 02:47PM
i used deedoos nude generic medusa
put into photoshop edited
saved forgot to index (caused it to go all weird)

on my second attempt i indexed it , then saved it, then changed to dds,then changed to igb
then put it into the game and it crashed when i picked the character

Did you download the MUA ps2 models from the link on the first page, the ps2 skin.igb must be present in the same folder as the skinning program or it will not work. Im not sure if thats your problem though.

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