
Beast Mod v2

Started by nodoubt_jr, July 13, 2007, 08:12PM

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Just curious -- any plans on a New X-Men costume?  I'm not a big fan of how they drew Beast then, but the coat and whatnot might look cool.


for some reason i thought we already had that one.  shafcrawler could you do that one instead of the xtreme x-men one? as always if you cant, just let me know :)
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Hmmm... that 1 might be tricky. I'll see what I can whip up...

June 29, 2008, 04:39PM #33 Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 04:54PM by DarthCyclopsRLZ
Quick question.

Want Beast to have a head portrait in the menus.

Which IGB file from the mod can I use to "create" the UI/models/character folder required?

EDIT:  Nevermind, 0501.

almost done with this mod, added a second skeleton. changed animation for Claw Punch, its an actual punching animation now.  Got rid of throwing stars, but added two new attacks, Pounce and Beastial Assault. Working on new icons.
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July 02, 2008, 06:46PM #35 Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 06:40PM by nodoubt_jr
Beast Mod version 2.3

Notes: Most likely the final version, a lot more complete now.  I added a new fightstyle, so he has a lot more power animations.  You have to start a new game from default in order to use the new fightstyle, if you dont start a new game, the game wont read the new fightstyle and some animations will not look correctly.

Differences from v1:
* new fightstyle
* fixed up talents
* removed "Throwing Stars" powers, but added two new powers "Pounce" and "Feral Assault"
* changed second boost
* added power sounds (to get his voice, download latest x_voice update here
* added 4 new skins (0507.igb, his Xtreme Blue fur skin by apollo, is in the packet, but not included in the herostat)
* new icons (i used the ones from the MUA mod and added one new one)
* fixed up some of the 3D heads
* fixed his Pinball move, now when he hits something or someone it actually does damage.

Like i said, its a lot more complete and clean, and pretty fun.


new Claw Punch animation

Feral Assault power

Pounce power

original mod by Teancum
AOA Beast skin by BliZZ
original custome edit by iammingy
Beast Winter Furry skin and Beast Ultimate Original skin by apollo
Beast Hidden Years and Beast 2000 skin by shafcrawler
Icons from MUA Beast Mod
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no problem, im just really happy with how he turned out this time, more Beast like moves.
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nodoubt_jr, is there any thread explaining how to use two skeletons, like you used on Beast?

no i dont think there is
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ok heres a quick powerstyle update for Beast, what this does is remove his double jump.

while at the cerci caves, i noticed the cerci/brood acting weird (they used the wrong animation and wrong effects), once i got rid of his double jump, they went back to normal.  I also had this problem back when i wanted to give two skeleton Elektra and Daredevil double jump.  So i know it sucks to have him with no double jump but it prevents any future problems.

just replace the old powerstyles.

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Could "we" get an exact directory to put that sucker in, so "we" don't mess something up? :D

oh lol, yes, just place it in the following place:
X-Men Legends 2/Data/powerstyles/

also ive updated the above link to version2, so if you are reading this and havent downloaded the mod, dont worry that download already has this fix.
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That's weird... it was working for a while but now I can't seem to access his powers anymore, with any combination of characters.  I can still do melee attacks but when I press the powers button the four symbols don't come up.

sorry i havent ran into that problem, are you sure you put all the package (.PKGB) in the folders? ive check the files and everything looks right.

has anyone else had this issue too.
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