What kind of player are YOU???

Started by DarkVenomAndCarnage, July 19, 2007, 11:54AM

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July 19, 2007, 11:54AM Last Edit: July 19, 2007, 11:58AM by DarkVenomAndCarnage
 :carnage: What kind of player are you?I'm the type of guy who goes
"You take the 10,000 on the right,I'll take the 10,000 on the left,Angel,Take the   
10,000 in the Middle"...[Basically I am a very upfront Fighter]

i like to search/explore every single area of the game, thats why it takes me longer to beat games ->such as 300hrs+ in morrowwind GOTY edition and still only beat the almost all the quests on the main island and one of the side islands

Exploring and item collecting are priority for me, and laying mayhem on everything a close second (sometimes breaking things that I shouldn't costs me the mission). In MUA I can't finish a mission if there is an unexplored spot on the map. After I finish a game I have to go to GameFAQs and check the walktrough in case I missed something.

I am more like boreman's style of playing MUA/XML2. Unlocking Daredevil and Black Panther was my priority for my first game though.

I use a lot of cheat codes when I play MUA, and I usually like to fly and evade enemies in doing so, which is quite effective on the Asgard simulator missions, and most enemies don't have projectile weapons to knock me out of the air. I am also more of a projectile user than melee. I am also quite strategic during my battles.

i'm a completionist and like to take time-outs from playing the game to working on character setup and allocating the equipment so i don't have to change most of them for a while. but a lot of items are really useless in this game.....

So true!
Quote from: kfcrispy on July 27, 2007, 09:01PM
i'm a completionist and like to take time-outs from playing the game to working on character setup and allocating the equipment so i don't have to change most of them for a while. but a lot of items are really useless in this game.....

Quote from: kfcrispy on July 27, 2007, 09:01PM
but a lot of items are really useless in this game.....

Agreed. Except Storm with Asgard Armor which greatly boosts all her Electricity Dmg. powers.

I'm a melee-based player.  I usually keep some sort of radial and a power move equipped for all characters.  Radial for crowd control, power move to tag em once the crowd thins.  MK's Staff Slam and Nunchucks are a great example.

I go in fighting, I kill as many enemies as I can in the Sim. Missions, and then I go back to get all the coins and upgrades. Basically I'm a very confrontational person in the game

Well... let me put it this way...

I like wolvie/deadpool/spidey the best... so that means i like to kick butt and look good while doing it XD

My priorities are also to unlock pretty much everything... but i MUST do it right... i restarted XML2 just because i was lvling my chars wrong... and i didn't had the "best" team, i guess i had to get use to the system.

1st time : Iceman, Wolvie, Nightcrawler, Colossus (Ice and Colossus where switch with Bishop every now & then). This team was ok and fun, but it wasn't as hardcore as i would have liked.

2nd time (ultimate team): Magneto, Nightcrawler, Wolvie & Juggs (can't get any better than that!). Magneto=Raw Power, Crawler=Cool Factor, Wolvie & Juggs=TONS of dead enemies XD


March 04, 2008, 08:58AM #12 Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 09:01AM by Ma Sheng Xian Zhi
im an explorer and melee, i like juggling to. iron fist makes a good character to do juggles and creative combos. sometimes i go stealth with black pan or nightcrawler. playing stealth makes it feel like a tenchu game, even though it doesn't come close.  and i like speed and defense moves 

i try to protect health. i hardly ever use punching. i use radials until energy is out.if my health is failing i  use radials until energy is out clolecting health tht ruselts . if its still failing i cower in a corner leating my alies beat up enimies gving me health

I like to try to get all collectables my first time through a game so I usually buy a strategy guide and if I have trouble in an area than I can refer to it. If the game does not have a strategy guide than I will refer to gamefaqs for help if needs be. Sometimes I am in the mood of melee and sometimes in the mood for ranged. It all depends on my mood at the time and sometimes it drives my brother crazy too. :)