What kind of player are YOU???

Started by DarkVenomAndCarnage, July 19, 2007, 11:54AM

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March 05, 2008, 09:19PM #15 Last Edit: March 05, 2008, 09:22PM by Kamasalasi
I really like to micro-manage melee combat. While it seems a lot of people like the radial attacks and power moves, I really enjoy overcoming enemies, either 1 v 1 or in numbers, using basic combos and attacks.

In this sense, I have the must fun using Nightcrawler, Spider Man, and Quicksilver. They are all very agile, and while they can't deliver the same damage as the heavy hitters, if you work it right you can be rather fluid in your fighting. This allows you to land a great number of hits and still possibly avoid taking damage yourself. Quicksilver especially excels at this with his superior speed. Landing punches, darting away or around and then coming back in...all provide for a really fun effect.

Timing becomes very important, as well as predicting what your enemy will do. This all came about when I had to fight Bullseye 1 v 1. He has been without a doubt the boss/enemy that gives me the most trouble in MUA.

So I suppose in short, I enjoy the combat aspect of the game a good deal...and there is always the primal joy of bringing out Wolverine and just pulverizing anything that happens to be in your path.

i the kind of person who goes through the game first and beats it. then when my chars are at level 50 i start the game again but only use one person (deadpool) but sometimes i need 2 just for the puzzels

I'm a versatile kind of guy. I mean, sometimes it's just nice to rough it up up-close-and-personal (yay for Thing!), sometimes it's just COOL to do some sniping (Daredevil, hands down), and sometimes you feel like showing off (Iceman and Invisible Woman, in my book). It's a matter of a particular mood.

Other games... I'm not the exploration type, because I get distracted easily. Therefore all the "collect 666 hidden icons" kind of special secrets I ignore, or do with online checklists, just FOR the rewards, because the process itself bores me to death. MUA was nice because here it wasn't that difficult or that boring.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

I prefer a playstyle where one has to rely on a character's agility more than strength. So rather than strong characters that can resist a lot of damage, I like characters that can dodge very well but take a lot of damage when they do get hit. So I tend to rely on quick but short attacks, and doing a lot of jumping and rolling around the combat area. Blocking can easily lead to being surrounded and making it very difficult to jump away, especially if you've only a single character on your team.

In my current game I'm trying to play with only Daredevil on my team. I think he's a good character for this kind of playstyle. But yeah, I'm on hard difficulty and it can get difficult as Kamasalasi mentioned; Bullseye and other foes that are good at ranged attacks (e.g. Doombots with their lasers) are really challenging. It makes for a fun battle as you then have to use the map environment for cover and plan the attacks more wisely (stun combos and throwing enemies into each other is what I use in this situation).

(I only managed to beat Bullseye because of DD's Extensive Strike skill.)

getting BP and DD was my priority for my first time through.

I like to max out my characters to what I think is a good fit for the character.  so you'll never see my Cap with the Energy shield power, or like Cyke in XML2 with the poison blast... thats plaind shtoopid

I'm the type of guy where I rush to someone, grab -> smack x4 times or so -> smash x5 into groups of enemies. I only really care about strong striking and HP Regen/Max HP/HP-EP Per KO with decent defense. I also love radials like Falteen flame and crowd control skills. This is why I go Ghost Rider/Thing/anyone with a decent Xtreme. I love building momentum. Oh, and interactive skills. ^_^

hmm...i like too use characters that i can

#1 priority:string combos together with normal attacks, grabs and powers in a way that look realy realy realy cool ;)

#2 priority:attack quickly and dont have stupid powers

#3 priority: have moderate stamina and dont die too quickly

i like it too look cool because...i dont know y. i just have more fun when a combo looks insanely awsome!
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

June 12, 2008, 08:51PM #22 Last Edit: June 12, 2008, 08:53PM by the amazing spiderman
hmm...i like too use characters that i can

#1 priority:string combos together with normal attacks, grabs and powers in a way that look realy realy realy cool ;):spiderman:  :iceman:  :deadpool: :iwoman:

#2 priority:attack quickly and dont have stupid powers :deadpool:  :quicks:

#3 priority: have moderate stamina and dont die too quickly (:iwoman: is not a good example)

i like it too look cool because...i dont know y. i just have more fun when a combo looks insanely awsome!

I never use cheats my first time around unless its too unlock al characters. I dont like to have to find stuff to play as someone, i want to play them right now! i usualy explore every part of the map and dont let any spots stay red on the minimap.
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

June 14, 2008, 01:19AM #23 Last Edit: June 17, 2008, 11:20PM by Grig 32
My priority is for my seven teams of four(moded so that it really IS nearly seven teams of four marvel characters - I did this by replacing default man so I REALLY have 27 - the original count of twenty-six plus the slot default man USED to occupy - chars ;) ) to each have their own turn to shine in the game. I switch each team out every time one team levels up so that they don't get too far from each other and I get a lot of variety/fun out of the game.

My playing style is mostly that of Nightcrawlers - fly or port or slide out of the way, make a heavy strike and then back out until I can do it again. Failing that I'll freeze my enemies lol

lol, thats how i played when i used to play pokemon. I kept them all at the same lvl and wouldnt plsy with one if he was higher then the other till the others caught up....it took 4ever to beat
Icons made by me(i could only pick the best b/c of ltr limit):

Well, lets be honest, I LOVE almost all of the characters in the MUA games - the one's I don't I've replaced with characters I DO love like Magma or Colossus - thats why I want to play with all of them.