the Dazzler mod (version 3.0 released 9/7/09)

Started by Tetragene, July 19, 2007, 02:31PM

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August 08, 2011, 08:59PM #105 Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 09:07PM by colossus500
im new and i need to ask this. i've downloaded dazzler 3.0 (not the full version) and i want to add the team_bonus.txt, so i assumed that i have to put the text file to team_bonus.engb on MUA data folder with XMLBCUI. but when i played the game and when selecting  :dazzler::capamer::humant::warbird: or :dazzler::colossus::deadpool::spiderman: and nothing happened. there was no team bonus, did i just something wrong with it? please anyone tell me how to add the team_bonus.txt any help i would be appreciate it

I really want this mod but the link for Dazzler is down. The full mod link works however but I don't want the full mod. Anyone have a link?

I just checked.  I used to have the mod you are referring to, but I must have lost it when my hard drive crashed a while back.
Use this poll to tell everyone where you are from:,3929.msg73927.html#msg73927

Bump for a download of the normal version (3.0 release).

Someone posted a file that they had (in the recovery thread maybe, I forget where I found it), but it must be an older version because it doesn't have the extra skins and changes to the powers. :(

Hi guys I have a question, I've downloaded this awesome mod and I want to remove the x-men skin by a lady gaga skin. But after replacing the x-men skin (19103.igb) by the lady gaga skin, when I start a new game nothing change.
Maybe I've replaced the wrong files so if anybody could help me to figure out, it will be nice ^^

Quote from: XFrost on September 05, 2012, 12:40PM
Hi guys I have a question, I've downloaded this awesome mod and I want to remove the x-men skin by a lady gaga skin. But after replacing the x-men skin (19103.igb) by the lady gaga skin, when I start a new game nothing change.
Maybe I've replaced the wrong files so if anybody could help me to figure out, it will be nice ^^
I'm going to sound stupid, but do you have access to all the costumes in the game? (I mean cheating to unlock all the alt suits)
Again yeah it's a dumb question.

I hate to bump such an old topic, but I really need the regular version of this mod too...if anyone can re-upload it, that would be great.

Also, anyone who needs it, here is the proper 3.0 herostat for Dazzler, at least as I've been able to find. You can use this if the Full Mod install doesn't quite work, and you should be able to fix the Heroselect problem some of us were having by putting this into your herostat.

   stats {
   ailevel = 1 ;
   autospend = support ;
   body = 5 ;
   characteranims = 191_dazzler ;
   charactername = Dazzler ;
   level = 1 ;
   menulocation = 9 ;
   mind = 12 ;
   moveset1 = moveset_flying ;
   name = Dazzler ;
   playable = true ;
   powerstyle = ps_dazzler ;
   scriptlevel = 3 ;
   skin = 19101 ;
   skin_01_name = Classic ;
   skin_02 = 02 ;
   skin_02_name = Astonishing ;
   skin_03 = 03 ;
   skin_03_name = X-Men ;
   skin_04 = 04 ;
   skin_04_name = Age Of Apocalypse ;
   skin_05 = 05 ;
   skin_05_name = Rebellion ;
   skin_06 = 06 ;
   skin_06_name = Pop Diva ;
   sounddir = dazzler_m ;
   strength = 4 ;
   team = hero ;
   textureicon = 5 ;
      Race {
      name = Mutant ;

      Race {
      name = XMen ;

      Multipart {
      hideskin = 20102_Mgun_segment ;
      hideskin2 = 20102_Mgun_back_segment ;

      Multipart {
      hideskin = 20102_pistol_segment ;
      hideskin2 = 20102_knife_R_hand_segment ;

      Multipart {
      hideskin = 1201_sai_left_segment ;
      hideskin2 = 1201_star_left_segment ;

      Multipart {
      hideskin = 1201_sai_right_segment ;
      hideskin2 = 1201_star_right_segment ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = dazzler_p1 ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = fightstyle_dazzler ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = block ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = melee_moves ;

      talent {
      level = 1 ;
      name = flight ;

      StatEffect {
      anim = flying ;
      effect = char/dazzler/p11_aura ;
      fxlevel = 1 ;

      StatEffect {
      anim = flying ;
      bolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
      effect = char/dazzler/p11_power ;
      fxlevel = 1 ;

      StatEffect {
      anim = flying ;
      bolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
      effect = char/dazzler/p11_power ;
      fxlevel = 1 ;

      StatEffect {
      bolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
      effect = char/dazzler/special_glowing ;
      fxlevel = 3 ;
      menuonly = true ;
      zoneonly = false ;

      StatEffect {
      bolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
      effect = char/dazzler/special_glowing ;
      fxlevel = 3 ;
      menuonly = true ;
      zoneonly = false ;

      StatEffect {
      bolt = Bip01 L Hand ;
      effect = char/dazzler/special_glowing ;
      fxlevel = 2 ;
      menuonly = true ;
      zoneonly = false ;

      StatEffect {
      bolt = Bip01 R Hand ;
      effect = char/dazzler/special_glowing ;
      fxlevel = 2 ;
      menuonly = true ;
      zoneonly = false ;


I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

I hate to necro, but, as others have asked before me, does anyone have the solo version? I've tried using the one available now, but, as far as I know, I cant use it with Hero Select. I have no problem killing off Elektra, but I can't for the life of me get Dazzler to work. Thanks!

I don't have the new stand-alone, but I just looked at what files/folders where in the older standalone related to Dazzler and just installed those files from the full Dazzler mod. Her new herostat is up a couple posts as well.