Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Started by jonchang, July 20, 2007, 07:23AM

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I'm not much of a Harry Potter fan, and I do not really like magic, with the exception of Dr. Strange. But I am quite interested to know if Harry dies or not. Can someone inform me? Also, how was the Order of the Phoenix movie? Would you recommend me to wait for the DVD to come out, or watch it in the cinemas now?

I would recommend you not go to see it and not buy/rent the DVD...............  :runaway:

does harry die? well:

Spoiler Warning: Harry does not die! The Order of the Phoenix was good but it dragged in some parts and only got really good towards the end of the film. Probably better to wait for it on DVD.

he just said that in the post above you, and it is usually a good idea to keep the actual spoiler somewhere after where you say spoiler warning, or else the person most likely can see it when reading the words spoiler warning, or you could keep it hidden like magneto did

Sorry I did not see that it was hidden. My mistake!

I was on Yahoo, and J.K. Rowling just came out and said that the character Dumbledore is gay. A BIG HOMO. Way to ruin a f&%#@in good book.

The worst thing is, that our lazy translators will probably translate the book for Christmas... But from the spoilers here, I'm even more enthusiastic  :)