NPC Character Limit (limit = 2)

Started by nodoubt_jr, July 27, 2007, 01:32PM

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July 27, 2007, 01:32PM Last Edit: July 27, 2007, 08:46PM by nodoubt_jr
yep there is a limit, it doesnt cause a crash like the herostat limit. 

I recently added all the playables i had replaced and new mods that were not on my herostat to the npcstat, as well as teh xml1 npc conversion and my custom ones.  Then i noticed that a lot of the cutscenes were missing the characters and were replaced by defaultman, the same thing in act 5 when i was suppose to talk to the scarlet witch she is no longer there, and in the tutorial Prof X, Nightcrawler adn Cyclops are replaced by defaultman.

What i discovered was there is a limit, when you add new characters to npc it bumps off the last on the list. at first i didnt notice cause it was the online exclusives and stuff that is not in the game.  But now it bumped off the character simples and they no longer appear in cutscenes or at times when you talk to them in home bases.  I also tried putting all the new entries at the end of the list like the PSP npcstat has new characters, but it just cut them off like they were never on my list.

this sucks, hopefully i did somethig wrong and that is why im having this problem, but as soon i replaced my current npcstat with my old unchanged npcstat all the characters that had dissapered were back.
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i dont know, i thought it had no limit since new additions didnt crash it
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Very bad news! I thought there was since there where minor erorrs while playing.

yeah i remember you mentioning something about missing villains, was this what you meant or was that a mistake by you?
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Yeah sometimes theres just little round thing which don't even move. But thats no problem cause I fix that by replaceing everything of a npc except it's name, and who ever it was comes out in the main game where the orignal character comes out but with it's ability and everything else. It's preety cool fighting lot's of magmas or whoever instead of the orginal villians. Plus I could use them for hex editing and playing with them in the main page dangeroom.

yeah its not such a problem if you are only adding 4, since those spots are for the online levels only which dont effect the game at all, after that it gets tricky.
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That hard only four? Quicksilver, magma, polaris, and avalanche since mystique mod will soon be made I hope. Also the game gets hard with the npc mods you made, but it's funnier, they have the same health level but they get lvl 30 powers. Everytime I would play and when a bunch of dark havok would shoot me it would only take one shoot to kill me. :)

yeah some of the npc heroes i made are a little overpowered for the main menu dangeroom, but i usually play the game at hard and that is the only way to get them to be at the same level as the other playable characters in game.  The villians are at the same level as other villians, mostly based of Lady Deathstrike.
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So what was the total you were able to get?  That way I know how many new characters I can put in the XML2Xbox mod.

well i have 22 in it now, and like i said it doesnt crash it just ignores the last entries in the npcstat as if they are not there.  I havent tested what is the actual limit before it just ignores characters.  I'll go test right now and see when it starts ignoring the very last character.
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so after testing by using the last character in the npcstat, Ninja Healer, i found out that the limit of new NPC is 2.  If you add a 3rd character the last character in npcstat is ignored and replaced by defaultman.  In other words, you get 2 new NPC before it just starts ignoring characters at the end of the list.

Normal npcstat with no change (this is how it continued to look after adding 2 new characters)

after adding a third character, the dreaded defaultman appears

so two without replacing, 6 if you dont care for the online only characters.
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yeah which sucks, but if you dont care for the online only which dont appear in the main storyline, then its 6, and if you dont care for cutscenes and some of the playable characters you speak (for example: ScarletWitchSimple) too, then its 26.
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You can also remove an entry for Avalanche since he never appears at all in XML2.