
fbExtractor V1.6, fbBuilder V1.0, and cfgBuilder V1.0 RELEASED

Started by Norrin Radd, July 29, 2007, 08:14PM

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I'd like to make XML characters playable in MUA PS2, but for that I must know how to create fb files for them - and I just couldn't. Thanks.
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community

if you want a better idea of what needs to be in them, use fbExtractor to extract existing fb's from mua
then you'll see all the files that the characters should have

then using the examples that are in the fbBuilder zip, you can make your own fbs with files for xml characters

Exactly. That was what I was doing, but unfortunately I couldn't make those files. I tried to create a fb file for Dr. Strange using Scarlet Witch's skin and doesn't work. I think it might have something to do with the kind of file. I  mean, is it all xml?
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community

no, it isnt all xml, see the new example file i provided in the updated zip file, you will see it looks like this:
3301.igb actors/3301.igb actorskin

50_civilians_male.igb actors/50_civilians_male.igb actoranimdb

hud_head_3301.igb HUD/hud_head_3301.igb model

3301_hud.igb ui/HUD/characters/3301.igb model

there are models, actorskins, etc. all the same things you would find in the package files (.pkg(b) files)
also, what you can do to see the names directly is open an fb that you have with a hex editor, then search for the name of some file, like 3301.igb, a couple of lines further you will see the related name, it will say actorskin

hope that helps

Thanks. That's what I need.
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community

Hey Norrin, I'm getting an error with fbBuilder.  "Error: File could not be opened"

Here's the cfg:

15401.igb actors/15401.igb actorskin
154_psylocke.igb actors/154_psylocke.igb actoranimdb
psylocke_icons1.igb textures/ui/psylocke_icons1.igb texture
special_elemental.xmlb char/psyloc/special_elemental.xmlb effect
psylocke.engb data/talents/psylocke.engb xml_talents
hud_head_15401.igb HUD/hud_head_15401.igb model
ps_psylocke.engb data/powerstyles/ps_psylocke.engb fightstyle
p1_arc.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p1_arc.xmlb effect
p1_charge.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p1_charge.xmlb effect
p1_impact.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p1_impact.xmlb effect
p2_arc.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p2_arc.xmlb effect
p2_charge.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p2_charge.xmlb effect
p3_armor.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p3_armor.xmlb effect
p3_charge.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p3_charge.xmlb effect
p3_power.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p3_power.xmlb effect
p4_impact.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p4_impact.xmlb effect
p4_onslaught.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p4_onslaught.xmlb effect
p8_charge.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p8_charge.xmlb effect
p8_power.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/p8_power.xmlb effect
powerup_elemental.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/powerup_elemental.xmlb effect
powerup_slow.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/powerup_slow.xmlb effect
special_bolthit.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/special_bolthit.xmlb effect
special_bolttrail.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/special_bolttrail.xmlb effect
special_xtreme.xmlb effects/char/psyloc/special_xtreme.xmlb effect
psylocke_bolt.igb models/effects/psylocke_bolt.igb model
ents_psylocke.xmlb data/entities/ents_psylocke.xmlb xml
psylocke_blade_01.igb models/bolton/psylocke_blade_01.igb model
psylocke_blade_02.igb models/bolton/psylocke_blade_02.igb model
psylocke_blade_03.igb models/bolton/psylocke_blade_03.igb model

It gives that message if either:
1) it could not open the cfg file
2) it could not open one of the files mentioned in the cfg file

So if you remove all the entries you will be able to tell if its 1)
For 2) you would have to double check that all the names are correct for all te files you have and you might have to do trial and error until you can figure out which file(s) is messing it up

Must be the second.  I bet I have a typo or a missing file.  Thanks for the clarification.

Also, just in case you haven't used it before, make sure all your files you are putting into the fb are in the same folder as the fbBuilder exe

Yeah, I got the _nc of the character to build properly, but when I was adding stuff for the combat version I got the error.  So I'm either missing a file or typed something wrong (I just used the pkgb as a reference)

ok, good luck :thumbsup:
if you have any other problems let me know

Norrin, it´s just a sugestion...
Why fbextractor doesn't generate a cfg file for use in fbbuilder? It would be pretty handy.
Canino passed away in April 2022. He will be dearly missed by the community

I second that. It's kinda bothersome to type it all up by hand, especially if you have the prospect of modifying a LOT of FBs in the near future as I seem to do :)

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

Quote from: Canino on March 10, 2008, 02:47AM
Norrin, it´s just a sugestion...
Why fbextractor doesn't generate a cfg file for use in fbbuilder? It would be pretty handy.

Quote from: Noelemahc on April 13, 2008, 01:36AM
I second that. It's kinda bothersome to type it all up by hand, especially if you have the prospect of modifying a LOT of FBs in the near future as I seem to do :)

Good news, I just updated fbExtractor program (V1.6) so that it creates a cfg file during extraction. I tested it and this file is compatible with fbBuilder. Not sure how many people use these programs other than me, but I hope it helps!

See first post for download link

Is it possible to get a PKGB --> CFG builder as well?  That'd make PC conversions a lot faster.