
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Tom & Candy Cane

Tom and Candy Cane taunt their fallen enemies as the exit out of the ring giving one another a high five.

Backstage Lois Lane is standing by

Lois: My guest at this time, the Fonz!

Fonz: Ehhh! Alright everybody it's Fonz time.

Lois: Do you have any goals in the WWE?

Fonz: Like of course i do. I want to be WWE Champion, i may have had a little hiccup at the start but i'm ready..

Before the Fonz can continue with his statement he finds his interview being interrupted by Doctor Loomis and Michal Myers who brawl all round the backstage area. Both Lois Lane and Fonz are chased off as the camera goes back out to the live arena

Evil Ash comes down to the ring, now preparing for his match.

Hong Kong Phooey accompanied by Spot makes his way down to the ring. HKP has done much of anything of note as of late so he looks to spring board himself back into the main show with a win here but Evil Ash wants to win his debut.

The ACME referee rings the bell

Evil Ash vs Hong Kong Phooey w/ Spot
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Evil Ash

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Winner: Evil Ash

Evil Ash is the winner and he finds himself surprised Ash did not run out in his match like he had done his earlier.

Spot helps Hong Kong Phooey from the ring, As Evil Ash heads up the ramp. Ash Williams runs out and hits Evil Ash to the floor knocking him down in payback where he didn't see it coming.

We head backstage, Apollo Creed and Ermac are talking

Creed: We did pretty good last week.

Ermac: We held the tag team together.

Creed: Of course we did.

Spike rushes up to them

Spike: Have either of you seen Buffy?

Creed: We haven't seen that loser.

Spike: Seriously i can't seem to find her.

Creed: Your problem, not mine.

Apollo Creed walks off and Ermac nods his head in a negative manner and walks off too.

Spike heads down the hall to see Deadpool talking to Conan the Barbarian

Spike: Either of you seen Buffy?

Deadpool: Better question has anyone seen Muffy? What ever happened to her?

Spike: Umm okay, seriously have you seen the Slayer?

Conan: No.

Spike: Thanks for the definitive answer big guy.

Spike continues on his way through the backstage area in search of Buffy.

We head back out to the arena and Dr. Doofenshmirtz makes his way down to the ring for his match. We go backstage to see Perry the Platypus sitting by a monitor eating some popcorn waiting for the match to start.

Doofensmirtz waits in the ring as a big limo comes out to ringside. JR Ewing makes his way out of it making his debut. He teases little kids at ring side and hops into the ring and laughs at the sorry state of his opponent. Doofenshmirtz gets angry at him and the ACME referee rings the bell

Dr. Doofenshmirtz vs JR Ewing
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Dr. Doofenshmirtz

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Winner: JR Ewing

JR Ewing gets the win. He exits the ring. However as he exits Adam rushes down to the ring. Adam commences to continue to beat down Dr. Doofenshmirtz.

Doof: Help!

Adam: Don't bother calling for Perry the Platypus, i already took care of him again.

Adam tosses Doofenshmirtz out of the ring and down to the floor laughing the entire time.

Adam: Such a waste of humanity.

Content with the damage he had done, Adam leaves the arena for the night raising his Intercontinental Championship way up high.

Spike heads out to the ring next as he has simply failed at being able to find Buffy. He grabs a mic

Spike: So this is supposed to be the week i get my answers to this whole cloaked person drama and now i can't find Buffy. How about we just cut the **** and end this. Whoever you are let's settle this.

As Spike talks the video on the tron changes to a downed Buffy somewhere backstage. The cloaked persons stands over top of her. The cloaked person removes the cloak to reveal themselves to be Drusilla!

Spike: Dru? What the hell.

Drusilla: Miss me?

Spike: Why the hell have you been stalking me.

Drusilla: It's quite simple dear. And if you accept i have already arranged what i want with Nick Fury.

Spike: And what is that?

Drusilla: Me vs you at Judgment Day.

Spike: You are crazy woman but fine you got it.

Drusilla: It's too bad Buffy won't be there though.

Spike: What?

Drusilla returns to beating down Buffy as Spike rushes back to try and find out where they are. When he finally does get back there Drusilla had already left.

We go to another area backstage as Loomis and Myers are both lead into Nick Fury's office

Fury: Alright you two clearly have a lot of issues going on, so fine i give in. It's Doctor Loomis vs Michael Myers one on one at Judgment Day. Now get these two out of my office!

A brawl breaks out again among the two of them as they leave Fury's office.

Back out in the arena, Shaggy makes his way down to the ring. He lives up to the promise by coming out alone.

A lone rider comes out on his horse next. It's Death, he also is alone with no friends in tow. He rides down to the ring and gets off os his horse and climbs into the ring. The ACME referee rings the bell

Shaggy vs Death
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS

Winner: Death

Death is the victor tonight as the 4 Horsemen hold another win over Mystery Inc.

We cut backstage to JR Ewing who is walking the halls celebrating his win. A dark figure walks up beside him

JR: Can i help you?

Dahak: Maybe you can. Let's have us a small chat about the things that really matter.

JR: Alright, let's chat then.

JR Ewing and Dahak head off to talk as we go back to the arena.

Iron Man makes his way down to the ring in preparation for his next match,

Starscream makes his entrance next. Megatron follows behind him and he orders Starscream not to let him down tonight

Iron Man vs Starscream w/ Megatron
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Starscream with Megatron

MY SKINS                                                                                               MY MODS