
The Worlds Wrestling Thread: (A Fanfiction and a prediction game all in one)

Started by Oddark123, May 18, 2013, 05:38AM

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Winner: Iron Man

Iron Man has his hand raised by the referee and War Machine as Superstars goes off the air for another night

RAW Episode #18

RAW begins with Scorpion making a beeline straight for the ring without his WWE Championship that he lost last week. He grabs a mic and looks to have something to say but before he can Quan Chi rushes down to the ring and proceeds to attack him.

ACME officials rush down to separate the two as Nick Fury appears on the tron

Fury: I guess there's no use in trying to keep you two apart. So tonight we have our main event. Scorpion one on one with Quan Chi. Now both of you get out of the ring we've got our opening contest to get to.

Scorpion and Quan Chi are both escorted out of the ring to get ready for the next match.

Fonz and Doctor Loomis make their way down to the ring for action tonight on RAW.

Raphael & Michelangleo come down to the ring next along with Leonardo in their corner for this match. The turtles want to build momentum heading towards their rematch at Summerslam.

The ACME referee looks at both teams who are ready and rings the bell

Fonz & Doctor Loomis vs Raphael & Michelangelo w/ Leonardo
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Fonz & Doctor Loomis

Note : I'll  be gone for a week, feel free to go on without me :)
My Release topic :,8934.0.html

Newest Release : Raven

Raphael & Michelangelo with Leonardo

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QuoteThanks for letting us know Polygone, have fun

Winner: Raphael & Michelangelo

The turtles celebrate a win but the horsemen ride out on stage with mics

Famine: A win for the turtles over two misplaced losers.

Pestilence: Enjoy this little win while you can get it.

Death: Come Summerslam we all know where these tag belts will remain

War: With the Horsemen!

The Horsemen ride off but the turtles look on with their game faces on. They clear the ring for our next match

In the ring we have an official ready for the next match.

Ash Williams makes his way down to the ring for action.

Jason Voorhees is out next to be his opponent tonight. The crowd boos Jason and he once again tries to stab a drunk girl in the front row.

The bell is rung and these two get it on

Ash Williams vs Jason Voorhees
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Jason Voorhees

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Winner: Ash Williams

Following the match we see a shot of Michael Myers watching the match from the crowd. We shift back to a winning shot of Ash Williams

Backstage we see a camera following Autolycus around. He however gets ambushed and knocked out by Apollo Creed

Creed: That'll teach you!

Apollo Creed rushes off leaving Autolycus laying on the ground.

We had back out to the arena. Starscream makes his way down to the ring alone with no Megatron.

Batman comes out next to a big crowd reaction. One fan in the front row covered up stands up on his chair and starts cheering for Batman really loudly.

The ACME referee rings the bell and we are under way

Starscream vs Batman
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way


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Winner: Starscream

Starscream wins and Batman rolls out of the ring. The fan who got really excited earlier hops the guard rail much to the officials dismay. He hugs Batman but then sprays him in the face with something. The fan goes nuts and starts beating down Batman and starts laughing.

The fan removes his disguise to reveal himself as the Joker! He laughs his way up the ramp taunting the fallen Batman who is helped to the back by officials

With the chaos over our next match is set to get started. Jerry makes his way down to the ring with Hulk in his corner.

Minotaur comes out next for his first match on RAW. He snarls and stomps at the ground as he gets into the ring.

The ACME referee rings the bell

Jerry w/ Hulk vs Minotaur
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way

Jerry with Hulk

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Winner: Minotaur

Minotaur continues his streak. Afterwards he goes to beat down Jeryr some more but Hulk gets in the ring and stops him from doing anything else. Minotaur and Hulk have a stare down

We go backstage to Lois Lane who is standing by with Ermac

Lois: Ermac you requested this time.

Ermac: We requested this time to inform the WWE that we have a problem and that is with Raiden. We are many and he is but one yet he always get's the better time in the spotlight. We are more deserving and we intend to keep teaching him lessons just like last week.

Ermac makes his way down tot he ring following the interview for his match. It's not against Raiden but it's still a chance to show his skills.

Buffy makes her way down to the ring.

The ACME official rings the bell for this next match to get under way

Ermac vs Buffy
I'm a writer with big goals and ambitions
Influences: Classic Literature, Horror Movies and Hanna Barbera Cartoons and wouldn't have it any other way