harpua1982's Mannequins: Tigra, Sinister, Stryfe...

Started by MelloMods, July 20, 2012, 02:40PM

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Agree with the others . These mannequins are bitching  ;)
" The day you stop racing,
is the day you win the race "

Thanks for the comments. Expect more.

Quote from: andersonbrazil on August 23, 2016, 08:09AM
Congratulations by mannequins, MelloMods! I'll download them and present them in a sequence of gameplays that I do on you tube if you allow me. The guys that watching the videos is fascinated by the forum. As to what you mentioned about shadows I did not understand. You are having problems with shadows effect  in the models or you want to apply textures with these shadows present on them?

I have no problem with you sharing anything I create on Youtube! In fact, I enjoy watching your videos. (even though I can't understand a word of it!)
Trying to figure out how to apply these textures:

I believe it was mentioned somewhere here that these textures could be applied, but a few errors occur in-game (model turning black and into t-pose). I'm not sure how this would effect manenquins, however.

^^view MelloMods' Mods^^

To use those "normals" textures I use photoshop to combine it with the "diffuse" texture.

Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 24, 2016, 06:53AM
To use those "normals" textures I use photoshop to combine it with the "diffuse" texture.
Hmmmm.....interesting. how exactly do you "combine" the two? Add new layer on top and change the blend mode of the "normal" map? If so, would the "overlay" blend mode be what im after? Srry. Cant expirement b/c im not at the computer atm.

^^view MelloMods' Mods^^

Quote from: MelloMods on August 24, 2016, 10:03AM
Hmmmm.....interesting. how exactly do you "combine" the two? Add new layer on top and change the blend mode of the "normal" map? If so, would the "overlay" blend mode be what im after? Srry. Cant expirement b/c im not at the computer atm.
Exactly like that, I use a spanish version of the program but the mode I use have to be lineal overlay or soft light, I just play with the settings to be honest.

August 24, 2016, 11:14AM #21 Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 11:38AM by andersonbrazil
Quote from: MelloMods on August 24, 2016, 04:38AM
Thanks for the comments. Expect more.

I have no problem with you sharing anything I create on Youtube! In fact, I enjoy watching your videos. (even though I can't understand a word of it!)
Trying to figure out how to apply these textures:

I believe it was mentioned somewhere here that these textures could be applied, but a few errors occur in-game (model turning black and into t-pose). I'm not sure how this would effect manenquins, however.

Quote from: Julio Cabral on August 24, 2016, 10:14AM
Exactly like that, I use a spanish version of the program but the mode I use have to be lineal overlay or soft light, I just play with the settings to be honest.

I know there is a way to use it through the 3ds max, but as said Julio Cabral, I also edit it just in photoshop. However I apply in it the "overlay" mode and then I suiting it through saturation. I do like this:

1 - We open each texture separately.

2 - After I select (Ctr+A) blue texture.

3 - I copy (Ctr+C) and paste (Ctr+V) it in the diffuse texture tab.

4 - After I select the layer of blue texture and choose the "overlay" mode application.

5 - I select the toolbar in option, "image" , "adjustements", "vibrance".

6 - You can change the saturation and vibrance it at will.

7 - After I select any of the layers, squeeze the right mouse button and choose the option "merge invisible." Now all the layers are joined

Ready! This is how I treat my textures. However I am not very skillful with textures so that there may be other better ways of manipulating them in Photoshop or on the 3ds max. But I believe that this can be a start for you to advance.

Thanks Julio and andersonbrazil. Great advice. I'll see what I can come up w/.

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