If u had to pick 4 characters to play as, which 4 would u choose?

Started by jonchang, August 13, 2007, 09:32AM

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I'm going with Captain Marvel, Moon Knight, Silver Surfer and Deadpool.

Moon Knight  and Marvel have great offensive capabilities, and Surfer lends great support. Plus, I need someone to joke around to keep my playing spirit high.

Spider-Man, Magneto, Wolverine and Venom/Ghost Rider. That's all I need ;)
By the way, shouldn't it go in THIS topic?
You may freely use and modify my work as long as you give me proper credit - there's no need to ask for my permission.

Why are you duplicating generic threads in different subforums? Why do people let you spam so much?

Oh, and mine are currently Cyclops, Deadpool, Hawkeye and Super Skrull. That's until next week, wich will last until the next after that, and so on.

For the entire game, and you couldn't switch in or out using the SHIELD Access Points.

I mean, if you had to stick with one team of four from Helicarrier to Latveria without changing the team.

What do you mean by "one team of four from Helicarrier to Latveria without changing the team"? That is not true.

i think he/she is saying to pretend if you could only have 4 players throughout the whole game without changing them, then who would you pick, thus this topic is ever so slightly different than the other threads with similar names. you of course arent restricted to 4, but i believe the theme of the topic is a 'what if' situation.

Thanks for the clarification...........@_@

EDIT: You are right... this is just a small variant other topics.... Let me delete some of my posts above... -_-"||

It's just who you like the best there are some balance deals going on like electra's too powerful so is the sufer but he should be.   
And their turning us into Monsters its all designed!!

Oi, I'm a he! And thank you, Norrin for the explanation.

When you mean four characters does that mean ones that are already in the game or four character over all? If the ones already in the game than I would go with Deadpool because he went toe to toe solo (all of the others died) with Mephisto and won and I did not have the god mode cheat on either. The Thing because he is a favorite of mine. Silver Surfer for air support and because he is cool. Spider-Man because I love his web warrior and I use that alot especially in the Vs. simulators. I dont own the Gold Edition but plan to get it so this may change. If the characters are not in the game than I would have to go with Cable, She-Hulk, Thunderstrike (disappointed his skin was not used in MUA for Thor), Iron Fist. When I mean characers not in the game I mean the ones that were not in the game now (Gold Edition) or when it was released.

Up to you. But pretend you had to stick with four for the entire game.