The Return of Captain America?

Started by iammingy, August 13, 2007, 08:47PM

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As I've said...Steve Rogers is an original. I mourn his death, and I'd very much appreciate it if they resurrect him. Your Punisher concept does sound interesting though...

Doesn't Punisher wear a Cap costume now?

Probably in memory of Captain America he does. While Steve Rogers is still only a human and was only augmented by the Super Soldier Serum he can still die like a normal human but what has kept him alive all these years is his shield, his fighting prowess and his spirit. You take away all of those things from him and he is nothing. Captain America had no super powers and neither did Steve Rogers. Steve Rogers will always be remembered as Cap but does what he stands for have to die with him? No. There will be others that will have the same spirit as him maybe not perfect but they will get the job done. If Steve Rogers was superhuman than I could understand him being brought back but he is like the Punisher only human.

Punisher wears his version of Cap's costume as a tribute and his version of a carrying on Cap's legacy. Civil War (whether you liked it or not) stated that Rogers and Castle as soldiers were the same man, different war. Anyway, looks like whatever happens with that we won't see until 2008.

Still we have Bucky, Tony, Clint, Falcon... even Fury or Agent 13 could be Cap candidates.

But no American Punisher. Don't! Bad boy, don't do!

Steve Rogers is the only Captain America I've known and loved.

Well, Clint's already got an alter-ego as Ronin.

Clint Barton master in all kinds of pwnage. Bows and arrows just to show he can make outdated weapons look cool.

Since last NA issue, where Echo actually cedes him the suit (not a major point, but officially happened), I want to think of Ronin as his mourning costume. There are a lot of loose threads after CW and Cap's death to be certain of what will happen. You'll see a public Nick Fury appearance before a New Cap one (2009?).

Actually, American Punisher was a joke if some had not figured it out. Anyways what about Jack Monroe a.k.a. Nomad becoming Cap? He was after all Bucky at one point and a possible candidate for Captain America's replacement. The last I knew of Nomad's whereabouts was that he was put in cryogenic freeze after a bomb went off in a building back in Nomad vol. 2 #25

Captain Punisher / American Punisher was in the "What if.. Punisher Was Captain America?" edition i think...