What is this Enhanced Greatest Hits MUA I've heard about for the PS2?

Started by jonchang, August 13, 2007, 09:35PM

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Well, I suppose technically they where not lying since they didn't give any information about it. However, giving it a title "Enhanced Greatest Hits" implies new content. What is so enhanced about it? That it has a bonus disk that shows how the game was made? How is this enhanced? I think their marketing staff came up with a clever way to deceive people into rebuying or just buying if they haven't already this product.

I really was hoping to get some new PS2 material to work on, since it is so compatible with the PC version, but right now the ambiguety is on Activision's side. The "Enhanced" part doesn't even says it has to have more content, only better in any way. For example, bug fixes, higher res skins, speed problems or other stuff the PS2 was lacking, without any extra character, would be technically an enhacement. Video content would be an addition probably other sections of the public could enjoy, like collectors, game developers, people interested in production, an so on. Anyway, was the video content really confirmed by the developers or was it more forum news/rumour/speculation?

It's actually being released as a "Special Edition", not as an "Enhanced" version, apparently.

Regardless of Activision not releasing any of the information, Gamestop's official website solicited it as an Enhanced Version and listed "Team Vehicles" as one of the things available.  While this doesn't suggest extra characters, it could technically be enough to accuse Gamestop, at least, of false advertising.  Enough so to get a refund if you purchased the game online, perhaps.

Any news released comes from people that already own the game.  Activision's still told us absolutely nothing.

I picked it up, hoping for some Easter Eggs on the disc or something new on the DVD.  Yeah, waste.of.money.  Not one thing new on the game disc, and a bunch of old footage/making ofs/trailers that had been released before.

Nah, I got a buddy who wants it, and I've only found one copy at one store thus far.  Problem solved.

Yeah that's a bummer. I'm gonna have a long talk with whoever came up with the name "Enhanced Greatest Hits".

Well, it wasn't Raven/Marvel/Activision.  They all list it as Special Edition, which could pass as just the game and a bonus DVD.