
Andersonbrazil/Tutorial: Editing the internal numbering of Emma Frost skins.

Started by andersonbrazil, May 23, 2015, 09:22AM

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I made this tutorial to help beginners modification to MUA. Some of the game characters to work correctly must have their skins edited by a program hexeditor  or by Alchemy Vicarious program, is the case with Emma Frost. The secret of Emma is that for every human skin should have a diamond skin. The numbering of the diamond skin should be 4 times more than the human skin. Example: human skin, 19801, 19805 diamond skin. The other mystery is that the internal numbering of the diamond skin should be the corresponding number its human skin. Example: Human skin with 19801 external  numbering and 19801 internal numbering  , have a skin diamond with 19805 external numbering and internal  numbering 19801.
I will indicate a succinct but effective tutorial that BLAW did to help me, and I will teach a very efficient way, and is the that most I currently use, that the Aventureiromax taught me.

editing the internal numbering for a hexeditor program (BLAW teaching):,8049.540.html

Download this program. You will need to search for it on google.

editing the internal numbering with Alchemy program (teaching Aventureiromax):

1 - You need to install Alchemy on your PC.
     Download it at this link:,8927.0.html
     Follow the installation key along with it. Installation is pattern of any program. It works on any Windows, 32bit or 64bit either.

2 - Once installed, open the Intrinsic Alchemy Finalizer program and open the skin file "igb" in place of your PC. This program displays only custom skins, i.e. converted into the game. He did not view the unique skins nor the XML2 skins. He does not display HUDs nor skeletons.

3 - Once you open the skin, double-click the first item that appears, and so on until the item "igSkin: igActor01Appearance".

4 - Select the item and click the right mouse button.
      Choose the "edit object fields" option.
      Now change to the numbering of the skin that you opened.

5 - Choose Save or Save As. Okay, now your skin is edited.
      As we are unraveling the mystery of Emma Frost, do this same process on the diamond skin, respecting the rule I just said above.

There are other rules for editing skins of other characters that I still do not know, such as the Iceman. If anyone knows his secret, between human skin and the ice skin, booster Heart of Ice, I'll be grateful for teaching me. Good fun, so!

Where did you get that Emma Frost Phoenix Five skin?