Mysterio Mod Release

Started by idrinkdrpepper, August 18, 2007, 08:32PM

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i dont know if this will help you in any way, but multiple man's powerstyle had "team = enemy ;" for all his spawned actors.  I remove it since i had no idea what people would use him for, so maybe adding "team=hero" will have them following the team? i havent tried it out.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

I would love to see Omega Red. I would also love to see one of the remaining members of the Synister Syndicate, the Scorpion. Not sure if he ever was one but I noticed him in your mod of Mysterio. No hurry though. :hyper:

Nice vid. But it doesn't inform me Vision's Xtreme.

It seems really weird that you're so obsessed with extremes and yet don't actually want to see what they're like.  Why is that?

You're right. The Xtreme is the most powerful move within the character's arsenal of powers which define them as a Marvel Super Hero.

As I've pointed out about my broken-down mongrel of a computer almost everytime, I cannot install MUA on my laptop as it takes up too much space in my hard drive. Plus, my graphics card isn't that strong, and the most I can see is shadows, but I've learnt to fight using shadows, technically dueling invisible opponents and using the useful aid of the GameFAQ's walkthrough that you provided me in the "Which DLC Character would you most likely try?" thread.

Quote from: Midnight Curse on August 22, 2007, 04:13AM
You're right. The Xtreme is the most powerful move within the character's arsenal of powers which define them as a Marvel Super Hero.

I have to disagree. XTremes are mostly annoying and ineffective. Depending of the effect of the move, you can do more or less damage per single enemy, but the trick is that you can do as much damage with the very first power upgraded to the first two yellow levels, with a lot less time waste and the ability to recharge more often.

XTremes are just emergency radials. You can throw any numbers you want, the real deal is that very little of them are really devastating and finishing a boss in slow-mo is unchallenging and kills the pacing of the game.

I were you, I'd spend a lot less time spamming forums and go out and find a way to play decently my MUA. I know had to for XML2.

Ah yes. Then I assume Lunar Eclipse and Merc's Revenge are annoying and ineffective?

Merc's Revenge, as cool as it looks, really is ineffective.  It'll do a teeny bit of damage to everyone in the room.  Since his guns are always moving nobody gets hit more than a few times.

August 22, 2007, 09:15PM #23 Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 09:21PM by Gevth
Use it against bosses, while Deadpool's standing next to them. Also, it's fun to use Cap's, Black Panther's and Mr. Fantastic's Xtremes in the same sequence with either Deadpool's or MK's, especially against bosses.

Another thing to do with Xtremes: Iceman's + Dr. Strange's. Either on the Asgard sim mission or when fighting the Doom Iron Men.

Edit: Why are we spamming this topic with an off-topic xtreme argument?

August 22, 2007, 09:20PM #24 Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 09:44PM by Midnight Curse
For eye candy, I use Ultimate Overload, Fantastic Fire, Lunar Eclipse, and Galactic Might.

Edit: OK, then I'll make an Xtreme thread.

I thought you had an Xtreme thread.  Why make another one?  Just use the same one.

OK, fair point. No more spam about Xtremes in the Mysterio thread. (I hope you appreciate my efforts in attempting not to spam)

August 30, 2007, 02:20PM #27 Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 02:31PM by idrinkdrpepper
Quote from: nodoubt_jr on August 20, 2007, 12:25PM
i dont know if this will help you in any way, but multiple man's powerstyle had "team = enemy ;" for all his spawned actors.  I remove it since i had no idea what people would use him for, so maybe adding "team=hero" will have them following the team? i havent tried it out.

Interesting. I didn't know that Multiple Man had a powerstyle file.  Are you talking about XML1 or XML2?  I got the ce_spawn_actor command from fishing around in the Game.exe file.  I think I tried "team=hero" and also a script with BeTeamPlayer, but I wasn't able to get the actors to follow.  What I really wanted was for the actors to disappear after the lifetime of the power expired, but whenever the remove command was called, it removed Mysterio and not the extra actors.  The source of my problem may be that I had replaced defaultman with Mysterio in the herostat file - my reasoning being that ce_spawn_actor spawns the default character.  So, it's possible that if I had left defaultman alone and put Mysterio in some other slot, that the summoned actors would be removed without affecting Mysterio.

But, that brings up another point.  If the spawned actor is the default character, then his abilities would depend on who is defined first in the herostat file. 

August 30, 2007, 02:34PM #28 Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 02:37PM by nodoubt_jr
XML1, he had a powestyle, but it seems to be unused in XML1.  I converted him here,
. Its a direct translation, but like i mentioned i removed "team = enemy" because his spawns would attack him and the other x-men.  Sadly the spawned actors dont disappear and they dont follow the team, oh and they are only copies of the original, spawning a new character didnt work in XML2.  I havent really played around with it, other than having the spawns wear different customes or set a limit on how many can be spawned.

edit: for example i used this to spawn two more Cuckoos for a Three-In-One NPC, the spawns are copies of the original and have the same moveset and same powers.  i havent been able to get them to spawn a different character with differetn skeleton and powers.

edit2: also if you dont defined in the powerstyle the characte you want to spawn, it will spawn defaultman instead.  so for multiple man, i would have to say "character = madrox", if not, the spawned actor will be defaultman.
Please search the forum before asking a question. I dont answer
PMs about modding, those questions should be posted in a public thread.
What im currently working on:
My mods are mine to booster/update, I will not give anybody permission to do it

September 03, 2007, 12:54AM #29 Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 10:45PM by ThatGuy
Quote from: Midnight Curse on August 22, 2007, 04:13AM
You're right. The Xtreme is the most powerful move within the character's arsenal of powers which define them as a Marvel Super Hero.

As I've pointed out about my broken-down mongrel of a computer almost everytime, I cannot install MUA on my laptop as it takes up too much space in my hard drive. Plus, my graphics card isn't that strong, and the most I can see is shadows, but I've learnt to fight using shadows, technically dueling invisible opponents and using the useful aid of the GameFAQ's walkthrough that you provided me in the "Which DLC Character would you most likely try?" thread.

I noticed that you said that you had a problem seeing graphics on MUA. I had this problem as well but found that 3d -Analyze may fix this. It fixed mine.

You can find it by googling "3d analyze" and clicking the first link (it should take you to some site in Italian)--the site:

Download the latest version or whichever

After installing it and whatnot, enter the settings below and click run. Do not run the MUA game directly. The program should run the game for you (upon selecting it of course).

The settings:
Hardware Limits (cap bits)
* emulate HW TnL caps
* emulate pixel shader caps

* disable lighting

It should work pretty well then, running slowly only in part of the Skrull world and that is in only part of that Skrull world (it doens't impede gameplay as much).

Sidenote: The Mysterio mod rocks.  :applause: