
Started by bleedingcowz, April 09, 2008, 07:31AM

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I have an extremely noob question....is there taunt in MUA if so what is it and how??

Nope, any taunt sounds that are played are automatically played, and there aren't taunt-specific animations.  That'd be cool though.  Push a button to taunt and have the enemy come chasing after you.

You could make a power that does that, basically it plays an animation (like the one for Deadpool's Wisecrack power), plays a sound, and causes the enemies to be attracted to that character, but that's all you can do.  Actually, that would probably do what you want it to.

Then there's also the quipping. Whenever criticals are scored, enemies are fragged or thrown off legdes to their dooms, the character performing the action would gloat. Also, there are situation-specific remarks for level-ups, winning multiplayer matches (or, in the case of the PSP, simply doing the most damage within a level), etc. These can't be triggered directly, but they are, technically, taunt-like, even though they're only there for aesthetic purposes.

Crimson Dynamo says:
In Soviet Russia, the games mod YOU!

If anyone needs any art for icons or portraits, feel  free to ask, I'll see what I can do.

And of course certain characters have a debuff that make them taunt the enemies, like Deadpool's Wisecrack and Wolverine's Taunt.

OK, thanks for the clarification guys, but the idea of pressing a button to taunt got me worked up though