
Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog

Started by Outsider, June 30, 2017, 07:41PM

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June 30, 2017, 07:41PM Last Edit: March 04, 2025, 07:27PM by Outsider

The Outsider, Julio Cabral, Aventureiromax, Erik Lensherr, Andersonbrazil, UltraMegaMagnus, AdrianoAp, Enchlore, Ceamonks890, Escanor610, Hannah





Classic Sub-Zero is playable through Noob Saibot.
Kintaro is playable through Goro.
Dark Raiden is playable through Raiden.
Fire God Liu Kang is playable through Liu Kang.
Robot Smoke is playable through Smoke.
Cyber Sub-Zero is playable through Sub-Zero.
Dark Kahn is playable through Shao Kahn.

SPECIAL NOTE: Please note that these mods are only compatible with the original 2006 port of MUA. They will not work on the "remastered" 2016 Steam version. Unsure which version you got? Check the game folder -- if you see .bin files and the exe file date is 2016, then you've got the "remastered" version that is useless here. You can find a free, legal, and safe archived version of the game in the MUA1 Mod Installation Guide.


(This is a separate version of MUA designed for just MK warriors, will save games separately from other MUA saves. EXG-compatible.)

Vs. Shao Kahn: (scroll down)




If you are using the 50 Roster Hack and want to use those who were guest characters for MK, you can find them in the Non-Marvel Mod Catalog:
Alien by Erik Lensherr
Conan the Barbarian by Outsider
Freddy Krueger by Ceamonks890
Ghostface by Ceamonks890
Homelander by Ceamonks890
Jason Voorhees by Aventureiromax
The Joker by BLaw
Kratos by Outsider
Omni-Man by Ceamonks890
Peacemaker by Ceamonks890
Predator by Julio Cabral
Rambo by Aventureiromax
RoboCop by Aventureiromax
Spawn by Outsider
Terminator by Aventureiromax

Suggested Blue Print for Mods (developed by Julio Cabral & The Outsider):
(1) Icons should mostly consist of sprites from an in-game appearance. They can be acquired via Google or at various MK fan sites. Try to use a different color than what other kombatants are using.
(2) The term "Xtreme" is not used, and is replaced by the word "Fatality."
(3) HUDs should be an enlarged version of the kombatant's in-game portrait (like those shown here), depending on which game costume used. For example, if the skin is a kombatant's MK2 costume, then the HUD should be of the kombatant's MK2 portrait.
(4) All kombatants should have a Stage Fatality uppercut (Hold block & press light attack), and can taunt (Hold block & press heavy attack), called the "Mortal Kombat" ability. The taunts are usually of their MK9 intro lines.
(5) The moveset should mostly consist of powers that the kombatant has done in MK games. The Fatality should resemble a fatality that the character has done in the past, if possible.
(6) The Fatality should start with the fatality chime (for xtreme sound) and should end with Shao Kahn saying "Fatality!"
(7) In their sound files, the first "victory" line should be Shao Kahn saying the kombatant wins, and the first "tauntkd" should say "Finish Him!"
(8) Try not to give them the same stance & menu animations as other kombatants. Each should be different.

While mods can be done however the individual modder wants, this is suggested to keep all Mortal Kombat mods uniform, and capable of skills similar to their skills in the fighting games.

Man, this is so cool! I can't believe we already have so many Mortal Kombat characters in MUA! Here's hoping that there will be more ^_^

I must say, I'd prefer a Marvel mod over a Mortal Kombat any day of the week.

However, I still love MK, and the attempt to keep them all somewhat uniform is an astounding idea!

Still I must admit, seeing this post builds a lil hype to create a new herostat

^^view MelloMods' Mods^^

It's really magnificent :jumping: started with Julio, then Erik and now Outsider + friends  :rockon:

Eager to see which characters we'll get because we still have 20 vacancies in MUA and the dreaming is free  :jumping: :naughty:
Marvel Skins Here

DC Skins And Others Here

It's amazing to see how fast Mortal Kombat's characters are growing in numbers! Will be cool to have full herostat of MK fighters :)

I only wish I could try to learn modding faster so that I could contribute to this, but I'm afraid I won't get the chance for at least a few months... There's definitely lots of characters I'd love to see here, though! Maybe one day when I can, I might be able to add at least a few.

So do I, but my notebook has crashed and this one I have is really bad, so I'm not really too much motivated.

A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the Fighter Select screen at the first post.

Also, there is a new poll posted. It will run for 10 days, so get your votes in.

Quote from: TheMK on July 01, 2017, 04:14AM
I only wish I could try to learn modding faster so that I could contribute to this, but I'm afraid I won't get the chance for at least a few months... There's definitely lots of characters I'd love to see here, though! Maybe one day when I can, I might be able to add at least a few.
Quote from: Big Boss on July 03, 2017, 10:32AM
So do I, but my notebook has crashed and this one I have is really bad, so I'm not really too much motivated.

There is no rush to fill the 19 vacancies, so no pressure. Learn what you can at your own pace.

Congratulations to all for the initiative, this enriches and very the range of characters for MUA ... very eager to see what is to come :)

Wonderful stuff! I am loving the love that MK is getting in MUA ^_^

Poll Results (so far):

After 10 votes, it appears the majority would like to see Raiden's successor, the God of Wind, Fujin created. I admit, he would  be very interesting to create, with a unique moveset -- all wind related. I don't think that's ever been done before.
However, Shao Kahn's resurrected lover, the queen of Edenia, Sindel is right behind him. I think she has one of the best MK9 intro lines, saying "You are pathetic and weak!" And, after what she did in MK9's story mode, she's got to be considered a bad-ass.
On the flip side, poor Baraka is not even on the board yet. You know what? I'm gonna sub him out for another on the poll. Hmm... let's put the blind swordsman Kenshi in there. Would your vote change, or stay where it's at? There's still time to vote for your pick. Again, I'm not confirming any of these, but I'd like to know who the community would like to see created out of some less-popular characters.

Also, I've been asking if anyone has found Shang Tsung's secret morph (the question mark on his morph guide), but no one has answered. I assume then that no one has found out who it is. Did I make it too hard? Maybe I'll reveal who it is and how to morph into that kombatant sometime later.

In the meantime, a female kombatant is coming soon. Get ready for this.

I had voted for Sindel, but I'd rather see Kenshi out of all those other choices! He's one of my absolute favorite Mortal Kombat characters! ^_^

I actually found this secret morph. It's easy for those who played as your shape-shifters before and knows this system well, but for a new guys it can be hard, so maybe you can give a hint on it.
BTW, I also would like to see Kenshi someday, and his "spirit-friend" in the game.

A new kombatant has been unlocked. View the Fighter Select screen at the first post.

Quote from: Erik Lensherr on July 08, 2017, 01:48AM
I actually found this secret morph. It's easy for those who played as your shape-shifters before and knows this system well, but for a new guys it can be hard, so maybe you can give a hint on it.
BTW, I also would like to see Kenshi someday, and his "spirit-friend" in the game.

I'm glad someone found it. Hope I did it justice.

Epic!!! Mortal Kombat continues to live strong in MUA thanks to Outsider, Erik and Julio! You guys are amazing and I love everything that all of you do, whether it's together or individually! ^_^

Edit: Please forgive me, I also forgot to extend thanks to aventureironmax and everyone else who's contributed skins for MK characters : ) all of you together have done wonderful things. I'm very happy about it!