
Mortal Kombat - Release Katalog

Started by Outsider, June 30, 2017, 07:41PM

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April 30, 2018, 08:14PM #150 Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 08:24PM by TheMK
Very awesome!

Going off of the past mods (and a little bit of wishful thinking), these are my guesses for the remaining seven.

Noob Saibot

would love to have rain and tanya to round out my all time fav mk characters since i have mileena and johhny
Pyro Fan

In case you all missed my previous post on the last page, here it is again:

Quote from: Outsider on April 30, 2018, 06:16PM
Now that there are only 7 spots remaining in the Mortal Kombat roster, let's play a game, shall we?

Can you guess which seven warriors that I picked? If you can successfully guess all seven, I will send you a PM with a :done:, confirming that you are correct. (If you do guess correctly, keep it to yourself, ok.) No partial credit - you have to guess all seven. Right now, I believe only Aventureiromax knows who the seven are. See if you can guess who was chosen for kombat. Choose your destiny.

So far, no one's guessed all seven, but keep trying. Someone may get it...

Quote from: nephilim667 on April 30, 2018, 09:13PM
would love to have rain and tanya to round out my all time fav mk characters since i have mileena and johhny

If you don't mind my asking, just what is so great about Tanya? I seriously don't get the appeal.

Damn... I would think at the very least Jade, Noob Saibot, Smoke, and Shinnok could be in there.

I find it hard to guess who the other three could be. I'm trying to keep in mind not just mods you've done before and mods you talked about possibly doing, but who could possibly be made into boosters, and I forgot Cyrax and Sektor fell under that I think. Of course, there's always the chance you could have changed your mind about some of them (some, like Kenshi IMO, would make great standalone mods).

To me, the other three could be just about anyone, but so far you've stuck to just the crew from the first three games with the sole exception of Quan Chi (MK4). If this means some MK4+ chars are coming, I'm very excited about that, because there's tons of them I love (Kenshi, Cassie Cage, Erron Black, Kotal Kahn, etc.).

Then there's a few others I thought of, but seem unlikely, like Motaro... Hard to think of many others.

I'll have to scratch my head over this for a while before I try guessing all seven again! Either way, I'm excited to see who they are in time. :)

If you don't mind my asking, just what is so great about Tanya? I seriously don't get the appeal.

honestly i have no idea i just like her as an added with fujin, johnny, mileena (faaaavvv) and rain
Pyro Fan

i do have to ask for some reason the character select screen wont come up when i try to select them. the game shuts down. im playing the game on steam can anyone help me with this issue
Pyro Fan

Quote from: nephilim667 on May 03, 2018, 04:50PM
i do have to ask for some reason the character select screen wont come up when i try to select them. the game shuts down. im playing the game on steam can anyone help me with this issue

Unfortunately I don't think any of the mods work on the Steam version because that one ported the Xbox 360 version and the mods are made for the original PC release on physical disk.

yea i figured because i can use  :pyro: :cuckoo: :quicks: :enchantress: :avalanche: :havok: :jubilee: :dazzler: and goblin queen thats my main team plus a few like nebula and now the mk peeps
Pyro Fan

Quote from: TheMK on May 01, 2018, 09:29PM far you've stuck to just the crew from the first three games with the sole exception of Quan Chi (MK4).

A certain God of Wind would beg to differ on that point... but either way, I think you'll definitely like who the seven are when they are each revealed.

Quote from: nephilim667 on May 03, 2018, 04:49PM
honestly i have no idea i just like her as an added with fujin, johnny, mileena (faaaavvv) and rain

:laugh: I appreciate your honesty. I'm not judging anyone, but I just don't get why Tanya's so popular. That said, I can confirm that she definitely isn't one of the seven.

Ah, yes, how could I forget Fujin! I guess it slipped my mind because the available MK roster so far struck me as a mix of the ones from MK Trilogy and MK9, with some differences here and there (where, in the latter, Quan Chi -- and later Kenshi -- were the only non-MK1-3 chars playable, unless you want to count Skarlet, who debuted there).

Still, this broadens the possibilities considerably! The remaining seven are now much harder to guess than I anticipated... Fingers still crossed for Jade/Noob Saibot/Smoke/Kenshi, but I'm excited to see more post-MK3 characters as well if they make it!

fair enough on no tanya but i got fingers crossed on rain annnd maybe kung jin... to spice it up
Pyro Fan

Everyone, I will very soon work on the Wendigo from Marvel. But after him, I may work on the next MK kombatant.

In the meantime, I have a question for you all that I won't place as a poll:
Research and interest has sparked again on trying to successfully increase the roster of playable heroes in MUA without the NPC glitch or other problems.  Currently, the maximum amount is 28. Most of you have voted that I try to create "dual mods" where two kombatants share a moveset within the same mod, as long as genders aren't mixed. (Example: Frost becomes a skin within the mod of Kitana, but is given some exclusive moves.) Please note that dual mods are not guaranteed to happen.

Should I go ahead and (possibly) attempt those dual mods? Or should I wait in case the roster is increased so that some kombatants may get their own mods? Sound off below and Choose Your Destiny.

Personally, I'd like as many kombatants possible, but that's just me :)

Quote from: TheMK on May 11, 2018, 05:17PM
Personally, I’d like as many kombatants possible, but that’s just me :)

I know you particularly wanted to see Kenshi in the game. He's not one of the remaining seven, but he can be created as a "dual mod" within one of the seven. So you're saying you'd rather I hold out on Kenshi in the hopes that the roster is successfuly extended past 28? I can confirm that if the roster is extended, he is likely to be chosen for his own mod, as I already have the materials needed for him.

Kenshi is absolutely one of my top favorites, I just personally feel he'd be worthy of his own mod if it were possible, but as long as he's playable at all I'd be happy.

As for my last post, I was referring to the idea of dual skin mods :) I think you mentioned before he could be one for Kung Lao, unless as your post indicates he's now meant to be one for one of the current remaining mods.

Whatever you decide to do I'm sure it will be great! If you do include Kenshi in any capacity I'm sure you'll do him justice.