
Quick Play Mod

Started by Maegawa, December 24, 2017, 11:33PM

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December 24, 2017, 11:33PM Last Edit: December 28, 2017, 11:48PM by Maegawa
Version 1.1

A simple modification mainly for the modders who constantly need to open the game in order to test out their WIP projects and are tired of skipping/waiting cutscenes and hearing Nick Fury's monologue every time... and also for the non-modders who every once in a while want to test out a new mod and need to get past Scorpion in order to do so. This mod will make things much faster, removing a lot of unnecessary stuff to lead you straight into the action, while also adding some nice new features!

Changes in v1.1:
1. Fixed a bug where there were 2 standing Ultron Warriors on the first bridge.

- Addition of S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point to the first area.
- Portal activation on the helicarrier. (BTW this also allows you to skip the entire helicarrier level)
- Removal of Activision, Marvel, Raven, Beenox, Alchemy and Sofdec movies.
- Removal of ESRB.
- Removal of intro cutscenes.


Addition of S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point to the first area:

Portal activation on the helicarrier:

Preview video:

- brandonmeek: coding for activating portal anywhere, adding S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point to the first area and getting rid of ESRB.
- Maegawa: additional coding.
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Thank you so much for doing this! Its always so tedious to have to sit through all those cutscenes time after time, for every instance I start the game up. So to have those corporate logo movies gone entirely, is like a dream come true for me. Cheers :D

Amazing job! I'm sure it will be very useful ;)

Version 1.1 is up; just a minor update to remove those 2 extra Ultron Warriors that standed still on the first bridge...
Click here for my releases.
And here for my workbench.