
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3

Started by Lightning249539, May 20, 2019, 03:32PM

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Just found out about the new game. After watching the trailer... I donwt know what to feel.
In one hand it is a MUA game but, it just doesn't look like it you know? As I nerd and a fan of the MUA games I already spent sometime thinking how a new game could be considering the cinematic universe influences to bring new players but still keeping the created own universe of the first two games, but this one just looks like a "here is a MCU game + X-men + extras with the title of a known game series we had just to sell it easier".
Aaaand it's a Swtich exclusive (I mean... WTF?! After all the time for the second game to have a PC version, and then be off steam... stop to think about it maybe they just want to mess with us long fans who keep this games alive) just doesn't make sense for me.
But hey, new game, I didn't even knew about until a cuople of hours ago so...Let's see how it will be

I'm conflicted. On one hand, it's not limited to MCU charterers although you can see its influences among the roster with The Guardians of the galaxy or with how some characters look. It has Wolverine, Storm, Deadpool Crystal, Ultimate Spiderman, Ms.Marvel, etc so it's already more diverse than the last marvel vs capcom game. On the other hand, I don't like that its a switch exclusive. Its a console I don't plan on buying and I don't care for what I've seen of the new gameplay style.

Since this is Koei Tecmo's game to begin with, I'm sure that once all DLC releases are complete & game sales goes well, I'm sure us fans will demand for post-exclusivity ports (mostly PC port), like NiOh & Lego City Undercover, even Street Fighter V as well, despite the latter game has two ports at launch
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

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New trailer released today, with emphasis on our mutant friends! Storm and Wolverine were pretty much confirmed by default, but it's nice to see Psylocke and Nightcrawler in the mix too, and possibly Colossus, Cyclops, and Beast.

I for one am very excited! Especially knowing that Wanda is a playable character.

I'm really hoping for cyclops and colossus. You can see beast in the background toward the end, so that probably confirms him

Not a fan of the heavy MCU and new comic influence (the new comics just aren't as good as the old ones to me), and it doesn't have that same unique feel that the first game had of a cool huge new story that could even have been its own comic arc. I'm also kind of sick of Thanos/Infinity Gauntlet related stuff. To make things worse, it's apparently a reboot.

And it being a Switch exclusive is disappointing, I refuse to buy the Switch because they refused to make Waluigi playable in Smash Bros!

On the modding front, I think if it ever even is ported to PC, it won't use anything like the old formats and if we want to mod it at all, we'll have to develop all new modding tools (though with modern publishers adding heavy DRM to everything, this might be really tough). My guess is because Activision (who developed and published the first 2 MUA games) isn't involved this time, the new game's dev team won't be able to use any of the old assets or tools.

Since this is Koei Tecmo's Team Ninja developing it, it's definitely a same file format as Dissidia NT & Fire Emblem Warriors
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

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Some content from Marvel Knights, X-Men and Fantastic Four as Expansions. Good ould times when we go to the store, buy the game and spend ours playing it finding all the secrets to unlock all the contet. Now you buy the game and buy what they already made for it but want more money, not actually you time spent playing the game they worked hard on it. Well anyway, it seems the game will be fun, but I am not sure if I will play it (specially considering I only have my PC to play), if the make a PC version in the future, probably.

June 11, 2019, 07:30PM #9 Last Edit: June 11, 2019, 08:03PM by nickjustint
Quote from: MatheusYami on June 11, 2019, 11:57AM
Some content from Marvel Knights, X-Men and Fantastic Four as Expansions. Good ould times when we go to the store, buy the game and spend ours playing it finding all the secrets to unlock all the contet. Now you buy the game and buy what they already made for it but want more money, not actually you time spent playing the game they worked hard on it. Well anyway, it seems the game will be fun, but I am not sure if I will play it (specially considering I only have my PC to play), if the make a PC version in the future, probably.

Uhh, I hope you don't mean the 'good old times' of MUA1 and 2 considering both had paid DLC?

This game has 34 characters so far without DLC, MUA1 had 25 without DLC, MUA2 had 24.

You can try and spin it anyway you want but this game is already offering more at launch than those two games did. There is nothing to say that the DLC characters are cut content. The extra characters added as DLC is an added bonus on top of what the game already has, its not a entitled right.

ANYWAY.... I think this game looks to be shaping up to be insanely fun and is everything a MUA game in 2019 should be to be quite honest.

Quote from: nickjustint on June 11, 2019, 07:30PM
MUA1 had 25 without DLC

If it's about primary gameplay versions:
* MUA1 (Primary ver.: Ravensoft) had 23 Base without former system exclusives, excluding from GBA due to completely different gameplay
** 7th-Gen (who were supposed to be part of Base in 6th-Gen & OR PC as well)
** PSP (who were supposed to be part of Wii as well; Hawkeye character became part of 360 DLC/GE, but not his simulation)
** 360 DLC/GE (this includes upgraded Hawkeye; but not his simulation, including Hulk's unused files (special dialogues, NPC, loading screen (Classic Green & Original Grey) & simulations) are being forgotten, not to mention Venom's loading screen too)
** Totalling 36 rosters. 2016 Re-Release could have the PSP exclusives (as I said before, Hawk's character gameplay based on his upgraded GE counterpart) uses the files ported from Wii ver. aside Gold Edition's 33 rosters, in addition of fixing everything that was left behind on GE Patch (think Dr. Doom's special dialogue w/ Ymir "bug"), including re-used some cut contents
* MUA2 still safe & have no forgotten contents within primary gameplay ver. (VVisions), as n-space versions (PS2/PSP/Wii & DS) are completely different in both content & gameplay features alike Though there are some unused cut contents within one of each 3 versions (n-space had 2 as mentioned before)
Call me Lars. I'm Power Cosmic no more.

"Trying to solve mysteries of modding here"

My Progress:,4671.0.html

Feel free to mod my releases, as long you credit me:,4488.0.html

Popping in to say that MUA3 definitely intrigues me a lot more now, than it did upon its reveal last year thanks to the E3 demo footage. And its reassuring to learn that they aren't doing a complete rehash of the 'Infinity Gauntlet' storyline again, with Elsa Bloodstone being an especially surprising reveal(as outside of Outsider's take on her within his Gun Girls collective mod, this is her first appearance in media beyond the comics I believe).

There are still elements that disappoint me however(such as no real-time roster selection menu akin to MUA1 or announcer voice for team bonuses/selections, a lot of bland level themes, Fantastic Four as DLC instead of characters included with the base release like the first two games and of course, this game being a Switch exclusive instead of multiplatform). But hey, its still more impressive than Square-Enix's Avengers title :P

Magneto is in, playable, so I'm not complaining. In fact, I already pre-ordered it.

My personal wishlist for DLC Characters:

  • Dr Doom
  • Dark Phoenix
  • Onslaught
  • Green Goblin
  • Carnage
  • Apocalypse

Quote from: Tony Stark on June 03, 2019, 10:42PM
Not a fan of the heavy MCU and new comic influence (the new comics just aren't as good as the old ones to me), and it doesn't have that same unique feel that the first game had of a cool huge new story that could even have been its own comic arc. I'm also kind of sick of Thanos/Infinity Gauntlet related stuff. To make things worse, it's apparently a reboot.

And it being a Switch exclusive is disappointing, I refuse to buy the Switch because they refused to make Waluigi playable in Smash Bros!

On the modding front, I think if it ever even is ported to PC, it won't use anything like the old formats and if we want to mod it at all, we'll have to develop all new modding tools (though with modern publishers adding heavy DRM to everything, this might be really tough). My guess is because Activision (who developed and published the first 2 MUA games) isn't involved this time, the new game's dev team won't be able to use any of the old assets or tools.

First of all, who decided to put this game on Switch.. It should've originally come out on Xbox, PS4, and PC. However, out off all platforms they wanted to release it on Switch.. This really upsets me because I was really looking forward to playing this game. Im not buying a Switch to play this game. :storm:

Quote from: MatheusYami on June 11, 2019, 11:57AM
Some content from Marvel Knights, X-Men and Fantastic Four as Expansions. Good ould times when we go to the store, buy the game and spend ours playing it finding all the secrets to unlock all the contet. Now you buy the game and buy what they already made for it but want more money, not actually you time spent playing the game they worked hard on it. Well anyway, it seems the game will be fun, but I am not sure if I will play it (specially considering I only have my PC to play), if the make a PC version in the future, probably.

Exactly, very disappointing.. :storm: