Halo 3 Talk

Started by jonchang, September 23, 2007, 01:40AM

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well yea, but are the maps the same or do 360 versions have more maps?

I believe the 360 is the EXCLUSIVE console for Halo 3. If anyone knows otherwise, please inform me.

September 30, 2007, 11:58PM #17 Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 12:00AM by Burning Rage
I just don't understand the buzz around this game.  I never really liked it, nor will I ever.  To me, it's just another first person shooter nonsense game with a weak story at best.  The only reason why it is popular is because the craptastic quality (or lack thereof) games on X-box to begin with, making it (sadly) one of the better games available for the X-box.  It's just that any good game for the X-box is either already available on another console, or has a better game on another console that is exactly like it.  *shrugs*  Least I'm not one of those guys waiting in line for 3 days to pick up a copy, only to find out after I got rained out, they are backed up with reserve orders for four months.

Either way, Halo 3 is X-box 360 exclusive.  I don't think the regular X-box could handle the graphic specs of Halo 3, and dumbing them down would mean more production time, and less forcing people to buy their next gen console that breaks down all the time.  There will obviously be a PC port at some time for Windows Vista (it IS playable on XP, but Microsoft likes to tell you it's not because their sales for Vista thus far have been disappointing at best, so for some reason, they hope Halo will get people to "upgrade" to Vista, with all the resource hogging, bug filled, and performance lacking nonsense all aside...  Same with Halo 2), but that probably won't be for a while.
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

Quote from: Burning Rage on September 30, 2007, 11:58PMIt's just that any good game for the X-box is either already available on another console, or has a better game on another console that is exactly like it.

Don't want to turn this into a Box vs PS war, but if this is true, explain the strong sales of the 360 versus the floundering sales of the PS3. You can't, which makes this an (untrue) generalization, which makes it wrong.

The hardware for the PS3 is by far more advanced than the hardware for the 360, which makes it more expensive, and it takes longer to make games for the PS3 because of the newer technology (which takes a while to figure out in itself).  I've seen the "inside" scoop about all the nonsense that has to be done and the extra time/money it takes to make a game for the PS3, which is why there aren't many games out for it.  The combination of the higher price and the less amount of games available for it now is why the 360 is outselling it.  Given time, once companies start pumping out more games (presumably when Sony reduces it's ridiculous price for it... yes, I'm a PS fan, but I did just say ridiculous), then I'm sure the PS3 will swing back into things.  Until then, nothing you do or say can change my opinion on the 360.  Besides, at no point did I automatically point to the PS3.  I was talking about the games themselves, not the console.  I still stand by my stance as said earlier (which is true, NOT a generalization).
Some day, someone will best me.  But it won't be today, and it won't be you.

The artist formerly known as Burning Rage.

It's more expensive because of the Blu-Ray player.  Yes, technically it's the most powerful, but by the time that power is realized another generation of consoles will be out.

I am not trying to change your opinion of the PS3. Fact is, Halo IS the best FPS game that has come out in a long time, and other games (Ninja Gaiden was absurdly good) are the best of their kind as well. I didn't quote anything you had to say about the systems, just the games.

PS: Keep in mind PS3 is powerful, but its release was delayed forever to work out said power and it came out a year after 360. And since the movie industry still hasn't settled on one HD video type (HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray), the Blu-Ray player isn't going to much use by people. And Sony has given up exclusive rights to several game franchises over the recent years, inadvertently shooting themselves in the foot. Sure, PS3 IS a more powerful system, but that power has been put to little use thus far and a revival might be too little, too late. People don't buy game systems based on potential this late after release, they buy based on games, and you said it yourself:
QuoteThe combination of the higher price and the less amount of games available for it now is why the 360 is outselling it.

Has anyone ever thought about Halo 3 coming out on a Wii? That would be incredible....

yeh they have metroid prime 3 : corruption , the gameplay would be same for all the gun based games and they will probably port halo 3 to pc because they hav done it to halo 1 and 2

...no it wouldn't be.  The graphics would have to be PAINFULLY nerfed.  The single player would have to have its (occasionally) massive battles cut down to make it not slow down.  Online would be laggy and crappy because of the Wii's crappy online play and the simple fact that Xbox Live rules.  Not to mention the lack of LAN play. 

What makes Halo 3 great?  It's the only good non-realistic FPS, PC or console, in a long time.  Does it have a good plot?  No, but what FPS does?  Are its graphics better than PC games?  Yes (but that'll change a year from now).  It has balanced multiplayer.  It has good maps.  It has plenty of stuff to keep somebody playing it.  It's optimized for Xbox Live.  It has solid controls.  Forge is great (though not nearly as in-depth as anything on a PC).  Four-way co-op is quite fun. 

To say that the 360 has no good exclusive games is moronic.  In all seriousness, I could easily just say "you don't know what you're talking about," everyone would agree, then that would be that, but since I'm such a nice guy, I won't.  The 360 has loads of great, exclusive games.  Dead Rising is one of my favorite games from recent years.  Dead or Alive 4 is quite good.  Viva Pinata is Animal Crossing, but online (and good).  Crackdown.  Lost Planet.  Kameo (don't even start).  All great.  All only on the 360. 

I don't really see how you could complain about a game having lots of ports.  Would it be better for the console to NOT have the game?  Is the Wii a better console because it DOESN'T have Assassin's Creed?  Or the 360 for not having Motorstorm?  Or the PS3 for not having Guitar Hero 2?  Or the PC for not having any fighting games ever?  I don't see how consoles are worse for actually having the games. 

The time for hating on the PS3 for its game lineup is over.  Between Tekken 5 Online, Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, Warhawk, etc etc that are all turning out to be good, when it comes to the PS3, the games are getting progressively better, and 2008 is looking to be an excellent year for the PS3 with White Knight Story, Killzone 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4.  The price...you can hate on it.  But what exactly is a better bargain?  PC gaming?  The Wii?  Neither of which is really a better bargain. 

Finally, you can't be saying the Blueray offers nothing to games.  We had 360 developers saying they had to cut back on what they wanted in the game starting way back with Team Ninja and Dead or Alive Volleyball 2.  This wouldn't have been the case with the PS3.  Does it make the console more expensive?  Yes.  Is it useless?  No.

December 03, 2007, 02:31AM #25 Last Edit: December 03, 2007, 02:34AM by Venom
... "Gameplay" (playing the game) not graphics , online play or lan (which u will probly say online and lan r ..)

do u actually have a wii ? , i havnt heard of the wii having bad online play but i will take ur word on it and xbox live could only be better due to the fact it has money coming in from subscribers in which they use to upgrade their service...

Whos saying there is no exclusive games because they must be limited in knowledge in 360 games , ps3 has guiater hero 3 (unless there different ports) and pc has a new game called fury which is a online fighting game which is australian made and is very good...

There are many people that would say pc gaming and wii's r bargains (which one is me ) , the only thing i realy now that blueray discs and drives do better r that the hav bigger disc memory and faster load times ...

sorry if i hav write any of this so it is unreadable  :thumbsup2:

Online/LAN gameplay is a part of gameplay.  Not everyone plays online, but the 360 has bar-none the best online service.  And just so you know, Guitar Hero 3 was released on every next-gen platform, PC and PS2.  So it's hardly exclusive.

Quote from: Venom on December 03, 2007, 02:31AM
... "Gameplay" (playing the game) not graphics , online play or lan (which u will probly say online and lan r ..)
That is part of the gameplay.

Quotedo u actually have a wii ? , i havnt heard of the wii having bad online play but i will take ur word on it and xbox live could only be better due to the fact it has money coming in from subscribers in which they use to upgrade their service...
Yes, I have a Wii and 360.  The money they make you pay is both 1) worth it and 2) warranted.  We aren't talking about Classic Controllers for the Wii.

QuoteWhos saying there is no exclusive games because they must be limited in knowledge in 360 games , ps3 has guiater hero 3 (unless there different ports) and pc has a new game called fury which is a online fighting game which is australian made and is very good...
Most of that was directed at "Burning Rage."  But Fury on the PC is Chocolate egg.  Like, the bad kind.

QuoteThere are many people that would say pc gaming and wii's r bargains (which one is me ) , the only thing i realy now that blueray discs and drives do better r that the hav bigger disc memory and faster load times ...
...what?  This is the only really unreadable part.

But I'd have to say that the VAST, VAST majority of people who own a 360 play online.

I dunno about VAST majority.  I know four people with 360s.  Only one is using Xbox Live.  I'm not gonna argue that the 360's online community is huge, but lots of people don't use Live due to paying for High Speed Internet AND Live.  That adds up for us poor college folk

I'm an impoverished college student too, but the fact is that there's something like 15 million 360s sold worldwide and 12 million Live accounts.  I have a load of friends who own a 360, and not one of them doesn't have a Live account.  And you can't really say that the cost of Live is stopping anybody from playing it.  It's 50 bucks for a year (which is like...4.50 a month) and you can get free month/2 month/week trials when you buy games.