
Enigma's MUA1 Miscellaneous Mods

Started by Enigma, February 18, 2022, 09:22PM

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:thing:Sharon Ventura She-Thing Alternate 2 Skin v1.0 :thing:


**This is an alternate version of my skin of Sharon Ventura as She-Thing. It's based on Fantastic Four Volume 1 Issue 311, where She-Thing is in a version of Sharon's Miss Marvel costume.
*I made the model by altering the Thing's Ultimate model, made the texture, made a custom skeleton (by heavily modifying BaconWizard17's large character skeleton template), and made a 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1-style huds.
*The sash is from BaconWizard17's Jean Grey Phoenix skin, which I've recolored white and modified to fit on my model.
*In the comics, this costume has a lot of small variations, so I've gone with the ones I liked the best and thought looked the best.
*In the comics, her waist sash was on her left hip, but I put it on her right hip to match where the waist sash is on the MUA1 Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel skin.
*For MUA1, it's hex edited for Ceamonks890's Sharon Ventura mod. For XML2, it's hex edited for the Thing.

*BaconWizard17: sash from Jean Grey Phoenix skin, large character skeleton template, troubleshooting
*Ceamonks890: feedback, testing

July 21, 2023, 02:28PM #46 Last Edit: July 23, 2023, 12:31PM by spidermatt
Hello Enigma. I am a big fan of your work here. But I was wondering about something. Can you make these into mods for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance please?

Agent X
Annihilus (his skin should be based on his unused 3D Head)
Blackout (Lilin)
:hobgoblin: Hobgoblin
Stygorr (his skin can be based on his unused Hud Head)

:blade: Blade's Daywalker Costume (with hair)
:capamer: Ultimate Captain America (with wings) from Marvel Legends
:capbrit: Ultimate Captain Britain (SpaceJase)
:capbrit: New Excalibur Captain Britain
:capbrit: Captain Britain's outfit from Excalibur Vol 1 13
:ghostr: Zarathos outfit for Ghost Rider
Hela (her skin can be inspired by the artwork from Glen Angus)
Kang (his skin can be based on his unused 3D Head)
:fantastic: Modern Mr. Fantastic (can be based on a skin Invisible Woman has in her mod by nodoubt_jr)
:fantastic: New Marvel Mr. Fantastic (Lab Coat)
:warbird: Ms. Marvel's Warbird outfit (Maskless) from Marvel Legends
:nightcrawler: New X-Men Nightcrawler (based on Nightcrawler Vol 2 from 2002)
:spiderwoman: Mattie Fanklin (Spider-Woman Vol 3 18)
:thing: The Thing in a Tuxedo
:thor: Battle Armor Thor (can be based on his 4th hud head)
Victorious (PS2 Version)
:vision: Vision (SpaceJase)

Astral Fiend
Astral Ghost
:beast: Original Beast (X-Men Legends)
:panther: T'Chaka (based on a skin by nodoubt_jr)
:panther: Ultimate Black Panther (based on a skin by Quentin Hex)
:blade: Steampunk Blade (based on a skin by nodoubt_jr)
:cable: Cable (X-Men Legends 2)
:cball: Cannonball (X-Men Legends 2)
:phoenix: Dark Phoenix (X-Men Legends 2)
:phoenix: Jean Grey as Phoenix (X-Men Legends)
:jubilee: Jubilee (X-Men Legends)
:magma: Magma (X-Men Legends)
:fantastic: New Marvel Mr. Fantastic (PS3 and X-Box 360)
:xavier: Astral Plane Professor X (X-Men Legends)
:psylocke: MUA2 Psylocke (PS2, PSP, and Wii)
:pyro: Dark Pyro (X-Men Legends)
:ronin: Post Civil War Echo (based on a skin by nodoubt_jr)
:ronin: Ronin as She-Daredevil (based on a skin by nodoubt_jr)
Shadow King (X-Men Legends)
USS Arbiter Crewmate (X-Men Legends)
:wolverine: Dark Ultimate Wolverine (based on a skin by DamesMaximoff)
:xman: X-Man (X-Men Legends 2)

Loading Screens:
:bishop: Unused XML2 Bishop (Loading Screen)
Hela artwork by Glen Angus
:iceman: XML2 Iceman (Loading Screen)
:stark: XML2 Iron Man (Loading Screen)
:juggernaut: Unused XML Dark Juggernaut (Loading Screen)
:magneto: XML2 Magneto (Loading Screen)
:namor: Namor (based on a cover for Sub-Mariner Vol 2 1)
:avalanche: :pyro: Unused XML Avalanche and Pyro (Loading Screen)
:pyro: XML Dark Pyro (Loading Screen)
:spiderman: MUA Promo Art Spider-Man
:storm: XML2 Storm (Loading Screen)
:toad: XML Toad (Loading Screen)
:wolverine: XML2 Wolverine (Loading Screen)
:wolverine: XML2 Astonishing Wolverine (Loading Screen)

Idle Animations:
:beast: XML2 Beast Idle Animation for Beast
:xman: XML2 X-Man Idle Animation for X-Man

:capbrit: Ultimate Captain Britain (SpaceJase)

:archangel: XML2 Angel
:capbrit: Captain Britain
:cball: XML2 Cannonball
:electro: MUA2 Electro
:longshot: Longshot from X-Men TAS
MUA2 Penance
MSHSO Sentry

July 23, 2023, 03:16PM #48 Last Edit: July 29, 2023, 03:28PM by Enigma
Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel 90s Skin v2.0


**This is my skin of Sharon Ventura's 90s Miss Marvel costume. I made the 3D model and texture, and I also made Cel Shaded and non-Cel Shaded versions, a 3D head, a character select portrait, and MUA1 and XML2-style huds.
*I had to redesign it somewhat because of difficulty, because the comics design wasn't entirely possible, and because parts of it didn't really look that good on a 3d model.
*For MUA1, they're hex edited for Ceamonks890's Sharon Ventura mod.

-I fixed issues with her shoulder pads.

*Ceamonks890: idea to do this, feedback

I've updated Corsair's Cutlass Bolton, Lady Sif MUA1 Prototype Skin, and Sharon Ventura Miss Marvel 90s Skin.

July 29, 2023, 05:17PM #50 Last Edit: July 31, 2023, 02:05PM by Enigma
:ghostr:Zarathos Original Skin v3.0 :ghostr:


**This is my skin of Zarathos's original costume.
*I made the 3D model by combining parts of various different models and modifying them. I also used BaconWizard17's Wolverine Original model's boot/kneepad tops and modified those. I also made the texture, 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I also made effects for flames to appear on his head and hands.


-Added fx01 to MUA1 version of skin so that the effects on his chain during melee attacks will now work. I've remove the workaround folder since it's no longer needed.
-Fix issue with skins.
-Added fix/workaround for the effects on his chain during melee attacks being broken for custom skins in MUA1.

*BaconWizard17: feedback, ideas, troubleshooting, Wolverine Original model
*Built Rat: feedback, ideas
*Ceamonks890: MUA1 herostat flame head effect coding, feedback, ideas, troubleshooting
*Outsider: feedback, ideas
*Wellington Andrade: ideas

July 29, 2023, 05:18PM #51 Last Edit: July 31, 2023, 02:05PM by Enigma
:ghostr:Zarathos MUA1 Unused 90s Skin v3.0 :ghostr:


**This is my skin of the unused MUA1 version of Zarathos's 90s costume. It was supposed to be Ghost Rider's 4th costume, and is in that slot in the MUA1 strategy guide, but was replaced with the Phantom Rider costume when MUA1 was released. I have recreated it and also made some changes to make it more accurate to the comics.
*I made the 3D model by combining parts of various different models and modifying them. I also used BaconWizard17's Wolverine Original model's boot/kneepad tops and modified those. I also made the texture, 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1 style huds.
*I also made effects for flames to appear on his head and hands.


-Added fx01 to MUA1 version of skin so that the effects on his chain during melee attacks will now work. I've remove the workaround folder since it's no longer needed.
-Fix issue with skins.
-Added fix/workaround for the effects on his chain during melee attacks being broken for custom skins in MUA1.

*BaconWizard17: feedback, ideas, troubleshooting, Wolverine Original model
*Built Rat: feedback, ideas
*Ceamonks890: MUA1 herostat flame head effect coding, feedback, ideas, troubleshooting
*Outsider: feedback, ideas
*Wellington Andrade: ideas

Nice job on the  :ghostr: Zarathos skins. And thank you. Keep up the good work.

August 16, 2023, 06:53PM #55 Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 04:03PM by Enigma
:fantastic:Mister Fantastic MUA1 Expanded Voicepack v3.0 :fantastic:

**By default, Mister Fantastic's voicepack in MUA1 is almost completely empty. He has 1 bored, 2 can't go, 3 cmd attack any, 3 cmd attack target, 3 cmd follow, 4 respaffirm, 6 stats, 7 Xtreme callouts (none of which have echoes on them like they're supposed to), and his Menu Breaks are in the file for some reason. All other types of lines are missing.
*I've expanded his voicepack as much as possible by repurposing the Menu Breaks and stats lines, adding more lines from his unique conversations, and adding Dark Mister Fantastic's 1 Death grunt and 3 Pain grunts.
*I've added reverb to his Xtreme callouts.
*He has no Throw Taunt lines. There weren't any suitable lines for them. Also, those are barely ever used in MUA1, and there are a few other MUA1 official playable characters that also don't have any.
*I've removed the bored line, since bored lines are only used in XML2.
*1 of his 3 Pinball impact sounds has a loud unfixable audio pop at the end of it and is much lower volume than the other 2. I replaced it with the PS2 version of this sound, which isn't broken, and I rebalanced the audio level to match the other 2.
*The Dark Mister Fantastic npc has an unused power sound that's labeled as being for power 4. It sounds similar but different than the power sound for the playable version's power 4, Drastic Elastic, so I've added it as an alternate sound for that power. Each time you use that power, the game will randomly pick 1 of the 2 sounds to use.

*Fun fact - He's voiced by David Naughton, the lead actor from the film An American Werewolf in London.

*tubular spaceman: telling me about the voicefile problem.

-Rebalanced audio level of Respaffirms.
-Fixed another broken Pinball impact sound.
-Rebalanced volume of all 3 of his Pinball impact sounds.
-Fixed audio popping issues.

August 19, 2023, 07:01PM #56 Last Edit: June 24, 2024, 01:48PM by Enigma
:magik:Magik XML1 Civilian Skin v2.0 :magik:


**This is my version of Magik's XML1 skin.
*By default, Magik's XML1 skin model and texture are in very rough shape. I've done the following to fix and remaster it.
-I've taken the highest quality version of the model, fixed all issues with it, including replacing the arms with BaconWizard17's Magma Civilian arms due to the unfixably broken way Magik's arms displayed her hand textures, fixed her limbs clipping through her sleeves and skirt as much as possible, and various other issues with the model.
-I used the highest quality version of her texture and denoised it to improve its quality. Because this version had her eyes closed, because her open eyes were poor quality, poorly done, and the wrong color in the versions of the texture that had them, I used Magma's eyes from BaconWizard17's Magma Civilian skin texture (because she has the same color eyes that Magik is supposed to have) and modified them to fit on Magik's face.
*I Denoised her XML1 conversation hud and edited it to make her eyes look like the new ones I gave her.
*I also made MUA1 and XML2 style huds and a character select portrait.
*The XML2 version is hex edited for her XML2 mod and the MUA1 version is hex edited for her MUA1 mods.

*BaconWizard17: Magma Civilian texture and model, troubleshooting

-Replaced arm models and textures with fixed XML1 versions of Magik's actual ones.

August 23, 2023, 07:01PM #58 Last Edit: September 12, 2024, 01:03PM by Enigma
:thing:Ben Grimm Spacesuit Skin v2.0 :thing:


**This is my skin of human Ben Grimm in his spacesuit costume from Fantastic Four Volume 1 #1.
*For the body, I modified the AIM Trooper's body and texture. For the head, I fixed and modified the unused XML1 Prototype's Olympian Civilian 2's head and texture. For the collar, I modified the one from BaconWizard17's Cannonball X-Treme X-Men skin and made a new texture. For the belt, I modified the one from BaconWizard17's Wolverine Age of Apocalypse skin and its texture.
*I've matched his hair color as much as possible to Fantastic Four Volume 1 #1.
*You don't really see the boots in the comic, so I made them white to match the gloves.
*I've made a 3D head, character select portrait, and XML2 and MUA1-style huds.
*The files are hex edited for The Thing in both XML2 and MUA1.

*BaconWizard17: Cannonball X-Treme X-Men model, Wolverine Age of Apocalypse model and textures

-Fixed minor issue with skins and 3D head.