
Enigma's X-Men Legends II Mod Catalog

Started by Enigma, January 26, 2022, 02:10PM

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I've updated the following skins in the Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Magneto MUA2 Ultimate Skin
Magneto MUA2 Ultimate Helmetless Skin

I've added the following skins to Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Spider-Man Ben Reilly skin

I've added the following to the Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods thread:
Cyclops XML1 Voicepack

I've added the following to the Enigma's Mini-Mods thread:
No Legal Text

I've released the following new mods:

I've updated the following mods in the Enigma's Mini-Mods thread:
Restored Unique Conversations

I've updated the following skins in the Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Doctor Doom MUA1 Secret Wars Skin

I've released the following skins in the Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Doctor Doom MUA1 Ultimate Skin
Doombot MUA1 Skin
Kristoff Vernard MUA1 Acts of Vengeance Skin

I've updated the following skins in the Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Beast X-Factor Alternate Skin
Doombot MUA1 Skin
Kristoff Vernard MUA1 Acts of Vengeance Skin

I've released the following skins in the Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Doomsman II MUA1 Original Skin
Doctor Doom God Emperor Skin
Doctor Doom MUA1 Classic Skin
Doctor Doom MUA1 Statue Skin
Rhino Unused MUA1 Original Skin

I've updated the following skins in the Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Shocker MUA1 Ultra Skin
Spider-Man MUA1 Dark Skin

I've added the following skins to Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Spider-Man MUA1 Scarlet Spider Skin
Spider-Man MUA1 Iron Spider Skin
Wolverine Rage Claws

I've updated New Announcer Callouts

I've updated the following mods in the Enigma's Mini-Mods thread:
Restored Unique Converations
MUA2 and XML1 Trivia

I've released the following new mods in the Enigma's Mini-Mods thread:
MUA1 Portals
Removed Selection Rings

I've updated the following mods and boosters:
Mister Fantastic
Omega Red

I've added the following skins to Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Spider-Woman Classic Unmasked
Spider-Woman Earth-X
Spider-Woman MUA1 Classic
Spider-Woman MUA1 SHIELD Agent
Spider-Woman Original
Spider-Woman Secret Invasion
Spider-Woman Ultimate

I've released the following mod:


I updated the following mods in the Enigma's Mini-Mods thread:
MUA2 and XML1 Trivia

I updated the following skins in the Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Doctor Doom MUA1 Classic Skin
Doctor Doom God Emperor Skin
MUA1 Prototype Skins and Models Pack

I released the following skins in the Enigma's Skin Releases thread:
Servo-Guard Unused MUA1 Skins Pack

I've updated the following mods and boosters:
Captain Mar-Vell
Emma Frost

I've updated the following mods and boosters:
Invisible Woman
Luke Cage
The Flash
The Thing

I've also rereleased The Flash as a standalone mod.

I've released the following new mod:
Doctor Doom

I've updated the following mods:
Omega Red

I've released the following voicepack in the Enigma's Voicepacks and Sound Mods thread:
Captain Mar-Vell Marvel Heroes Voicepack

In celebration of XML2's 20th anniversary, here's a special treat: the first ever batch of XML2 mods updated with animation mixing!

Now that animation mixing is possible in XML2 thanks to Nikita, I've done animation mixing for several mods of mine to finally give them their MUA1 or XML1 or XML2 PSP menu, idle, jump, walk, run and power animations where applicable. I've also made various other updates to them where necessary, such as finally giving Hulk his clap power.

More mods updated with animation mixing are on the way, so keep an eye on this thread.

In total, I've rereleased the following mods with animation mixing:
Captain America
Dark Phoenix
Human Torch
Invisible Woman
Mister Fantastic
Silver Surfer
The Thing

(By the way, I should note Cable is delayed due to technical issues that are being worked on.)

That is so crazy cool! Thank you very much for putting this together, ps so excited for cable!

Here's the next batch of mods updated with animation mixed skeletons.

Doctor Doom
Luke Cage

I've completely redone Beast from the ground up, so he has new powers and such.
Due to technical issues, Luke Cage uses Colossus's MUA1 menu animations instead of his own, but I still think these fit him well.
I've made various other fixes and changes to the other characters where necessary.
I've fixed a few issues with Mr. Fantastic, Spider-Woman, and The Thing.
I've also updated my Hulk THQ Avengers voicepack to work with my updated version of the Hulk.

I've updated Captain Mar-Vell with animation mixing using his MUA1 PSP animations.
Luke Cage now uses his MUA2 Wii menu action and menu idle animations and Iron Man's XML2 menu action for his menu goodbye.
Quicksilver now uses Hermod's MUA1 walk and run animations.
I've made various other fixes and changes to them where necessary.

I've also updated my Captain Mar-Vell Marvel Heroes Voicepack for the power sound changes I had to make for the main mod.