
SuperMaster10's Master Workshop

Started by SuperMaster10, December 26, 2023, 06:20PM

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July 24, 2024, 08:10PM #15 Last Edit: October 12, 2024, 03:09PM by SuperMaster10

This character is for mature audiences ONLY and features gore, violence, blood and swearing. Now that's the usual warning for mature-rated characters like this but this one is a little different:
This mod, by default, comes with a NSFW (Not Safe for Work) skin and a mannequin featuring NUDITY on top of the already existing BLOOD and GORE on the skin. His third loadscreen also features said NUDITY.
And the xtra skin "Dead Starkweather" and its following HUD features some extra GORE.
So, as a result, if you're not in the age range for this mod, playing with your family or simply don't want to see it, then don't download and play it, you have been warned.
HOWEVER, if you want to play it without seeing Piggy's business: a version of both the skin and mannequin without the nudity have been included as an xtra, in this case you can also simply delete his third Loadscreen (textures > loading > 21203), be careful with loadscreen clashes so you don't accidentally leave it behind or delete someone else's!
Obviously the squeaky clean version is used the screenshot. As for Dead Starkweather...simply not install him if you don't want him. Did I make myself clear? Good. Let's get into the mod.

It was a dark cold night, just like any other...up in the attic of a certain director's mansion...
There he was once again, grotesque naked insane homicidal former star, Piggsy...all chained up to the wall and on his knees... waiting here, in his least, as far as he's concerned...

Suddenly, came in two men, covered in black suits and masks head to toe, to bring Piggsy his food which has been wonderfully "prepared" from the remains of the "actors" that he once shared screentime with in said movies...
Not caring, hearing, or perhaps simply not acknowleding the men's insults...Piggsy just devoured his food without hesitation. The disgusted men mocked him and soon seems like they had their hands full with another job tonight...

Not long has passed and now Piggsy was standing and violently shaking his chains, trying to get free and squealing like the pig he is. Suddenly, the chain snapped and Piggsy freed himself!
Taking a glance at the on-looking camera, Piggsy squealed with his arms in the air! Then he walked off and got a hold of his chainsaw...leaving his home and doing the only thing he knew!...

He roamed around the courtyard area, roaring, squealing, tearing, ramming and chopping up anyone who dared come his way! "Piggsy is angry! AHHNNNGGRRRY!" He yelled out loud! Only thing close to his volume was his roaring dull-bladed chainsaw.
Leaving a trail of blood, guts and corpses of more armed men behind him. Piggsy just aimlessly wandered and pierced his way through. He didn't stop for anyone, nor anything...not even the...
The big blue portal that opened right ahead of him!

Piggsy stepped through without hesitation...before it even registered to him...he was in a different wasn't the courtyard anymore...yet the place felt similar...
Now on a stormy place that seemed to be floating above the ground...he soon saw...meat! More fresh meat! Terrified and surpried, the people who came face to face with him were simply asking themselves just what the hell he was!
Piggsy squealed and his chainsaw started roaring again, slowly walking forward them...deciding to not take a chance, they quickly started their assault! Piggsy's angry and his night just has started! So he revved up his chainsaw and charged right at them! He only had one thing to say!:

Minor Update! (October 13, 2024): "p2_power" effect changed. Herostat is unchanged.
- Fixed an effect problem that occured with "Flying Pigs!" when the particle detail was set to "High".

- 3 Powers, 2 Boosts and an Execution.
- 3 hex-edited skins, 3 HUDs, 3 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using Hunter Platin's voice from Manhunt.
- SQUEAKY clean alternate skin and mannequin. And 2 xtra skins with matching HUDs.
- 2 breakout voice lines for x_voice
- Uses assigned number #212 (clashes with Gambit & Iris Yuma on mannequin & loadscreens)

They are named and worded differently here to simply avoid crude words and risky references.

1. Guts & G'ory: Piggsy, the ever-lovable star, tears the suckers apart with his DULL painful chainsaw! This classic is now available to all enemies with the press of a button! As a bonus feature, it also upgrades his gruesome Grab Smash! Now that's some GEWD entertainment!
2. Flying Pigs! - Pigs can fly! Pigs can fly! And so can YOU! In this picture, Piggsy swings his chainsaw right at these poor chumps, making everything fly away! What will land? A hand? A leg? Maybe even a head! Whatever the hell it is, this flick is 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
3. Throu' da Grinder - Piggsy does what he does best, running and slashing! Right through these suckers, no less! The only thing louder than his maniacial noises is his MAD screeching chainsaw! Piggsy saw you and Piggsy puts the 'U' in abuse!
4. (Debuff) Sniff Sniff - Sniff never smelled gut-wrenching action like this before! Watch in awe as Piggsy sniffs out the fresh meat and catches those wandering losers off-guard! Piggsy will be covered in the stench of blood tonight!
5. (Boost) All Fed Up - Wanna know where the remains go after a movie is done? Piggsy will show you as he REVVVVS U^ his chainsaw and gathers all of his RAW strength! Knowing they'll just be chopped up for the next scene, these shmucks have no choice but to just run away in fear!

Piggy's Greatest Hits - See every scene you love of the inimitable Piggsy in this 6 hour compilation, exclusive to VALIANT VIDEO! Piggsy is %15 more violent to his victims and 15% more resistant to all attacks. On top of that, he's completely utterly ungrabbable!! Cut loose!

SKINS (21211-21213):
1. Piggsy
2. Lionel Starkweather
3. Binbag

- My second Manhunt mod! Now, Cash is not so lonely anymore....

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Bolton, Mannequin, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization etc.
dedtoot – Ripping Piggsy's Sounds and being an awesome fellow Manhunt fan
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System & Original Blood Effect Base from Skarlet
ak2yny – help with mixing one animation

UltraMegaMagnus - XML1 & MUA2 nSpace assets
Geisteskrakenchan (Garry's Mod) – Ripping Piggsy model, Starkweather model & chainsaw execution sounds
Weirdo Sonic (Dixmor Hospital / Manhunt Modding) – Putting the Dead Starkweather model together & the screenshot used for the HUD
miauz & ermaccer – Binbag skin & originally porting it for Manhunt, respectively
Kaori_Naim (L4D2 Modding) – Ripping chainsaw sounds
Sketch the Cow (Archive) – Manhunt PS2 Manual Scans
Manhunt Wiki – Piggsy renders
Rockstar Games - Creating Manhunt, Piggsy and many of the original assets

- Sometimes the chainsaw might despawn after certain moves, interruptions and possibly events. Simply stop moving or do a different motion to get it back.
- It can also sometime despawn in hub worlds. Talking to someone will restore it.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

Piggsy bored. Going home! Go to bed and SLEEEEEP!

October 06, 2024, 10:24PM #16 Last Edit: October 07, 2024, 09:30AM by SuperMaster10

A night seemingly like any other...stars decorating the sky and the moon shining on the seas below.
Suddenly, noises of jet engines soar through nearby... only to be soon followed by explosions... a common occurence of many in recent times.

Meanwhile in the deeps of the sea....a colossal creature passes by a nearby underwater civilization. 'A whale?' the residents think to themselves as they're greately disturbed by this strange presence but soon return to their busy days...

The chaos continues to sound on the can be seen flashing from a castle nearby, along with more destruction and sounds of battle in vain...
Something is wrong...the peace is disturbed...the planet as not as it should be...

Suddenly... spiky dorsal fins rise above the water, moving at rapid speed, headed straight with the castle in the view ahead...
Near the shore, it surfaces... the mighty Godzilla! He roars his loud as he throws his head back to the sky!

Looking right ahead, he sees the castle in his sights...where lightning, fighting and destruction never stop. A look of anger on Godzilla's face... almost as if he's bothered by what man has done to nature and the world lying before him, much like it has done to him.
But things were different this time...

He walks forward and takes a step out of the water, onto the sandy shore ahead with a loud THUD!
Godzilla has surfaced on land! And he's coming for the man responsible for the corrupting of this world! Whether it may be his or not...

Godzilla roars again and starts to march! Making his way with his loud footsteps, followed by his gigantic tail dragging on the ground. He approaches the castle rapidly!
Whoever resides in there, will be ever so sorry that they dared defile this world and challenge the likes of him!

This mod requiress "Outsider's Special Scripts" for one of the special talents, which you can acquire here:
However, if you have the EXG installed, then disregard, as those scripts are already included.

- 7 Powers, 2 Boosts and 1 Xtreme
- 6 hex-edited skins, 6 HUDs, 3 loading screens, icons, mannequin and sound/voice file using the various roars and sounds Toho and Pipeworks have used for the Big G over the years. A detailed list of what is used where is included in the mod in a txt file.
- 1 extra hex-edited skin used for a boost
- 1 announcer call and 5 breakout voice lines for x_voice
- Uses the number #193 (clashes with Mystique, Grant Ward & Albert Wesker on mannequin & loadscreens)

1. Atomic Breath: Godzilla's fins glow as he fires his atomic breath at the enemies, causing further Radiation to spew after each hit! (Press and hold) Also upgrades his Stomp Damage.
2. Tail Swipe: Godzilla swings his gigantic, powerful tail, making the enemies trip and swiping them away!
3. Rock Kick: Godzilla kicks a rock straight from the Monster Island and sends it toward the enemy!
4. Dropkick: Godzilla throws a battle cry and sends himself forward with a mighty kick to pummel his enemies into the ground!
5. Body Slam: Godzilla takes a giant leap to the air and lands back with a MIGHTY body slam on the ground, destroying the enemies and knocking them back! (Press power button again in-air and aim to redirect yourself.)
6. Vapor Breath: Godzilla breathes deadly fire on an enemy, burning everything in his path to crisp.
7. Atomic Blast: Godzilla charges up his atomic breath to new levels of destruction as his scales light up one by one... and finally releases a devastating radioactive blast! Has a 50% chance to insta-kill them. (Chargeable)
8. (Boost) King of the Monsters: Mighty Godzilla roars loud and proud, raising his $AR Rating, Attack Speed and Absorbing Energy from enemies hit!\nThe king of the monsters roams once again!
9. (Boost) Burning Godzilla: Godzilla comes to a boiling point and turns into...Burning Godzilla! Becoming more vulnerable yet increasing his Power Dmg and causing all Melee Attacks to set the enemies on fire.
10. (Xtreme) Nuclear Pulse: Godzilla focuses all the radioactivity in his body and releases a devastating blast in every direction, blasting away everything in range!

Monster of Monsters: Thanks to his unique physiology, Godzilla has.... a lot of things! Play the mod and find out!
Special Moves: Press smash while blocking to roar! Press jump while blocking to a victory dance! Jump twice to fly using the Atomic Breath! (Flight Unlocks at Level 5)
Kaiju of the Sea: Press attack while blocking to use Godzilla's underwater prowess to gain +10 in all attributes, +50% speed and +50% momentum! Will not work on land.

SKINS (19315-19321):
1. Heisei (MogeGoji - Godzilla vs. SpaceGodzilla (1994))
2. Millennium (MireGoji - Godzilla 2000: Millennium (1999))
3. Showa (MegaroGoji - Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973))
4. 1954 (ShodaiGoji - Godzilla (1954))
5. Hanna-Barbera
6. A Surprise Crossover!
19321 is used for Burning Godzilla for the Boost.

I have provided Max bases for the skins in the mod anyway but if they don't suit your needs and you have to put in a model from scratch, here are a few things to note:
There have been a lot of figuring out and growing pains with making these skins, such thick characters don't always rig great and his posture, scales on his back and tail only added further to it.
I made these notes to hopefully save you the trouble if you wanna make a skin for Godzilla yourself or plan to convert further Kaiju.
- Make sure his model is always raised slightly off the ground (maybe about half a block), otherwise his feet will clip into the ground.
- If you plan to have tail bones, using the Blackheart Skeleton instead of the Lizard Skeleton from the Model Tutorial yields better results in my experience.
- For skins with no tail bone, I just put them in the Juggernaut base and connected the tail to Spine (the one under Spine1). These seem to have bigger scaling than those made with tailed bases tho and had to be manually downscaled in Finalizer afterwards and it's not very ideal.
- Ultimately, ask yourself if tail bone is truly worth it cuz I consider it not really, most animations don't account for it and outside of say...making the tail swipe look more natural, it didn't amount to much here.
Once you decide, pick one of the bases for certain and just go with it for all skins to save yourself the trouble.

- Uses 40 seconds of the original 1954 Godzilla theme composed by the legendary Akira Ifukube. I claim no ownership of this music.

Well... this has been one challenging mod to make. The main reason for this taking 2 months (besides me taking it slow for sanity sake and having other projects) was the fact that I essentially had to design a new moveset style that game was.... really not designed for. Well that and the skins being murder due to their thick size and all the details on his back...and that damn tail! Don't forget the tail!
Basically, with Godzilla, I'd like to introduce what I call the "Giant Style" or the "Kaiju Style" if you will. And I hope it becomes a useful base to use for being wanting to make Kaiju mods.... may God(zilla) have mercy on the poor souls who try such a thing. Oh and believe me I wanted to make him much bigger but it's TERRIBLE for visibility and fun, bigger you get, harder it becomes to hit targets too, luckily "always_target" came in handy for some moves.
He's ultimately a composite Godzilla with the best material from all eras you will find, which I found to be the best option. Though some variants like Shin, Zilla and MonsterVerse deserve their own mods, in my opinion. Well, let's get to the bullet list of some facts about this big guy:
- He was an idea I always had but what ultimately gave me the motivation to make this mod was finally buying a NECA 1994 Godzila vs. SpaceGodzilla figurine with my hard earned money. I'm very happy with it and I hope you'll be happy with how I put him into the game too!
- This has been the most challenging mod I made since Pepsiman, who was my first mod. Like I said, he required A LOT of out of the box thinking due to his size and playstyle. I used to think PPG was the most challenging since Pepsiman but Goji takes the cake by far. Atleast I didn't have to make 3 of him at once...
- Pipeworks & DS models surprisingly (or rather unsurprisingly) came out the cleanest and least deforming rigs. Wonders of the 6th gen models on this game, I suppose.
- 1954 skin was intentionally not color fixed because him turning black on being hit fits his Black & White look. His HUD is also completely Black & White.
- Blame Metal Bay G2 in a way for having that secret crossover skin in. You're welcome!
- I originally wanted 2000 as the main skin and the mannequin as he's my favorite Godzilla design. But having lesser deformations and being more or less the first look people think of with Godzilla, Heisei look won out. Also there was no way I was gonna do red glows and Atomic Breath for him...
- Speaking of which, effects are mostly based on Heisei, but I did look at Showa and Reiwa when necessary and the Flight breath is the odd but nice mix of Showa and Heisei. I also studied Pipeworks for the glows on his fins and the 2014 game for the Nuclear Pulse. I had to study the Pulse FRAME BY FRAME to get it right. Most challenging effect to make was that one for sure, with the back glow being the second hardest.
- How I wished I could just draw the effects on like in Showa era...
- My favorite top 5 Godzilla movies are: 1. Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah (1991), 2. Godzilla: Minus One (2023), 3. Godzilla (1954), 4. Godzilla: Final Wars (2004) and 5. The Kiryu duology (2002-2003). I cheated on the last one!
- Godzilla got busy.

SuperMaster10 - Mod Creation, Coding, Skins, HUDs, Mannequin, Loading Screens, Icons & Banner, Effect Customization  & Creation etc.
ProfEscanor –  Teaching me to decimate models the Blender way. Editing Flight Animation. Helping downsize the Showa & 1954 skins. Attemps to help me fix Godzilla's shoulders and figure out a formula for the skins
Outsider – Upgradable Grab Smash System, Music Script, Nemesis landing codes & Ground Crack effect, Ymir Aura effect. Wave's Aquatic Advantage coding and base.
Ceamonks890 – Various code referenced from his mods
BloodyMares  - Custom Divekick Animations
Avertureiromax – Green Ranger Megazord code reference
Metal Bay G2 & Felicia – For being awesome fellow Kaiju fans, giving some ideas and motivating me by looking forward to the mod.
Cyborg Sun – A lot of emotional support and ideas
Dihan – Shadow King's Fire Breath power coding & effect
Toho - Creating the character, the roars, music, designs and etc.

Sega Sapporo Studio (of Phantasy Star Online 2) - Creating the 1994 Heisei model
MMDCharizard & JJJ / Caseys42 - Creating the  2000 Millennium & the Secret Crossover models
2009MechaGodzilla - Creating the  1974 Showa & Hanna-Barbera models
Vrahno - Creating the  1954 model
Natsume Atari & Bandai Namco - Creating the Burning Godzilla model
UltramanUltimo / NeoUltimo & Alien Baltan - Porting Burning Godzilla to Garry's Mod and reuploading it, respectively
Pipeworks Studios - Creating the Godzilla: Unleashed's 2000 model
Santa Cruz Games - Creating the Godzilla Unleashed: Double Smaash (DS) model
UB14 - Porting Heisei & 1954 models to Garry's Mod
Tough-Turtle-Dragon - Porting 2000 model to XNALara
WOLFBLADE111 - Porting 1974 & Hanna-Barbera models to XNALara
Ploaj - Ripping Pipeworks 2000 Model
groundpork - Ripping DS Model
uhjububu, M11 & The Plage Doctor - Further credits involved in the porting process of these models before they got into MUA (except Pipeworks & DS)
DylanRocket – Ripping Unleashed Announcer, Destroy All Monsters Melee & Godzilla (2014 game) SFX
Bumuman and Toku Society - Ripping Movie and Godzilla: Battle Line SFX

SPECIAL THANKS and SHOUTOUTS to everyone who motivated me by simply looking forward to the mod!

- On some interactions (like grabbing a sword or shield from an enemy/boss like the AIM Agent, Fire Giant or Mephisto), either Godzilla or the enemy or both can shrink / grow. Everyone will return to right size afterwards. I like it personally lol
- There will be the occasional mismatched interactions like with being grabbed by bosses, Arcade fight, the rope and so on.
Nothing can be done about these but they're not game breaking and frankly, quite fun charming jank!

- While he is playable fine in Pitfall and can even beat it, he ups the challenge a bit due to his size. He can also cause some weird glitching and immersion breaking things in there and he absolutely cannot catch a break with the stairs, took me a few tries to get hm out of those. Just switch to a different character for Pitball or get the patch to skip it.

- There will be some more than usual skin deformations on these, wheter it's due to the skin itself or on some animations. These rigs were especially challenging and sometimes even frustrating, I did my best with what's possible here, anything further well.. you'll have to deal with it.

There are no true bugs I would really count here.

All characters and used material belong to their respective owners.
This is a mod made for entertainment purposes.

This creature, according to the folklore of Odo Island, is called Godzilla:


King Kong - Giant Patch

A simple patch to make King Kong fit the "Giant Style" to make him on equal grounds with Godzilla.
Check the readme for the list of changes!