Marvel Mods article in Iron Man Fanzine

Started by brohara, October 17, 2007, 09:25PM

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Hey everyone, I've been away from the site for a bit
but have still been doing my part to share the MUA
goodness. I wrote an article on this site (MarvelMods)
for the Iron Man fanzine, 'Advanced Iron'. Some of
you who've been around for a while have already
heard some of my rants posted here, but the article
gets to summarize and share the many blessings of
the MarvelMods community with fans of Iron Man.
Feel free to check it out, I mention some of the crew
there and generally tell all the cool stuff players can
get if they visit the site. The zine also has some cool
exclusive interviews with the creators of the Iron Man
movie, so there's another reason right there to check
it out.

Download the latest zine (issue #72) from this address:
Check out issue #74 of Advanced Iron.
Iron Man In Action columnist, Advanced Iron Magazine.

October 17, 2007, 09:33PM #1 Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 09:38PM by iammingy
woot... never heard of such a forum for Shellhead. ^^ Thanks for the link. I am reading the magazine now.

EDIT: ~Half of the section is your stuff.... :P

Quote from: iammingy on October 17, 2007, 09:33PM
EDIT: ~Half of the section is your stuff.... :P

Yeah, I didn't want to spoil all the surprises over here. ;-)
I'm sure readers will be visiting here and finding your
War Machine a very nice addition Mingy, amongst the
many other great skins you've been doing. I see you've
been busy ;-) I was going to ask you to use your WM
skin in the article, but I ran out of room (I had fewer
pages when starting). I knew that they'd find it though,
once they visited... seems like half the skins on here
now are yours ;-)
Check out issue #74 of Advanced Iron.
Iron Man In Action columnist, Advanced Iron Magazine.

Nice article, I always forget how good the game looks in other contexts.
I'll have to speed up my production of the MK1 (grey) armour, and my re-done MK3 armour for MUA.

Well, Tommyboy, it appears you may have some folks looking forward to those suits (myself included!). Quite a few movie news sites have picked up on the release of this issue and are reporting on the Jon Favreau interview portion, sending folks by to grab the zine. This of course means we'll have lots of people reading about all the great things MarvelMods has to offer. We've had over 500 downloads in just the first 24 hours for the zine which is pretty good news. I'll include some of the site links, in case some of you Iron Man fans are curious to see...
Check out issue #74 of Advanced Iron.
Iron Man In Action columnist, Advanced Iron Magazine.

Hahahaha...from the CanMag link...

.....AdvancedIron has published their latest ezine issue and it is chalk full of them.

One might even say the article was chock full of them......but, hey, I'm just a forum jockey....not someone writing articles on a website :P

(Yes, this is an old thread but the Iron Man news intrigued me :) )